Small question to the pros

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
If you use Deca and M-Test, can you train EVERYDAY, or do you still have to take a break for rest?? I ask this, cause i do get tired after a heavy workout, but feel NO pain.........i believe ( from a friend of mine ) that you HAVE to have pain......that way you know your muscle is torn and therefore is busy repairing itself...any suggestions?
thanks guys


Sep 17, 2003
you gotta rest the muscles or they have no time to repair.. and you make no gains
reapairing makes the muscles get bigger, when they get repaired you lift them again.
when your on a cycle they do repair quicker then if you werent on, but still they need to repair.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
So u recon that when a person is on steroids, 1 to 2 days no gyming, is correct??....Also...the idea that my muscles aint sore after gym, is that normal?? ( although i am dead tired, and cant lift a thing afterwards..lol )
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Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
I think most people suffer from undertraining, I know I do. Unless your doing compound movements all the time, your not gonna over-train on juice and high calorie diet.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
you see, at the moment ( cause i use steroids ), im basicly train EVERYDAY because ive heard that steroids repair the muscles sorta OVERNIGHT. The only thing im scared of is that im going to train TO hard, thereby loosing muscle.....Ive only started training now for 2 weeks ( newbie obviously :) ), and believe u me, ive picked up 2lbs..Would you guys suggest i train every 2nd day just to be on the safe side???
thx for all the advise and help......MUCH appreciated ;-)

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
My routine..

Ok....bare with me...this is only a newbie routine, but believe me.......i try to put in EVERYTHING i have........AND I SEE RESULTS :)

1) Bench Press 12 reps---10 reps---10 reps--8 reps
2) Barbell Curls 12 reps--10--10
3) French Press 12--10--10
4) Bent over Row 12--10--10--8
5) Military Press 12--10--10
6) Shrugs 12--10--10
7) Squats 12--10--10--8

All of the above i use Dumbell only, cause i train alone
This routine i must follow for 6 weeks....Pyramid-Style
My workout takes +- 1 and half hour...with +- 3min rest..
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Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Robin Hood said:
Ok....bare with me...this is only a newbie routine, but believe me.......i try to put in EVERYTHING i have........AND I SEE RESULTS :)

1) Bench Press 12 reps---10 reps---10 reps--8 reps
2) Barbell Curls 12 reps--10--10
3) French Press 12--10--10
4) Bent over Row 12--10--10--8
5) Military Press 12--10--10
6) Shrugs 12--10--10
7) Squats 12--10--10--8

All of the above i use Dumbell only, cause i train alone
This routine i must follow for 6 weeks....Pyramid-Style
My workout takes +- 1 and half hour...with +- 3min rest..
So you're telling us that you do this routine every time you work out?
If that's true you are definately overtraining and will not see results. Additionally, studies show your test levels and growth hormone drop rapidly after 1 hour of training, so you don't want your workouts to last more than 1 hour.
I train alone also and I use barbells for my heavy lifts. My wife and daughters have been trained to spot me if I need it (and they are tiny).


Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
Wow. There is no way you could give it your all on that routine, and still have energy for squats. Let alone do that everyday....there is no way you could repair muscle and not over-tax your CNS. My guess is you gain almost no strength, if any. That routine is serious over-training.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Noticed :)

Well guys....if you say so, i believe you...Would it be ok if i do it every 2nd day then???....thereby giving my body the rest..Why i say so, is i dont know if im addicted to this workout, but i f'n LOVE it.....lol..........btw......i gained 2lb over 2 weeks with this routine.......and really, this is no lie....i AM seeing results.....sh!t, i dont know if it was because i was so skinny, but someting is happening...lol...I got this routine from http://www.thepumpingstation.com/beginner.html .....check it out...there are more for Advanced 2....:)
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Registered User
Dec 19, 2003
Here and there
Robin Hood said:
Well guys....if you say so, i believe you...Would it be ok if i do it every 2nd day then???....thereby giving my body the rest..Why i say so, is i dont know if im addicted to this workout, but i f'n LOVE it.....lol..........btw......i gained 2lb over 2 weeks with this routine.......and really, this is no lie....i AM seeing results.....sh!t, i dont know if it was because i was so skinny, but someting is happening...lol...I got this routine from http://www.thepumpingstation.com/beginner.html .....check it out...there are more for Advanced 2....:)

I would drastically change that workout. You need to hit 1 or 2 muscle groups each day with 1 or 2 days off. How do you expect your muscles to fully recover if you train the same ones every day? I recommend not taking ANYMORE advice from them.


Registered User
Dec 19, 2003
Here and there
I checked out that site Robin Hood and it is TERRIBLE!!! It even tells you to train as heavy as possible without straining....what a bunch of idiots that made that site.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
small mistake

Ok........i made a mistake....At the very top of the "Beginners Routine", i see they say 3 times a week, and not everyday as i thought....which makes sense then to what u guys have said....sorry guys,
I nearly made a MAJOR boo-boo.........:)


Registered User
Dec 19, 2003
Here and there
Robin Hood said:
Ok........i made a mistake....At the very top of the "Beginners Routine", i see they say 3 times a week, and not everyday as i thought....which makes sense then to what u guys have said....sorry guys,
I nearly made a MAJOR boo-boo.........:)

If I were you bro I would stick to a basic routine such as this one:

Day 1 Chest and shoulders
Day 2 Back
Day 3 Rest
Day 4 Arms
Day 5 Legs
Day 6 Rest
Day 7 Repeat Cycle

Try to do 4 or 5 exercises per muscle group with sets totaling 15-20. In other words, if you do 4 exercises at 4 sets each you did 16 sets' 5 exercises at 3 sets each = 15, or 4 sets each = 20.
Add cardio in there with your workouts and/or on off days 3-5 times a wk.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
jsjs24 said:
If I were you bro I would stick to a basic routine such as this one:

Day 1 Chest and shoulders
Day 2 Back
Day 3 Rest
Day 4 Arms
Day 5 Legs
Day 6 Rest
Day 7 Repeat Cycle

Try to do 4 or 5 exercises per muscle group with sets totaling 15-20. In other words, if you do 4 exercises at 4 sets each you did 16 sets' 5 exercises at 3 sets each = 15, or 4 sets each = 20.
Add cardio in there with your workouts and/or on off days 3-5 times a wk.
I like this split, but for a beginner I would only do 3 exercises per muscle group and since you weigh 143 and want to gain weight I would forgo the cardio, at least for now.
An example chest routine would look like this. Flat bench warm-up x 12-15, 1st work set x 10, next set x 8, next set x 6, drop weight for last set x 10-12.
Incline bench already warmed up, so 1st work set x 10, next set x 6, last set x 6. Last exercise could be 3 sets of dips or dumbell flys.
Weight gain will come from eating. When you gain weight you will get stronger and be able to lift more weight.


Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
jsjs24 said:
Try to do 4 or 5 exercises per muscle group with sets totaling 15-20. In other words, if you do 4 exercises at 4 sets each you did 16 sets' 5 exercises at 3 sets each = 15, or 4 sets each = 20.
Add cardio in there with your workouts and/or on off days 3-5 times a wk.

Dont you think 15-20 sets, for arms as an example, is over-training? And I dont think its possible to do that many sets for legs. A few sets of hard core squats and I am dead beat. However, if this is what you have done and gained then I may give it a try, but to me it seems like too much. Also, why add cardio unless your cutting? I know your a knowledgeable bro, so please expand on this. If this guy is bulking he should cut the cardio out...as his "2lb gain in 2 weeks" while on his first cycle shows a lack of adequate calories.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Could be

Heavy, i agree with you...But regarsing the 2lb weight i have gained in 2 weeks, u must remember i DID have a little fat as well hey, ( lolol..sh!t, i wasnt THAT skinny...i hope :rolleyes: )....so i think it could be that some fat was also burnt up, thereby making me lighter, AND added some muscle....making me hevier again...So a good assumption i could get, was that i must have GAINED about 3 lb muscle then.....well......roughly speaking that is..
PS: Sh!t....i just want to thank ALL the ppl here, for all the good advise im still getting....and im really sorry if i ask to many questions, but i just like to do my stuff 100% right......first time around :p


Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
Robin Hood said:
Heavy, i agree with you...But regarsing the 2lb weight i have gained in 2 weeks, u must remember i DID have a little fat as well hey, ( lolol..sh!t, i wasnt THAT skinny...i hope :rolleyes: )....so i think it could be that some fat was also burnt up, thereby making me lighter, AND added some muscle....making me hevier again...So a good assumption i could get, was that i must have GAINED about 3 lb muscle then.....well......roughly speaking that is..
PS: Sh!t....i just want to thank ALL the ppl here, for all the good advise im still getting....and im really sorry if i ask to many questions, but i just like to do my stuff 100% right......first time around :p

Bro, we are only too glad to help you! You may also want to post in the diet forum, as 80% of BB is diet. Good luck bro...now get in the kitchen and grow!