small legs...

Little Man

Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
somewhere, US
i see many guys in the gym that are huge with guts. doing benching. but.... their legs are not muscular ...likethey look thin and soft. which means they dont work them out. i feel like they stare at me like im sooo much bigger then u attitude they show and it makes me feel weird iamm now 140 lbs and ripped but my calves are as big as my biceps ors bigger then my biceps. do i just ignore them? i dontknow itsjust weird that people stare while i work out . my brother calls me veiny cuz i am very vascular. anyone else feel like this?


Registered User
May 18, 2005
I don't hardly notice anyone in the gym when I'm working out.......I'm too focused to give a shit....


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Zaven said:
I don't hardly notice anyone in the gym when I'm working out.......I'm too focused to give a shit....
ditto...sorry.no input.F*** the others gimps at the gym.
If your'e 140 and they're in awe of you what? Are they all midgets or something?
I mean this in a sweet way...not bein' an asshole, more like a bad comedian..
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May 13, 2004
Sesso, i see what you're talking about every day at the gym.
There is a huge black guy that has an amazing upper body but legs that look like they should belong to a guy 80 pounds lighter.

A lot of people tend to ignore their lower bodies because they are working out purely for looks and hey, who sees your legs under your pants anyway?

kell i think he's saying that they have a macho attitude towards him, even though their lower bodies are obviously lacking.

Little Man

Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
somewhere, US
dugie i think u r the only one that got what i meant. but if those kind of guys ever get kicked in the legs in a fight i dont think they will still be standing. i just think dudes should act like they are better then everyone else just because their upper body is huge. i wrote this today cuz of two mexican guys doin benching of course. its what mademe think of it. oh well

big o

Mar 20, 2005
That's so they look better in heels...There probably transvestites at nite....


unfortunately this is very commonplace in any gym. most of the members will have very small legs compared to upper body. just look around and try to take notice of how many people you ever see at one time doing legs? when i go to my gym, i can guarantee i will be able to get on any leg machine anytime i want especially the leg press & hack squat machine.
in order to make the legs grow, you need to really push yourself and become very uncomfortable walking afterwards, something most people do not want. leg training=pain and people dont like the pain factor thats why all these stupid infomercials where they sell fitness equipment you can use without breaking a sweat or having it seem like you are actually working out, are so damn popular :(

big o

Mar 20, 2005
Oh Boy....here we go again pin.....not the smith again....LOL......I guess being a powerlifter makes me totally opposite of those kegs on tooth picks....Your right about the pain thing....I've not squated for some time now because I have 2 years in my left knee and a cyct with a serious scraping of my acl.....But as soon as my knee has no pain I load up the suat racks and give it a good 1...then another month lay off and then more pain.....Powerlifters are like linebackers sometimes...not a fucking brain in there hard heads....


big o said:
Oh Boy....here we go again pin.....not the smith again....LOL......I guess being a powerlifter makes me totally opposite of those kegs on tooth picks....Your right about the pain thing....I've not squated for some time now because I have 2 years in my left knee and a cyct with a serious scraping of my acl.....But as soon as my knee has no pain I load up the suat racks and give it a good 1...then another month lay off and then more pain.....Powerlifters are like linebackers sometimes...not a fucking brain in there hard heads....
nah, i wasnt talkin about the smith machine but hell even the power rack doesnt get used uless it is some bozo doing bar curls there with 2 10lb weights on each side, oh wait that was me last week LOL
sucks cause right now nobody is using any of the leg equipment in my gym because i have a knee injury that may require surgery.

big o

Mar 20, 2005
Pin...I had a power bar I paid close to $300 with serious knurls for grips..I never believed in using straps...We had bench bars,squat bar and my deadlift bar...Strictly for the power team and they were locked in a closet.....I came in the gym 1 nite and threw the corner of my eye I saw these guys doing seated bench curls and dropping the bar on the stand exactly where the grips for the deads were...I was conventional not sumo.....As i got closer I noticed that they were slamming MY Bar down...I completely lost I ran towards them who knows what i was yelling I kicked the bar right off the stand with my instep threw the fucking plates all over the place and all hell broke out...They said something and the it was on....My partner grabbed me after I tossed 1 of them across the gym and my partner siad to them...If I were you guys I would leave right now.....Never saw these guys again....What happened is Archie did some deads and never put MY bar back and left it out...They grabbed the bar not knowing what they were using...I was probably 260+ at the time..and fully jacked...TRUE STORY...Power Lifters..Hmm!


that reminds me of the time i was doing legs on the leg press machine and i went to get a drink from the water fountain between sets and on the way back i watched some asshole take a 45lb plate off of one side and put it on his bar for benching. he knew i was still using the leg press cause he saw me just put the darn plates on between my sets before i walked to the water fountain. i also lost it on him and was restrained by my partner at the time. he tried to say he thought i was done, what a friggin idiot because i always clean off my bars/machines of plates when i am done.

big o

Mar 20, 2005
This gym I work out at now they expect you to wipe down the machines or equipment everytime you use'm...I told the owner I'm paying alot higher price than I would at the Gold's down the street...You get off your lazy ass and wipe them down yourself..Fat fucking donut eating stinking ass mofo....I need to get on really quick before i loose it again..LOL


since we are talkin about small legs, mine appear to be shrinking since i cant work them right now due to my knee injury. this totally sucks cause i will probably loose an inch by the time i can start workin them again, darnit :mad:


sesso said:
mine are growing i am pretty happy.i just didnt know i have to hit them super hard to grow
whenever you hear about guys puking in the gym from their workouts it is from leg day. i have puked quite a few times during & after my leg workouts but that is because i get pretty insane with my workouts. last time i pukes was when i was doing only leg presses one day and after starting out at 4 plates per side i kept adding 1 plate per side and doing 10 reps till i hit 10 plates. then i lowered it back to 3 plates per side and started doing single leg presses. they hurt like hell but it was worth it in the end. i went up to 4.5 plates per side with the singles. never thought i could do that much but a girl bustin ass doing curls gave me incentive to push that day even after i arrived at the gym intending to judt do a light leg workout LOL


May 13, 2004
usually i puke when doing squats. sucks because all that food i just was cramming is now coming back up. I guess its a combinatioin of lightheaded and just straining yourself.