Should I run more Deca & Test?


New member
Sep 26, 2007
I was planning on running the following:

300 mg of deca 10 weeks
500 mg of test cyp for 12 weeks

This will be my 3rd cycle.

First cycle was a Deca-Sust stack, but ran that 10 weeks and I eased into the Test gradually, starting at 200mgs and finishing with 500 by week 10.

2nd cycle was a Deca-Cyp stack, similar to above (400mgs of deca), but again only ran 10 weeks.

I'm thinking this time of upping the dosages slightly to 400 mg of deca and 600 mgs of test. I could run slightly higher, as I have enough gear. But is it a waste?

I've been reading, and everyone seems to recommend 2-400 mgs of deca and 4-500mgs of test. I cut back the deca this time to try to reduce looking too smooth. I do like runnin the deca as it makes my joints feel great...Just looking for opinions on whether i would even notice a difference running an extra 100 mgs of each.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
If I was running 400mg of deca I would rather do 600mg of test as opposed to 500mg. But both would give you good results. As you have done it before I see no harm in upping to 600mg. My last cycle was a test c and deca one. Most of the time I was doing 400mg of deca and about 750mg of test. You do know deca doesn't really convert into estrogen? It converts to less active norestrogens. Therefore aromatase inhibitors (armidex etc) will not work because this conversion does not take place via the aromatse enzyme. But if you are taking a large amount of test it is best to armidex on hand as that does convert to estrogen.

Are you planning on taking protection whilst on? If so I would pick armidex and maybe proviron. Keep nolva for PCT. Deca can be converted to progesterone and if your doing a fair amount that can raise your prolaction levels. I don't know how sensitive you are to it but you will be fine cos you have done it before (400mg) with no problems. I just wrote that incase you ever decide you wanna do even more than 400mg in future years. But I would say the most people need to do of deca is 400mg regardless who you are. It might be worthwhile researching dostinex etc. That is a dopamine agonist and should lower prolactin.

Sorry if that was abit much! Deca is just a funny compound cos it one sense it has very few sides and lots of good points but if you take alot it can lead to other problems. But you have taken it before with no probs so doing 400mg will be fine. Good luck with your cycle and keep us posted how it goes.


New member
Sep 26, 2007
Hm. I think I'll bump up the Deca to 400 and test to 600 starting next week.

Protection, YES! I made sure to have that on hand first.

I'm actually running Nolva 10mg/ED from the start. I know this can inhibit gains, but I need to run this as I didn't on my last one and I swear I have a small lump that started to form. I don't want it to grow anymore...

PCT, I'm running the standard Clomid / Nolva 3 weeks after my last inject.
200mg Day 1
100mg Day 2-11
50mg Day 12-21

20mg/ED - 14 days
10 mg/ED - 7 days

Elvia1023 said:
If I was running 400mg of deca I would rather do 600mg of test as opposed to 500mg. But both would give you good results. As you have done it before I see no harm in upping to 600mg. My last cycle was a test c and deca one. Most of the time I was doing 400mg of deca and about 750mg of test. You do know deca doesn't really convert into estrogen? It converts to less active norestrogens. Therefore aromatase inhibitors (armidex etc) will not work because this conversion does not take place via the aromatse enzyme. But if you are taking a large amount of test it is best to armidex on hand as that does convert to estrogen.

Are you planning on taking protection whilst on? If so I would pick armidex and maybe proviron. Keep nolva for PCT. Deca can be converted to progesterone and if your doing a fair amount that can raise your prolaction levels. I don't know how sensitive you are to it but you will be fine cos you have done it before (400mg) with no problems. I just wrote that incase you ever decide you wanna do even more than 400mg in future years. But I would say the most people need to do of deca is 400mg regardless who you are. It might be worthwhile researching dostinex etc. That is a dopamine agonist and should lower prolactin.

Sorry if that was abit much! Deca is just a funny compound cos it one sense it has very few sides and lots of good points but if you take alot it can lead to other problems. But you have taken it before with no probs so doing 400mg will be fine. Good luck with your cycle and keep us posted how it goes.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Do you mean you are doing your PCT for 3 weeks or 3 weeks after your last injection? Anyway your PCT looks really good. I am doing the same but just added other week of nolva (few days to go). If your doing test c start your PCT 2 weeks after your last injection and not 3. That because it's active life is about 2 weeks but it's best to have that time frame as small as possible cos you go into an increased catabolic state (lose gains) the more you leave it without the test in your system.

Yeah your cycle looks good. Nolva will be fine throughout. Nolva does actually increase the changes of prolactin from the deca but your dose should be fine. I actually done nolva myself throughout my cycle of test c and deca.

If you have a lump that is very worrying though. I don't know how severe it is and why but I can only assume it is estrogen related. You should up your nolva dose until it goes. If your sensitive to gyno you should really have something like lectrozole (femara) on hand incase of any problems. Your doses look cool so I hope it goes well for you.
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New member
Sep 26, 2007
I was planning on 3 weeks after my last injection to start PCT. Thanks for the tip, I will start PCT after 2 weeks of my last injection.

I swear there is a lump on my left side. However, my ex gf swore i was just imagining it. I don't know, I would rather be safe than sorry, which is why I'm running Nolva throughout. I ran some nolva for about 2 weeks before starting, and I'm not sure if its mental, but I swore it got smaller (less sensitive too).

I will have to research lectrozole as I've never heard of it. It might be worth having on hand. I've never considered myself prone as my first 2 cycles didn't have any adverse affects. Its just that I didn't run PCT fully during my 2nd cycle, as I ran out of Chlomid. But I have plenty this time around.

Elvia1023 said:
Do you mean you are doing your PCT for 3 weeks or 3 weeks after your last injection? Anyway your PCT looks really good. I am doing the same but just added other week of nolva (few days to go). If your doing test c start your PCT 2 weeks after your last injection and not 3. That because it's active life is about 2 weeks but it's best to have that time frame as small as possible cos you go into an increased catabolic state (lose gains) the more you leave it without the test in your system.

Yeah your cycle looks good. Nolva will be fine throughout. Nolva does actually increase the changes of prolactin from the deca but your dose should be fine. I actually done nolva myself throughout my cycle of test c and deca.

If you have a lump that is very worrying though. I don't know how severe it is and why but I can only assume it is estrogen related. You should up your nolva dose until it goes. If your sensitive to gyno you should really have something like lectrozole (femara) on hand incase of any problems. Your doses look cool so I hope it goes well for you.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
flounderasu said:
I was planning on 3 weeks after my last injection to start PCT. Thanks for the tip, I will start PCT after 2 weeks of my last injection.

I swear there is a lump on my left side. However, my ex gf swore i was just imagining it. I don't know, I would rather be safe than sorry, which is why I'm running Nolva throughout. I ran some nolva for about 2 weeks before starting, and I'm not sure if its mental, but I swore it got smaller (less sensitive too).

I will have to research lectrozole as I've never heard of it. It might be worth having on hand. I've never considered myself prone as my first 2 cycles didn't have any adverse affects. Its just that I didn't run PCT fully during my 2nd cycle, as I ran out of Chlomid. But I have plenty this time around.

It sounds like it is probably abit of both. You should know yourself if there is something there (lump) but you have probably made it far worse mentally. I know some probably have thought they had a lump and they didn't but that would be very rare. You will know better than anyone cos it's your body. But it sounds like you have everything sorted. If you thought the nolva made it smaller then it will be estrogen related. Just keep monitoring yourself and you should look in lectozole etc. That is similar to nolva but much stronger. They are both used to fight breast cancer and when nolva fails the usual protocol is to go onto something like lectrozole or maybe arimidex. Anyway it looks like you should be fine just be careful cause gyno is not something that should be taken lightly. Keep us posted with how you get on. Goodluck