Short Cycle


Registered User
May 14, 2005
So here's my situation. I'm 21 years old. 210 Lbs, 6'3" 8% bodyfat. I've done one cycle of Test E at 335mg a week for 11 weeks. I go back to college in about a month and a half where I am on a power based athletic team that gets drug tested. I worked a deal with my coach to where I won't be "officially" on the team for about a month and a half after school starts. I am going to do a pre-season ass kicking 2 weeks with the team starting in 2 weeks. So I have about a 4 week window to do a short cycle and then some PCT after that. I know that's not enough for some serious gains but I want to do what I can. I am looking to gain some lean mass and strength while keeping fat and water retention to a minimum because it would hinder my performance. This is what I came up with through some research. Critique me.

wk 1 & 2- D-bol @ 30mg ed
wk 2 & 3- Winstrol @ 50mg ed
wk 3 & 4- Anavar @ 30 mg ed
wk 1-4 Arimidex @ 25mg ed (kill water retention and estrogen)
wk 2,3&4 HCG @ 1500 iu each week
wk 5 Nolva @50mg ed. wk 6-7 @25mg ed
wk 5-7 proviron @ 50mg ed

I don't expect a whole lot but I think it would add enough to me to help some. The only other thing I thought about changing was keeping to winny through week 4 instead of ending after week 3. Thanks guys


Registered User
May 4, 2005
Detection times: Anavar-3 weeks, Winstrol(oral)-3 weeks, D-bol-5 to 6 weeks. Hopefully you had that figured in your 4 weeks. Also, I would run just the anavar if you plan on doing your short oral only cycle. I personally wouldn't run it.

max lift

Registered User
Feb 24, 2005
steve0085 said:
Detection times: Anavar-3 weeks, Winstrol(oral)-3 weeks, D-bol-5 to 6 weeks. Hopefully you had that figured in your 4 weeks. Also, I would run just the anavar if you plan on doing your short oral only cycle. I personally wouldn't run it.



Registered User
May 14, 2005
wolfyEVH said:
why not test prop or test suspension?

truthfully I just don't want daily injections. I figured D-bol would provide about the same gains in that amount of time. And greg, the prov weeks 5-7 is to help minimize the estrogen and harden up, while keeping my woody on full steam. (first few weeks back to college ya know ;) )


one suggestion i would make is to become good friends with some of the guys who have been on the team for a year or 2 and seek their advice because they will be able to best tell you if & when you may get tested and what products they ran and avoided detection. orals are good but will cause a yo-yo effect because alot of the gains are not going to be permanant.


Registered User
May 14, 2005
Thanks for the input guys, all good points. But the only problem is I'm the oldest one on the team now (21) and have been there for 3 seasons. I know that the NCAA probably wouldn't test until track season in the spring. But the school could test earlier privately. That's why I worked a deal with my coach in order to not be "official" until a couple months into the school year. I figured out all the steroid detection times and what not and I should be good on testing if/when the school tested.

And do you vets agree that a straight anavar cycle would be better than what I put up? Or would mine be ok? I figured with mine that I could add more mass and more strength in the alotted time. Thanx


DragonRider said:
Anavar would be the best choice for keepable gains. You would be surprised at the amount of strength anavar produces.
i agree and on top of that your endurance will increase a good bit.
one thing to note is that if you need to cut fat before your sports season, do it well before any possible testing. reason for this is that residual steroid atoms will tend to congregate in fat cells so if you cut weight right before a test, you may release enough steroid to fail the test even though you have stopped well before the detection timetables told you to. this is how alot of atheletes get busted for using deca. it has a very high affinity to get attracted to fat cells and it just sits there till the fat is used thus releasing the deca into your system. i have seen reports of atheletes testing possitive quite a few years after they stopped using deca because of this.


New member
Jan 30, 2005
Thanx for the help guys. I'll be taking your advice. There isn't a need for any PCT following an all var cycle is there? I thought about throwing in about a 10 day treatment of clomid after the cycle just to make sure.


Trd79Bam said:
Thanx for the help guys. I'll be taking your advice. There isn't a need for any PCT following an all var cycle is there? I thought about throwing in about a 10 day treatment of clomid after the cycle just to make sure.
if taking var by itself, you should taper down the last 2 weeks or so. cut the dosage in 1/2 the first week of the taper and cut it in 1/2 again for the second week. example of this would be if you were running 50mg during your cycle for a total of 8 weeks, in week 7 drop the dosage down to 25mg then in week 8 drop it down to 12,5mg per day. this allows your body to readjust to not having the var but will help prevent some loss due to going cold turkey with the var. since it has minimal natural test shutdown you should not need clomid or nolva.