Safety Precautions


Sep 17, 2003
Posted by: Rory33

Before I start this I want to go over some things. Yes there are some other ways, yes I know about them. Feel free to add them in the thread.. I do believe complacency is the reason most people get caught an bottom line is in our "hobby" plain possession is a felony case in most places. So I feel everything you can do to prevent a knock on your door or a raid (those arent fun btw). I hope Norbit and some of the other guys chime in with other programs they like to use as well. If you need more in depth info on some of the subjects here feel free to PM me.

Browsing the Web and Accessing your Emails:
First thing is the Tor Browser (get the bundle). You can download it here.
This basically acts as a relay when using the browser correctly. Is it 100% secure? NO, nothing really is but this is the closest you can come to it for the average person. Lets say you are in the United States, in Colorado and you want to connect to a site in United States, New York. You open the browser and connect. The browser will automatically configure a series of relays. Ex: Your computer- connects encrypted to one in Sweden- which connects encrypted to one in Australia- which connects encrypted to one in Canada- which connects UN-ENCRYPTED to the one you want to view in New York. Thus if anyone wants to track back your ip from the site, it will show an ip from a foreign country or somewhere other than you. IF they are able to pass thru that computer they would have to go thru several countries (laws are a bitch) and alot of hacking to try an find your official IP. Then they would need to prove that the info sent from your computer was the info that was received on the end site. This is where deniability comes in being that it passed thru encrypted thru several other computers. However it is a small chance that they would ever get thru or spend the relentless time hacking and trying to get thru all the levels of encryption thru every relay. (Its also always best to "borrow" wireless connections from neighbors :) ).

Second is VPNs for browsing
. Now before I get into this, Im going to keep this simple. And I will point out I recommend a simple PAID service which is VPNoneclick. Its easy to use and lets you choose where you want the server coming from. They have them in Usa, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, India, Singapore, Egypt, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Hong Kong. It works by allowing you to navigate and communicate with any other Internet application such as email, web,voip,etc. in a completely ANONYMOUS way and enables you to NOT be intercepted by anyone with ALL your Internet Communication using encrypted PPTP protocol at 128 bit or L2tp/Ipsec 256 bit;

Emails. Remember that even encrypted emails require communication on both sides. If your looking around for a paid service I recommend Countermail (even offers 30 days free) or Securenym.(sender and receiver) need to be able to accept and decipher the email. This rarely happens and if you either side is compromised, both can suffer. Remember this. If your sponsor is busted or if a client is busted and they get access to the emails, and you've been replying back to each one keeping a history and track record of every order, they will have everything available to them and full history of the order. Including what payment was made, with what and what name an address is went to. Make sure as you delete information and send emails to "trash" to empty the trash after. Think of it like your home. You throw something in the trash can, its still there until you take the trash out.

So personally I like IM communications. What we are looking for is again, encryption and deniability again. This is what gives us a legal loophole. Email is an Old fashioned way of business and since times have changed, we need to as well. OTR instant messaging provides this. My personal favorite can be downloaded here OTR via Gaim. Benefits of OTR?
No one else can read your instant messages.
You are assured the correspondent is who you think it is.
The messages you send do not have digital signatures that are checkable by a third party. Anyone can forge messages after a conversation to make them look like they came from you. However, during a conversation, your correspondent is assured the messages he sees are authentic and unmodified.
Perfect forward secrecy
If you lose control of your private keys, no previous conversation is compromised. (before people start saying you wont lose control, if you get busted and raided and they get access to your computer, you just lost control.)

Again this protects BOTH parties and allows you to communicate with your special someone in an secure encrypted manner and with DENIABILITY.

Bring on the cell phone world..... Similar to what is done above in communication is Wickr. I love wickr and use it to communicate to people all the time. It runs strictly data, everything encrypted, and I can send you a message that will delete off your phone in a time frame I set. So that if someone reads it an forgets to delete it, it will already be deleted. Great for discussing issues with a client you dont see too often.

For the record, every call you make on your phones and sms messages can be used against you in court. Even triangulation of your location can be used to support evidence in court. Most smartphones document all this and some even have been put to light. FBI using Carrier IQ info for “law enforcement purposes,” refuses to release records | Ars Technica

Using your real name and address.
Simple rule is dont and use novelty ids for boxes or use apartments (subleases thru craigslist are great for a one month), houses that are on the market... all sorts of address you can use. I have a neighbor in the oil business and 3 weeks out of the month hes gone, so sending a package to that address is nothing really. If you do use your real info I would recommend reading Legal Muscle: Anabolics in America by Rick Collins and dont be too surprised if something happens one day.

Pictures. Geotagging is alot to explain so you can read about here. Consumer Smart: GeoTag and Craigslist Check Scam - YouTube Simply put some phones and cameras will "tag" your pictures with coordinates that can be used to locate you. Now depending on what type of phone your using their are apps to download (deoGeo for iphone is a good one) for free which will remove the geotag off the picture before you post it. My point here is taking pics of yourself after talking about your use and or taking pics of gear and posting them on forums is asking for trouble from law enforcement.

Encrypting your computer. In the event your caught this is a great option to have. Trucrypt is free and easy to use for the most part. This may get technical for some to instal but here it is for those that want to use it. TrueCrypt. Main Features:

.Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk.
.Encrypts an entire partition or storage device such as USB flash drive or hard drive.
.Encrypts a partition or drive where Windows is installed (pre-boot authentication).
.Encryption is automatic, real-time (on-the-fly) and transparent
.Parallelization and pipelining allow data to be read and written as fast as if the drive was not encrypted.
.Encryption can be hardware-accelerated on modern processors.
.Provides plausible deniability, in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password:
.Hidden volume (steganography) and hidden operating system.

Hotspots and phones. Its easy nowadays to get a phone with no account number and prepaid. On ATT network you have H2O and on the Tmobile network, you have Simple Mobile. Both with you can use with the right phone bought off craigslist in cash, and use as a hotspot for internet usage or phone usage. There are alot of things you can do to a phone to make it secure. For androids take a look at WhisperSystems.


Feb 17, 2008
That's a lot of great information and free at that, I hope some of you take that seriously.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Definitely something for people to take note of.....


AnaSCI Major Sponsor
Nov 9, 2005
In this game safety is not to be taken lightly!!

Great information here that's for sure!!



Sep 17, 2003
Yes hopefully everyone takes note!! It is a dangerous game we play now and you need to know the things you can do to minimize your risk while playing it!!


Sep 29, 2012
Glad you guys enjoy the info. I'll do other write ups as new things hit the market or new issues arise. Any questions just shoot me a pm!