Rip Masswithclass


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
Not sure if anyone here new him, I'm sure some are familiar with the name. He was very respected at many boards I belong to. Had some time to visit these boars today and read he passed away 6-3-05 of kidney failure. Always painfully sad to read threads like this but it reminds us of the risks we lead in this chosen lifestyle and hopefully conveys a message to the newbies to do their research, ask questions, and to understand the dangers and risks involved.


Info About MassWithClass (Michael Hoover)


John Benz posted this on another board, but I thought it gave some good insight into what type of guy he was and a little background about him since not everyone had a lot of contact with him. Here it is:


Originally Posted by Masswithclass

A lot of you people know me, but for those who don't i'm a 2 time state middleweight Pa State champion in the NPC. I also took it to the next level 2 times competing at Nationals for the allmighty PRO card. I recently was diagnosed with Renal Kidney Failure, that means basically my kidney are shutting down. I need dialysis 3 times a week for 4 hours a session to stay alive. Kidney problems do not run in my family, nobody in my family has ever had a kidney related issue.
You have to realize there are consiquenses to your actions with AAS, do not think that you are invincible.

I was recently prepping for the state championships, I figured this is my year for the overall state title Mr Pennsyvania and it was balls to the wall. About 6 weeks out I started throwing up every day sometimes 2 times a day, my ankles were holding water and my skin was turning very pale and I was so fatigued but i pushed on anyway thinking I was being a pussy. Finally it got so bad I could harly breathe and was truely afraid that something very serious was wrong. I went to the doctor for bloodwork, he sent it out stat the next thing I know he called me and wanted me in the hospital NOW. I went to intensive care where they gave me 4 units of blood and blood pressure meds, turns out my kidney's where shutting of and have been doing so for some time now. I went from prepping for a state title to having a doctor sitting in front of me telling me "you need a transplant". If I would have had bloodwork and payed attention to it i would more than likey not been in this grim position. Nobody talks about the bad side of steroids on these boards, so I just wanted you to know what you are getting into. I don't mean to lecture, I was asked to write this piece to make people realize there is a bad side about steroids that most people are in denial about.
Thank you for listening and hopefully I can help some of you from being in the same position as me some day.

Originally posted By MasswithClass

I am a non drinker, non smoker, I have had a very strict diet since 1996 always lean. I have to say that I have also taken the ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin stack since 1991 nonstop, and nsaids for joint and muscle pain. Once again this is not in my genes and I am only 37. We all know anadrol, d-bol, winny, halo, and tren are harsh substances, but the quest for size blinds us to the negative aspects of these drugs. I'm not saying don't do them, that is a personal choice but at least be careful.


Originally Posted by masswithclass

I never juiced like some of these people on the boards. Shit was hard to come by where I live so cycles were very basic with average doses. I never did 1 gram of test a week, d-bol would be 50mg a day tops, and anadrol would be 150 mg a day for a maximum of a week during a cycle. The thing is that I never really came off since 1996. Figured I'd never turn pro if I took time off.


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Not sure if anyone here new him, I'm sure some are familiar with the name. He was very respected at many boards I belong to. Had some time to visit these boars today and read he passed away 6-3-05 of kidney failure. Always painfully sad to read threads like this but it reminds us of the risks we lead in this chosen lifestyle and hopefully conveys a message to the newbies to do their research, ask questions, and to understand the dangers and risks involved.


Smart post Steel...sad as well.
li'l known fact along the same lines about a VERY common simple supp.-Creatine...Creatine is like shards of glass to the kidneys. When you supp. with creatine drink at the very least between a half and a gallon of WATER every day...WATER is the ONLY thing you can drink that will flush your kidneys and other vital organs,but especially your kidneys.Good creatine will tell you to take with LOTS of water on the label,but most do not.THIS is why Im always pushing liv.52 and any detox agent!!
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Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
kell11 Smart post Steel...sad as well. li'l known fact along the same lines about a VERY common simple supp.-Creatine...Creatine is like shards of glass to the kidneys. When you supp. with creatine drink at the very least between a half and a gallon of WATER every day...WATER is the ONLY thing you can drink that will flush your kidneys and other vital organs said:
any[/I] detox agent!!

I've only used creatine twice, I never new it was that harsh on the kidneys. Great info Kell.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
I don't know what to think. It just doesn't make sense to me. If this was brought on by steroids, why aren't there hundreds of cases. Most of the bodybuilders of the 60's, 70's and 80's are in better health than the majority of people their age.

This guy claims he only would do anadrol for a week, but the tests that were done on anadrol were conducted on AIDS patients who took anadrol for a year and a half without a break.

Originally Posted by masswithclass

The thing is that I never really came off since 1996. Figured I'd never turn pro if I took time off.

Darn, I just realized, I haven't been off since 96 either.
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Registered User
May 5, 2005
what do you think caused it? the fact that he was on nonstop for so long, or because of the chemicals he used.

either way, its a shame.he was way too young


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
mr.nitrofish said:
what do you think caused it? the fact that he was on nonstop for so long, or because of the chemicals he used.

either way, its a shame.he was way too young

I'm thinking the time period he was "ON" for without giving his body a break, and maybe his body just wasn't cut out for AAS. There also may be many other contributing factors other than steroids that caused problems for him that we do not know about. I also want to state, this thread is not intended for blaming steroids for killing people, but simply to pay respect to an Iron Brother and to remind us all of possible risks involved in this lifestyle.

big o

Mar 20, 2005
He died because he never came off the shit,period....That's fucking insane...My training partner stayed on for 2 years straight he'd do major cycle's and then switch to deca for awhile...Yea he benched 625 but I was wityh him in the hospital when he went from 275 to 210...His immune system shut down and he got some kind of staff infection in his leg and damn near lost his leg...Another friend of mine Bob Dempsey of Ston'es gym in Stoneham Mass...Died of a massive heart attack...He was benching close to 600,squating high 800's and dead lifting near the same...Poof dead...Not at all funny...


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Steroids can enhance the effects of other drugs.
He not only used steroids since 96, but had been on the ECA stack since 91.

Anabolic steroids when used in combination with cocaine has an almost immediate effect on the valves of your heart. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying any of these guys used cocaine.
I'm simply illustrating that when combined with other drugs, we have no idea what damage may be done.

Steel is right, we are seeing some major players in our lifestyle, suffer major problems just here lately.

Masswithclass was a very popular guy who helped a lot of us in this game and he did it with a great attitude.
It is sad to see someone like him go.


Feb 6, 2004
DragonRider said:
Steel is right, we are seeing some major players in our lifestyle, suffer major problems just here lately.

Wait until the modern day pro BBers get older if you want to see problems. They are on all kinds of crap at extremely high doses and never come off. I really am amazed that we havent seen them dropping like flies already. When they do though, it will all be blamed on juice.

RIP masswithclass


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
I thought there was more to this than steroids. This is the complete interview that MWC did.
Please look at the second question. I highlighted part of his answer in red.
Is anyone here old enough to remember Andreas Munzer. He died of a similar thing. Kidney failure due to abuse of diaretics.

The Ugly Side of Steroids

Alot of you people know me, but for those who don't I'm a 2 time state middleweight Pa State champion in the NPC. I also took it to the next level 2 times competing at Nationals for the allmighty PRO card. I recently was diagnosed with Renal Kidney Failure, that means basically my kidneys are shutting down. I need dialysis 3 times a week for 4 hours a session to stay alive. Kidney problems do not run in my family, nobody in my family has ever had a kidney related issue.
You have to realize there are consequences to your actions with AAS, do not think that you are invinsible. I was recently prepping for the state championships, I figured this is my year for the overall state title Mr Pennsyvania and it was balls to the wall. About 6 weeks out I started throwing up every day sometimes 2 times a day, my ankles were holding water and my skin was turning very pale and I was so fatigued but I pushed on anyway thinking I was being a pussy. Finally it got so bad I could barely breathe and was truly afraid that something very serious was wrong. I went to the doctor for blood work, he sent it out state. The next thing I know he called me and wanted me in the hospital NOW. I went to intensive care where they gave me 4 units of blood and blood pressure meds, turns out my kidneys were shutting down and have been doing so for some time now. I went from prepping for a state title to having a doctor sitting in front of me telling me "you need a transplant". If I would have had blood work and paid attention to it I would more than likey not been in this grim position. Nobody talks about the bad side of steroids on these boards, so I just wanted you to know what you are getting into. I don't mean to lecture, I was asked to write this piece to make people realize there is a bad side about steroids that most people are in denial about. Thank you for listening and hopefully I can help some of you from being in the same position as me some day.

Q: If you don't mind me asking how long have you been on AAS and which compound in particular did they attribute to kidney failure?

MWC: I personally loved the 17-alpha alkylated pills, anadrol, d-bol, winny, halo and I also believe trenbolone played a role. I would like to add that I did pop anti inflamatories when sore and also did the eca stack since 1991. As far as aas I have been doing it since 1996 with little time off.

Q: Do you feel diuretics played a role?

MWC: i believe it was all of the above. This entire thing started after i went 21 hours before a show without water and used wine and lasix to dry me out. After the show I had so much liquid and such a bad rebound I believe that was the straw that broke the camels back. I continued to juice and figured it would go away. You can only put so much toxic shit in your body before it says enough. We never think it will happen to us. I just want to tell you guys that it does happen for real and to be careful as hell. My bodybuilding days are over and I will never step on a national stage again, but hey I'm lucky to be alive. I thank the nurses at dialysis everytime I go, because in a sense they are keeping me alive.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to share your experience with us MWC. It's not an easy thing to admit, let alone talk about when you're suffering so.. We'll all be pullin' for you and you know you're in my prayers.

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Feb 6, 2004
mr.nitrofish said:
what is lasix?
Its a commonly used diuretic (trade name Lasix). Its for treating hypertension and edema,and used to rip off water weight.