Rick Collins - 10 commandments for safety



Most of us in the AAS world should be familiar with laywer/author Rick Collins....here is some VERY useful information from Rick that should be shared to everyone on the board.


I get this question all the time, but the simplest answer is the one you probably don't want to hear.Don't Juice. If you live outside the US in a jurisdiction where the laws are different, thats a different story. But otherwise, you simply can't posses steroids without a valid prescription for a legitimate medical purpose. It's a federal crime and a felony in most states.

Let me offer what I call my "ten commandments" fot the hardcore community bodybuilders. They are acknowledgments of practical realities, not how-to advice on getting away with crimes. They bear on fundamental legal and moral obligations. Obeying them will make things better for the whole hardcore community.


First - if you use performance enhancing substances or supplements , use them prudently and int he case of prescription gear, with the involvement of a knowledgeable monitoring physician. If you make yourself sick, everyone suffers. The most reckless and excessive abusers are the ones who've helped shape the headlines for teh past 20 years, contributing to the public hysteria and to the criminilization of anabolic steroids. Don't add fuel to the fire.

Second - for all the compeling reasons outlined in Legal Muscle, do everything possible to discourage and prevent anyone under the age of 21 from using steroids. Just about every juicer I have talked to about this topic agrees.

Third - treat your loved ones at home with respect. Besides the fact that it's the right thing to do, it will avoid some of the unfortunate situations I have seen where a domestic disturbance call leads to police finding steroids in plain view or even to an angry spouse pointing out her hubby's steroid stash. Trust me, it happens.

Fourth - Don't think talking or bragging about what you use can't be overheard at the gym or elsewhere. The world is full of rats and snitches interested in your most private matters.

Fifth - don't believe what you say or where you go on your computer is private. Instant messages or e-mails you send or recieve can come back to haunt you, as can whats on your hard drive, or whats on the other guys hard drive. What you think was deleated may not have been.

Sixth- don't assume your mail is secure. Suspicious packages arous curiosity. Domestic First Class mail (including prioirty) and express mail can be opened if the feds get a judge to sign a warrant. International mail and private courrier mail can be opened without any warrant at all.

Seventh - respect the privacy of your own home. Only invite guests you want. Others can get a warrant to come in and chat if they want to. (Cops)

Eighth - recognize that your trash says alot about you. What you toss in there - sensitive documents, syringe wrappers, broken ampukes- can be retrieved by cops in most states and can provide a basis for further investigation or a house search. And to you idoits, for safetys sake, never throw medical waste in the trash.

Ninth- remember that you have a lesser expectation of privacy in your car, especially in areas that are open to view. Its not a good place to store sensitive items. You have the right to refuse to consent to a search of your car in routine traffic stops.

Tenth - don't be afraid to refuse to answer questions if you're stopped by inquisitive law enforcement agents. You can simply ask "Am I under arrest? If not, I'd prefer not to stay and talk to you." You have the right to ask to speak with your laywer before deciding whether to talk. Often you would be foolish not to.


Those are the commandments, important for everyone, not just gear dogs. My past colums and the many chapters of Legal Muscle expound on them in great detail, including the true tales of those who broke the commandments and paid the price.


Registered User
Nov 15, 2004
Great post, rick is a good guy!
That guy must make some good money, I think hes the most popular lawyer among us.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
My pet peeve is the fourth one.

Fourth - Don't think talking or bragging about what you use can't be overheard at the gym or elsewhere. The world is full of rats and snitches interested in your most private matters.

For some reason we are all like a bunch of kindergarten kids. We are doing something naughty and it is killing us not to tell someone (anyone).
I say tell no one.
Not your Mommy.
Not your best friend since kindergarten who you can trust with your life.
Not your girlfriend.
Not your brother, sister.

Drum roll please. Here comes my famous quote. I don't know who originally said this, but it has become my motto.

" The ONLY way two people can keep a secret, is if one of them is dead and the other isn't talking!"