

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
Hi Guys,
My question is "Can you develop this while on test?"
I have been training very hard and working 2 jobs. Tile work and construction etc. I ended up in the ER last Monday. Very High Blood Pressure 150/100 @ ER 180/112. And Premature Ventricular Contractions. They put me on Ramipril and told me to take it easy. I wore a heart monitor for 24 hours. and now I go for a nuclear stress test Tuesday. Real scary for me because I have never had any serious health concerns. I think the high blood pressure and Rhabdo(diagnosis from Hospital) are what are causing the PVC's but they have to rule out any cardiovascular disease. Any ideas or experience with this?

I am 48 and was using 50 mg prop every other day then the last 2 weeks I was using 200 mg of enanthate. I am going to come off now and clean out the system. I was also using dboll and suspension on work out days.
Peace brothers.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
the only time I ever see rhabdo is with cocaine or meth overdose when the do so much crank their body starts to eat their own muscle tissue and the kidneys can't handle all the protein in their blood and go into acute failure (this is how it was described to me by a nurse when I asked what the hell rhabdo was)

so I would guess the supra physiological strength and energy given to you by the test allowed you to push your body further than your internal organs (kidneys) are able to keep up with...the working two jobs didn't help either, prolly caused dehydration and also affected the performance of the kidneys(along with all the muscle breakdown floating around in your blood)...stress on the kidneys made them freak out, retain water, shoot your bp thru the roof and cause pvc's....just a guess tho
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Mar 8, 2014
Wow, take care of yourself bro. I cant imagine that small test dosage caused all of that, but probably a good idea to clean out like you said. In july i came off too cause my bp was 160/100 at the docs when i went for physical and bloodwork. I was on a gram of test and a gram of eq plus dbol tho. Got on bp meds and cruised at 150 week, now my bp is just fine. Started back up a couple weeks ago, but keeping things more reasonable this time. My rbc was up, no doubt from the eq. No more of that for me idt.lol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
the only time I ever see rhabdo is with cocaine or meth overdose when the do so much crank their body starts to eat their own muscle tissue and the kidneys can't handle all the protein in their blood and go into acute failure (this is how it was described to me by a nurse when I asked what the hell rhabdo was)

so I would guess the supra physiological strength and energy given to you by the test allowed you to push your body further than your internal organs (kidneys) are able to keep up with...the working two jobs didn't help either, prolly caused dehydration and also affected the performance of the kidneys(along with all the muscle breakdown floating around in your blood)...stress on the kidneys made them freak out, retain water, shoot your bp thru the roof and cause pvc's....just a guess tho

Ya my kidneys were OK. They gave me an iv drip just to be safe. I think I need a little down time. I'm not 25 anymore. Thanks.


Mar 27, 2014
How was your hydration? You drink plenty of water?sorry just wondering - a lot of shit can go wrong when you are burning the candle at all 4 ends and not keeping hydrated your not old at all but - we are not kids
Just relax and take it as easy as you can afford or - the stress test is what we all need. It will show them a lot.
You made me think - I need to get a doctor some time soon
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Brother you can only burn the candle at both ends for so long before it burns up. I would thing the stress from 2 jobs and a heavy training schedual would be enough to fuck anyones shit up....take it easy and relax for a while phoe to many brothers in iron lost this year. I will tell you from experience i had a blood pressure issue when i first started my company i was working 100 plus hours a week plus the stresses of a rapidly expanding business dealing with all the employee drama and bullshit almost did me in man i ate my stress with a spoon got up to 298 at my heaviest and not a good 298 lol doctor just sat down and told me change it or you wont be with us much longer scared the hell out of me dude...hired a right hand man and chilled out and everything went away.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
Wow, take care of yourself bro. I cant imagine that small test dosage caused all of that, but probably a good idea to clean out like you said. In july i came off too cause my bp was 160/100 at the docs when i went for physical and bloodwork. I was on a gram of test and a gram of eq plus dbol tho. Got on bp meds and cruised at 150 week, now my bp is just fine. Started back up a couple weeks ago, but keeping things more reasonable this time. My rbc was up, no doubt from the eq. No more of that f

I'm sure my bp is a big factor. Thanks Matt


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
How was your hydration? You drink plenty of water?sorry just wondering - a lot of shit can go wrong when you are burning the candle at all 4 ends and not keeping hydrated your not old at all but - we are not kids
Just relax and take it as easy as you can afford or - the stress test is what we all need. It will show them a lot.
You made me think - I need to get a doctor some time soon

Haha my doc told me I was there in June of 2012! I thought I was there last June. I still can't believe it. But ya I think hydration played a big role. But again I swore I was drinking enough water. Funny how I forget about my Dr. For a whole year. Now he's my buddy! I'm gonna start trwatig him better :D


Jun 10, 2013
Yes bp is the silent killer. I have to run bp meds when running tren cuz mine gets up that high as well


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
Brother you can only burn the candle at both ends for so long before it burns up. I would thing the stress from 2 jobs and a heavy training schedual would be enough to fuck anyones shit up....take it easy and relax for a while phoe to many brothers in iron lost this year. I will tell you from experience i had a blood pressure issue when i first started my company i was working 100 plus hours a week plus the stresses of a rapidly expanding business dealing with all the employee drama and bullshit almost did me in man i ate my stress with a spoon got up to 298 at my heaviest and not a good 298 lol doctor just sat down and told me change it or you wont be with us much longer scared the hell out of me dude...hired a right hand man and chilled out and everything went away.

I know Brother. I'm trying to talk myself down. This lifestyle and my love of the iron has made me vibrant and intense. I think I'm gonna go back to reading and chill in more. But keep the healthy habits. Nutrition,excersice, perseverance,etc.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I've known a few guys that dealt with rhabdo, and none of them were on cycle that I'm aware of. And definitely none of them were meth heads. Most were just getting into crossfit, actually. And one was a recent new hire on my fire department. He even competed in Ironman races, but firefighter recruit training out him in the hospital for 3 days with rhabdo.

I would actually think that being on would decrease your chances of rhabdo. The test should help prevent the muscle tissue from being broken down for energy by the body due to over exertion. That's just speculation off the top of my head, though. I'll have to try to find some reading on the matter to see if I can draw a different conclusion.

Either way, take it easy for a few weeks and it can't hurt to clean out anyway. Follow your doctor's orders and get better, bro.