reliable souces


New member
Jun 22, 2015
Hi people im new here I would love to find some reliable souces so had enough of being scamed !!!!!! can anyone help ?


Sep 17, 2003

First start by reading the rules here. They can be found at the top of several forums on the board!


Jun 10, 2013
Hi people im new here I would love to find some reliable souces so had enough of being scamed !!!!!! can anyone help ?
Here are the RULES of AnaSCI. Please review them before posting.<br />
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1) NO SOURCE POSTING. Do not post a source or tell people to e-mail you for a source. That post will be deleted as it endangers the existence of this board, the source, and you.<br />
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2) Do not post ASKING for a source. This is for your protection as much as the sources. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous Scammers that are looking for bros that are “asking for it” and your e-mail will be full of these Scams.<br />
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3) NO ORDER DISCUSSION ALLOWED. Do not discuss openly any transaction that you have made with a sponsor/source. You may give feedback regarding your experience with the sponsor/source and their service BUT there is to be NO discussion relating to - pricing, payments, shipping, tracking, etc.<br />
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4) SPONSORS/SOURCES - There is to be NO price posting, shipping information, ordering details, etc. posted openly on the board or in your own forums. For information relating to these topics please refer members to your website or email address.<br />
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5) If you have a question that you are unsure should be asked openly on the boards, use the Talk to Moderators forum. That forum is between you and the AnaSCI staff only. No one else can see your posts within that forum.<br />
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6) NO flaming or threatening another bro and it will not be tolerated. A mod will delete your post and give you a warning. If you really have a problem with something that was posted, send that member a PM or email. DO NOT air dirty laundry in a post.<br />
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7) This is a board where we discuss hardcore bodybuilding and hypothetical aids such as AAS, GH, Insulin, etc. We DO NOT DISCUSS anything about Recreational Drugs.<br />
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8) Do not post a web site or store where someone can purchase something that any of the board sponsors sells. Those references will be deleted.<br />
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9) Do not use PM (on this or any board) to discuss sources or any "private" subjects. PM is not secure messaging! So - keep those discussions to "secure" e-mails.<br />
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10) This site has a good Search Engine. I always try and find the answers to my questions at a site by using the Search first - I recommend you do the same.<br />
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11) No advertising, legal or otherwise, allowed anywhere on the board, for ANYTHING, bodybuilding related or not, unless it is one of the paid sponsors or is approved by an Admin first!<br />
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12) When members post photos, if you do not have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! Critique ONLY if the member posting the photos has asked so!<br />
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13) Please check the laws of your country before you order any sponsor products. The onus is on the buyer, and the sponsor or AnaSCI.org will not be responsible in any way if you break the laws of where you live. The sponsors are legitimate legal companies in their own countries and they do not break any laws where they operate. That is why they can advertise here. You cannot discuss openly a sponsors products or ask a sponsor about shipping methods or if they can get you certain products on the open board. If you need to know what a sponsor carries or how they ship, go to their website or email them.<br />
<br />
14) If you are in a country where it is illegal to purchase products from a board sponsor, and you have an issue with your order, DO NOT ask for help from a moderator of the board, as you will be asking the mod to help you in breaking the law. Any such requests will simply be ignored.<br />
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15) There is to be no links posted on the site to illegal copyright sites or content. Any such links will be immediately erased and the member possibly banned.<br />
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16) Only sponsors can have banners in their signatures.<br />
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**AnaSCI.org DOES NOT condone illegal activity, so if you wish to break the laws in your country, then it is your responsibility.<br />
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**Understand we are trying to insure the safety and enjoyment of EVERYONE involved and appreciate your cooperation. If you have any further questions, please feel free to post a question in the Talk to Moderators forum.