Reforvit b


Registered User
Jan 24, 2013
I used to love ref-b from Loefler back in the day. I always though it would be fun to recreate it.
I found this article on how it was made with Propylene glycol and procaine. And B12. Click below:

Can anyone come up with a recipe for this??
For old times sake!


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
What is the procaine?
Cocaine's brother.
A numbing agent maybe? Or not at all.

I loved that stuff. Guys would say your crazy to inject it but I did many a 50ml bottles.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
What is the procaine?
Cocaine's brother.
A numbing agent maybe? Or not at all.

I loved that stuff. Guys would say your crazy to inject it but I did many a 50ml bottles.
Lol, yes it was a numbing agent. That shit still had a nasty bite. Used to get that and Fort Dodge eq straight from the racetrack.


Registered User
Jan 24, 2013
What is the procaine?
Cocaine's brother.
A numbing agent maybe? Or not at all.

I loved that stuff. Guys would say your crazy to inject it but I did many a 50ml bottles.

I loved that stuff too. Cheap and holy shit, it worked!
The first time I drank a cc of that stuff, it was the worst taste I'd ever tasted.
After 3 weeks of it... I craved the taste.

yeah the procaine is some kind of numbing agent.
there is an article that I linked in my above post (it says "oral"click on that link and it says how it was made.
I want to try and recreate it!
Dbol plus vitamin b12. In a nasty orange fluid!! Num num.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
I loved that stuff too. Cheap and holy shit, it worked!
The first time I drank a cc of that stuff, it was the worst taste I'd ever tasted.
After 3 weeks of it... I craved the taste.

yeah the procaine is some kind of numbing agent.
there is an article that I linked in my above post (it says "oral"click on that link and it says how it was made.
I want to try and recreate it!
Dbol plus vitamin b12. In a nasty orange fluid!! Num num.

I bet it was the procaine you craved lol


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
LOL! I use to bring back personel stash in 500ml booze bottles. I'd carefully
pull the ears (seal) up remove top. remove booze and refill. walah!
looks just like liquor. Bummer was it jacked the price up on 500ml like 27 cents when I declared my liquor lol... A good as reforvit was I have to say the best dbol inj I have ever used was the authentic ciba vet division yellow box dbol inj in oil.
Shazam! that shit was awesome ..was nice as I could get those for $1.50 for 10 ml.. revorvit was by loeffler if I recall. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane 25 yrs ago.... T


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
I loved reforvit too, it worked everytime for me as was cheap as dirt back in the day. After a few doses, the taste wasn't even a factor....although it made you smell like a vitamin...lol!

I'm pretty sure the ingredients were all laid out years back in the 90's in an old MM2k, on old EF/UG and also with Dan Duchaine in one of his writings. I know that Propylene Glycol was a carrier in it, but I can't remember anything else.

Anybody remember the freezer test that we all would use to see if the PG would freeze and cystalize in the solution? lol


Registered User
Jan 24, 2013
LOL! I use to bring back personel stash in 500ml booze bottles. I'd carefully
pull the ears (seal) up remove top. remove booze and refill. walah!
looks just like liquor. Bummer was it jacked the price up on 500ml like 27 cents when I declared my liquor lol... A good as reforvit was I have to say the best dbol inj I have ever used was the authentic ciba vet division yellow box dbol inj in oil.
Shazam! that shit was awesome ..was nice as I could get those for $1.50 for 10 ml.. revorvit was by loeffler if I recall. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane 25 yrs ago.... T

I lived in So Cal growing up. So, I lifted since I was 13. Read all the Bodybuilding mags, had all the books. When I turned 16, I parked my car on the USA side of TJ, walked across the border. Went into a pharmacy in that little plaza right past the spinning gates. Asked for "anabolicos." The guy gave me 100 ciba dbols in a little tiny bottle for $25.
I then proceeded to walk back to USA...not through the normal area, where you go to the other side and cross the bridge. Instead I walked up on the side of the freeway, where cars were entering Mexico from USA!
Nobody said a thing to me and I didn't know any better. LOL!
I didn't know how to take it, so I took one 5mg dbol a day for about a month or so. It didn't work, so I thought they were bunk.
A couple years later a buddy and I went back down and bought some more dbol. The pharmacist told me to pyramid up for 1 a day for a week. 2 a day for week 2, etc until 5 a day for week 5 and then pyramid back down.
Got freaking big and strong!!!
Second cycle, I went down there and bought a bottle of Syntex anadrol 50 for $100. Glass brown bottle with red label. The pharmacist tried to talk me out of it. He made me promise to only take a half tab a day.
I took a tab a day for 100 days straight...never been the same again since.
Ahhh memory lane!


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Ah memories . I use to stay on the other side for weeks with my mexi gangster pals.I had so much fun down there. Man do I have some stories about road tripping all over mexico all the way down to the yucatan. I had planned on moving there some years back. No more it's not the festive place it once was .
Talk about skiterish people nowadays! Feel bad for the regular folks down there . most live in fear. Miss the carefree times .... Thx .. T...