Quit after 1st cycle


New member
Sep 14, 2016
hi forum users. straight to the point. i've completed my first cycle 3 weeks ago. weight gained - 15lbs. so far it holds, no significant loss, around 2pounds only. i've decided this was my first and last cycle. adding 12-13lbs in less than one year of training was not difficult, but sorry i wanted this. what i am looking for, is to know how long it takes for the body to adapt to the usual work, recover and get back to the state it was before the cycle. of course for each is individual, but there are some general terms, i would like your opinion. once again: first and last cycle. that is a question for people realy know, not for those who had no place to clever. Thank you for attention.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2016
Depends on pct and everyone is different it's something you can't put a exact time frame on


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
So you want to know how long it's going to take to lose all the muscle you put on during your cycle?

Depends on several factors. The more and harder you train the longer it will take to get it off. The fastest way get rid of all that muscle will be to plop your ass down on the couch and don't do shit for the next month or 2 and you'll be right back where you started in no time.

I understand not wanting to cycle again, it's not for everyone. But, why would you want to lose everything you gained during your cycle? You obviously didn't like something about your physique, which is why you decided to do a cycle in the first place. What changed that you suddenly want to go back to the way you were before?


New member
Sep 14, 2016
i do not want to lose what i've gained. i want to keep it, but come back with the blood tests to what i was, and with the same weigth just return to my usual clean life.


Mar 27, 2014
i do not want to lose what i've gained. i want to keep it, but come back with the blood tests to what i was, and with the same weigth just return to my usual clean life.

You clearafied the question I had man.
Stay on this Web site
You will learn a lot- laugh your ass of and have fun some time.
There are some great products out there so you can keep what you gained and stay natural from now on.
Seeing you did the cycle now- did you enjoy the strenth and drive?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
i do not want to lose what i've gained. i want to keep it, but come back with the blood tests to what i was, and with the same weigth just return to my usual clean life.

Ok, that makes more sense. Your original post was not very clear. There's no hard and fast rule for how long it takes. Different compounds can shut you down for different lengths of time. Some people naturally recover faster.

Did you do a PCT after your cycle? If so, what was the protocol? The only way to know when you're body has fully recovered is to have blood work done.

You also have to acknowledge that you may not be able to keep all of your gains in the long run. Even with a proper diet and hard training, many guys that run one cycle still eventually end up losing much of what they gained if they go back to being fully natty. It will depend on where your natural set point is, how you train, and especially on your diet. Remember, if you want to keep an extra 15 lbs, you have to eat enough calories for your body to maintain that extra 15 lbs. If you go back to eating the same number of calories everyday that you did before your cycle, you will eventually lose the muscle you put on. It's metabolism, there's not much you can do about it.


New member
Sep 14, 2016
You clearafied the question I had man.
Stay on this Web site
You will learn a lot- laugh your ass of and have fun some time.
There are some great products out there so you can keep what you gained and stay natural from now on.
Seeing you did the cycle now- did you enjoy the strenth and drive?

the most i liked first was that f*cking high libido from 1st week. then i enjoyed the progressive strength gains during workouts. and after that even my boss was keep saying that i grow like every day)


New member
Aug 5, 2015
i do not want to lose what i've gained. i want to keep it, but come back with the blood tests to what i was, and with the same weigth just return to my usual clean life.

If you are wanting to keep what you gained then you still have to eat and train the way you did while on.

The whole "i'm gonna lose everything when I come off". So when you come off why would you not continue to eat a certain amount of macros and train hard? Every cycle I've ever done I've never lost but maybe a few lbs which was water weight...most likely. I continued eating over 300g of protein, carbs and fat were in check and I continued training the same way. guys seem to fall off the wagon when they come off and they blame it on being off. that doesn't have to be.


New member
Aug 5, 2015
4 days a week is perfect. Your recovery will be good. I like deloading to 4 days a week for a 3-4 weeks then I'll bump it up to 5 days for a bit and if I feel good after doing that for a bit I bump it up to 6. All drug free. Then I'll stay there for 3-4 weeks or longer and then back off a week down to 4 days.

I truly believe in John Meadows style of training where he kinda does 12 week cycles in his training then does a deload and starts up again. Been doing that for a few years now and I'm not switchin. lol.


New member
Sep 14, 2016
4 days a week is perfect. Your recovery will be good. I like deloading to 4 days a week for a 3-4 weeks then I'll bump it up to 5 days for a bit and if I feel good after doing that for a bit I bump it up to 6. All drug free. Then I'll stay there for 3-4 weeks or longer and then back off a week down to 4 days.

I truly believe in John Meadows style of training where he kinda does 12 week cycles in his training then does a deload and starts up again. Been doing that for a few years now and I'm not switchin. lol.

so this means 4 days for 1-2 week, then up to 6 days for 3-4 weeks, and again down?? after all stay with 4 days, or maybe increase again???


New member
Aug 5, 2015
sry for just now seeing this. Here ya go: https://www.t-nation.com/training/authors/john-meadows

I've been following his style of dieting and training for a couple of years and I really like it a lot. If you also go to Mark Dugdales training log you'll see some of the workouts that are designed by john meadows. Here: https://www.elitefts.com/author/mark-dugdale/

If you go back far enough in the training logs you'll see some of the secondary workouts. You'll also see in these logs where he starts a new 12 week program designed by meadows. I've actually followed and done as close to the programs as I can due to different equipment etc. Enjoy.