Prop vs.Suspension?

big o

Mar 20, 2005
Is there any diffence between these 2...I know prop is a short estered test but is there any advantage with suspension as far as size and retaining gains...I'm getting ready for my next one so I'm weighing in all info and I'm going to try something different...No power just Body Building...


Registered User
Oct 18, 2004
Suspension Will Hit You Harder And Faster But Your Less Likely To Keep Gains If Ran Alone


Apr 4, 2005
da ville
correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't susp actual test, no ester? if so, its gonna be a lot stronger cuz 100mg of susp is really 100mg, not 84 or 70 something whatever it is. from what i've been hearing, i'd much rather do susp over prop. the main reason is if you can get a hold of some micronized susp, it will flow through a 29g pin and poking twice per day would be a cake walk :D i want some actually.


Registered User
Oct 18, 2004
Since testosterone is dissolved in water the substance reaches the blood after only 1-2 hours so that it is unnecessary to wait longer for results, a circumstance that is advantageous to power lifters. In the last one or two weeks before a competition testosterone suspension is injected daily, often resulting in amazing strength gains. Often Testo suspension is even injected on the day of competition to increase the athlete's aggressiveness and self-esteem in order to approach the difficult tasks with the right attitude. For this purpose, this rapidly effective testosterone is considerably more effective than Methyltestosterone. Among East European power lifters and competing bodybuilders Testosuspension has always been a "last minute secret." Especially women can reliably change their estrogen/testosterone ratio to break down excessive water and to give softer muscles a visibly better hardness in a short time. Female bodybuilders usually have consider-ably greater difficulty in getting their calves and upper thighs in contest condition than their upper bodies. Often you see a female bodybuilder on the posing platform with striated pecs, delts and triceps, whereas her lower body appears flat and soft. For several reasons the estrogen level can be too high, leading to an increase in the hormone aldosterone. Since aldosterone regulates the body's own water household meaning the higher the aldosterone level, the more water is stored by the organism-it is important to keep the aldosterone level as low as possible. Finally it is known that women by nature store fat and water mostly in their upper thighs. An optimal form for a competition requires a high androgen level with a minimal estrogen level. Women who on the day of competition never obtain the right muscle hardness can usually achieve a significant performance enhancement by injecting 25-50 mg Testosterone suspension daily during the last 1-4 days before the competition.

However, men also use Testosterone suspension during the last 10-14 days before a bodybuilding competition to make an all-out effort for optimal muscle hardness. Athletes report outstanding results when Testo suspension is used together with the carbohydrate/loading technique. The athlete unloads his body by depriving it of carbohydrates for several days and begins loading carbohydrates three days before a competition with the goal of storing as much glycogen in the muscle cells as possible. He can optimize this process by taking 50-100 mg Testosterone suspension/day. Testosterone suspension considerably boosts the storing of glycogen in the muscle cells and, since dissolved in water, becomes effective almost immediately. As is known, glycogen also bonds with water in the muscle cells, which manifests itself in extremely tight and full muscles.

In the mass-gaining phase Testosterone suspension is only rarely used. With respect to strength and muscle mass the gains, as with all injectable testosterone esters, are very good; however, this testosterone compound requires frequent injections in order to reach a performance-enhancing dosage. With 100 mg every 1-2 days rapid muscle gains can usually be obtained and the strength increase can usually be felt from the first day. However a stale effect remains since the injection of testosterone dissolved in water is not only extremely unpleasant but the pain at the injection area remains for some time. To endure such martyrdom for several weeks is not to everyone's liking. The gains disappear rapidly after use of the compound is discontinued.

As for side effects, the same is true for Testosterone suspension as it is for other testosterone esters. A considerable part of the compound is converted into dihydrotestosterone in the body so that acne and hair loss occur quite frequently. The endogenous testosterone production is already considerably lower after only a few days of use which during a several week long intake could result in testicular atrophy and temporary impotence. Women experience the usual virilization symptoms. An enormously in-creased sexual drive in both sexes is noted, often from the first day of intake. The same can be said about the influence of Testo suspensions on the aggression potential. Men are also at risk to develop a prostate condition or possible gynecomastia.

The price on the black market for a 2 ml ampule, according to reports by athletes, is around $6 - 10. Since steroid molecules do not easily bond with water, Testosterone suspension must be well shaken before the injection. Those who let the injection rest for more than 30 minutes with-out touching it will notice that the testosterone separates from the watery solution in form of a white, crystalline powder. After shaking, an opaque, white mixture is formed in the ampule.

big o

Mar 20, 2005
So the gains whether it's prop or suspension are only temporary...So in essence it sounds like there quit similar..Both hitting the system quickly but as soon as you stop both of them then then the gains disappear on both of them also...So what would be the upside of either?


Registered User
Oct 18, 2004
You Will Keep More Of Ur Gains With Prop. With Immediate Pct I See Know Reason Why You Couldnt Keep Them With Suspension If U Could Bare Running It Awhile Im About To Run It For The First 5 Weeks On My Upcoming Cycle


Big Gunz
Sep 3, 2005
Wherever I'm needed baby!
You Will Keep More Of Ur Gains With Prop. With Immediate Pct I See Know Reason Why You Couldnt Keep Them With Suspension If U Could Bare Running It Awhile Im About To Run It For The First 5 Weeks On My Upcoming Cycle

Let us know how that goes, I've been thinking of doing that myself with an AI to keep aromatization as low as possible.

big o

Mar 20, 2005
I'm done week 1 ..I haven't noticed anything yet with the suspension...The enannthate is anothre 2 1/1 weeks away before I get a kick from that....I'm looking forward to doing prop/tren/winny/var at the end of my cycle...


Big Gunz
Sep 3, 2005
Wherever I'm needed baby!
big o said:
I'm done week 1 ..I haven't noticed anything yet with the suspension...The enannthate is anothre 2 1/1 weeks away before I get a kick from that....I'm looking forward to doing prop/tren/winny/var at the end of my cycle...

you haven't gotten anyhtin from the suspension yet? Thats strange.

big o

Mar 20, 2005
Just started my 2nd bottle this morning...I'll keep you posted...it should any second now I'M sure of that...It's G-P...It will...

big o

Mar 20, 2005
started out 50 mg's a/d then i went to 100mg's at 2 injections a day... ...i tried 200 mg's yesterday 1mg left delt 1 mg right delt....I'm also doing 750 enanthate a week...so my total test is 1400-1500mg's of test a week....