Poll: Better for strength/recomp-tren variations or winstrol

Best drug for strength/body recomposition? Side-effects included?

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Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
I've got an upcoming meet and am going to add either oral winstrol, tren acetate, tren depot (parabolan) or tren enanthate in order to up my strength and improve body comp to fit in the 220lb class (this will replace my EQ I'm running with test). I have used both winstrol and tren ace with some success in the past, but I've heard great things about parabolan for my intended purposes. I've also been told Tren Enanthate is about as good as you can get for strength and body recomposition/fat loss, but the sides are notoriously bad and supposedly it takes a long time to get out of your system and people have told stories of having to stop taking it after a few weeks due to the ill effects.

Keep in mind the doses I will probably be using, however I'm open to changes:
Winstrol 50mg orally/day
Tren ACE 50mg ED
Tren Depot (parabolin) 100mg EOD
Tren Enanthate 150mg twice a week


Jan 25, 2006
Well if your training for strength then why aren't drol and halo's on your list....dROL IS THE BEST oral that you can possible use....I've won alot of meets...3 States,
2 Eastern States,1 Atlantic States and 2 Regionals...
Trens are too hard on m y system especially Hex....
If your worried about gaining or your close to the 220 mark then I would suggest halo's..I started in the 220's but I was a really good 242'er and then after the 3rd state I was going into the 275's but i was a small 275'er...I still would have won that one too but I ripped up my knee really bad...Test,eq and drol was my choice back then for strength...


Jan 25, 2006
Also to answer the poll none of those are really a base for training for stregth...Tren a is used a couple of weeks before the meet but I prefer drol hands down....iI've done as much as 350 mg's e/d...5 weeks of it believe me you'll be ready...


New member
Dec 23, 2004
secter 7b zone 103
I put 600mg of Tren E every 5 days in,better than my 750 to 800mg tren ace (150 to 200mgs ed habit.The only side for me, is more indegestion at night from the enethate,,,,but Tums are cheap.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
Sqauter, don't bother responding if you can't read. I specifically stated I was already on test, I'm just looking for a replacement for the EQ I've been on in order to maximize strength/body comp. I don't know how to be more clear about it.

I am already on test. I am taking test right now. I will keep taking the test. I will not stop the test. I am looking for something to replace the EQ. Got it?

Tren is nowhere near as harsh as anadrol or halo, they aren't in the poll, so a double-thumbs down to that.

I'm probably going to go with Tren Ace 75mg/day and continue the Test at 750/wk.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
Sqauter, don't bother responding if you can't read. I specifically stated I was already on test, I'm just looking for a replacement for the EQ I've been on in order to maximize strength/body comp. I don't know how to be more clear about it.

I am already on test. I am taking test right now. I will keep taking the test. I will not stop the test. I am looking for something to replace the EQ.

Tren is nowhere near as harsh as anadrol or halo, anadrol makes me retain tons of water, I'm trying to get into the 220 class, so a triple thumbs down to those.

I'm probably going to go with Tren Ace 75mg/day and continue the Test at 750/wk.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2005
I would recommend the tren acetate or tren hex over the winny. Tren has always given me a much greater strength increase and similar bf loss to the winny. The winny always gives me joint soreness especially when loosing bf.
As far as dosing, those look very similar to what I generally take, anything higher is when I would be concerned with side effects. I would recommend running the tren for 6 weeks tops to keep the sides down as well.


Jan 25, 2006
I see ....Maybe your the one that should read your post....There's no mention of you being on test...
I don't know of a single power lifter that doesn't do drol especially 4-6 weeks out...
Or if the weight is close and you want to stay close then everyone uses HAlo.

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Jan 25, 2006
Also anyone who know's any about anything will know that since your so close neither hex nor e will be of any good to you..tren a is about all you'll have time for...
Maybe you should think about what you write before you post something like this...I have a meet coming up etc...but there is no mention of test...
winstrol tabs are usless for power anyone knows that..unless your thinking about winstrol V......
Now you should have planned out this cycle a little more in advance then...I'll bet your training is equal to your cycle too...


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
In my VERY FIRST POST I stated that I'm running TEST! I'm just looking for something to replace the EQ for strength gains. You need to read it again and you'll realize I'm taking test, and am only looking to add tren/winny in place of the EQ:

Here is the exact statement from my first post:
I've got an upcoming meet and am going to add either oral winstrol, tren acetate, tren depot (parabolan) or tren enanthate in order to up my strength and improve body comp to fit in the 220lb class (this will replace my EQ I'm running with test).

since I'm six weeks out, I'm gonna go w/ tren ace based on others' advice.

Thanks guys.
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tren ace would be the best bet due to time restrictions. you can also load up on anavar at about 100mg per day the last 2-3 weeks prior to the meet. that will also boost strength without much worry about water retention. var is also a favorite product of powerlifters who are close to the top of their competing weight class.


Jan 25, 2006

Thanx for difusing this situation....I should have known better that to waste my time answering this bullshit...I figured he was serious about the power lifting aspect rather than just reaching for bullshit non-sense....the cycle proves what it is...more non-sense from non-serious people....


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
pincrusher said:
tren ace would be the best bet due to time restrictions. you can also load up on anavar at about 100mg per day the last 2-3 weeks prior to the meet. that will also boost strength without much worry about water retention. var is also a favorite product of powerlifters who are close to the top of their competing weight class.


Thank you, Pincrusher--that's another vote for tren ace. Which solidifies my confidence in the decision to go with that. After some thought I'm starting at 75mg EOD and will progress to 125-150mg EOD if I start losing strength while I cut down to 220. I was thinking about stopping the EQ altogether but after further consideration I'll continue running it at half the dose I was.

I'm looking to total 1850-1900 in this meet. My best competition lifts are:
705lb squat with briefs, inzer champion suit and a belt.
490lb bench press with pause in a Rage X
645lb deadlift with a belt only.
That was at my last meet, all gear was single-ply inzer. I totaled 1840 @242.

If all goes well at this meet I'll end up totalling ELITE at 220. I'm figuring from the improvements I've made in the gym and with my gear that I'll hit around 720+ on the squat easily (my new metal briefs and suit along with box squatting with bands has helped tremendously). I broke my 650lb low box squat PR two weeks ago with an EASY 675. So my competition squat should be up at least 25lbs right now as well.

I've got my Rage-X down well I expect at least a 515lb bench considering I just tripled 495 off a 1-board on my last ME day. Finally, my deadlift has gone up a bit (pulled a reverse green band 685 with only a belt and briefs) and I am going to be DL'ing in my new Metal DL suit. All I have to do is maintain my current strength and get down from 233 (where I am today) to 220. Then all I have to do is total at least 1824 and not bomb out, which will give me the ELITE total I've been gunning for. I think I can hit around 1900+, but we'll see! My metal suits and inzer shirt are all single-ply, too. So the goal I've had for awhile will be recognized if everything goes well, I can't wait to get elite status, its all that has been on my mind since my last meet. After this I'll go to double ply gear and try to bust the 2000lb total mark at 220 or maybe 242, it all depends on how I feel. Totalling elite in two different classes would be great, eventually I'll try to do it in every class 220 and over, which is my dream.

Anyway, here's what the last 6 weeks will look like
1,000mg Test Enanthate per week
75mg eod to 150mg eod of tren ace.
300mg EQ/wk (just to aid my joints, EQ really helps me in this aspect, along with helping my stamina/endurance and recovery)

The first 8 weeks of my cycle was
750mg Test Cyp for the first 4 weeks
1g test enanthate for the second 4 weeks
600mg EQ per week

Anyway, thanks to Pin, Boombaby, Mojo again for your thoughts/adivce.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
mr.nitrofish said:
online fights are gay. id go to elete fitness If I wanted to read that.

I agree. Glad he's gone, he had been trying to bait me into a fight since his arrival through PM as well. I refused to lower myself to his level and now he's outta here.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
DragonRider said:
I don't see it in the poll, but I would vote Anavar.

I didn't include anavar because at this point in time it is out of my price range. At the effective dose (which I assume for me is ~40mg/day)it would cost me over 40 dollars a week minimum unless I bought it in bulk powder form. Every powerlifter I know has told me its a waste of time, but I take that with a grain of salt. I appreciate your suggestion and will most likely run anavar (I'll order 5 or 10g next time I buy some powders from the man) for 6 to 8 weeks prior to my next competition.

Right now the Tren Ace is what I'm leaning towards, due to its popularity and effectiveness. I also have methoxy-trienbolone at my disposal which i've used in the past with great success. I have both tren ace and winny on the way right now, i've decided to just stick with tren right now b/c I'm giving my liver a break by minimizing the orals on this cycle.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
My vote was for anavar too, for great strength gain and minimal weight gain / sides. Yeah, it's pricey though. Tren. ac ought to do it then. I like that somewhat more aggressive feeling on tren too vs. anavar. Not too keen on the night sweats and higher BP on tren though, not to mention your nuts are going to be like raisins.