Please Help!!!


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
I have been an off and on steriod user for 10 years . Never done really big cycles and never stayed on for great lenghths of time. Two years ago I did a cycle of test and about three weeks in got a large hard mass under my left nipple( Gynomatia) I stopped the cycle and the lump went away.I then only used Ecapoisse.Last year I decided to try and do a cycle of Dianabol and Deca Using Nolvadex as well. About three weeks into that cycle I got another mass that did'nt go away. I had it surgically removed .So thinking I would never be able to cycle again I went to GNC and went on a two month cycle of Edothill. I came off that with another mass . I am having that removed in a couple weeks. Apparantlly I am very sensitive to raising my natural test levels. My body instantlly starts to over produce Estrogen. My question is can I do ecapoisse without worrying about developing any more masses. I would really apprecitae some feed back from the Moderators on the site as well as the trully knowlagible.I have been training for 20 years and this is absolutelly killing me . Any advice and or experience with this type of thing would be greatlly appreciated. Thank you.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
A lot of times this is dose related. Some guys have no probs and some have plenty of trouble. What doses were you using at the time. Now elevated test levels are not the problem, what you system does with this test is! You need to take an anti-aromatase with your test. proviron works well to help your body use more of the test circulating as bound by way of freeing this up. Arimidex is another good one to incorporate into the cycle. But remeber this taking more test does not mean your body will utilise all that you take. The longer it lingers in your system in a bound state the more likely it is to convert to estrogen. Do a bit more research on AI's(aromatase inhibitors) and you will be able to better design a cycle which will work for you with out all the sides. Also do not forget about PCT at the end of your cycle.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
I have been an off and on steriod user for 10 years . Never done really big cycles and never stayed on for great lenghths of time. Two years ago I did a cycle of test and about three weeks in got a large hard mass under my left nipple( Gynomatia) I stopped the cycle and the lump went away.I then only used Ecapoisse.Last year I decided to try and do a cycle of Dianabol and Deca Using Nolvadex as well. About three weeks into that cycle I got another mass that did'nt go away. I had it surgically removed .
Did you use an Aromatase Inhibitors during any of your cycles? The Nolvadex, while usually good for your intentions can cause Progesterone Receptor Upregulation, and Deca being a Progestin, The Nolvedex ends up be a cause in itself of Gyno for a small percentage.

So thinking I would never be able to cycle again I went to GNC and went on a two month cycle of Edothill. I came off that with another mass . I am having that removed in a couple weeks. Apparantlly I am very sensitive to raising my natural test levels. My body instantlly starts to over produce Estrogen.
You must be genetically prone to Gyno, and we can help you work around that. I highly doubt the Enothil caused the gyno, your natural levels would seem to be the cause. When you get the surgery make sure to tell the doctor that this is your second surgery and that he needs to make sure to remove ALL of the breast tissue, while this is next to impossible to get 100%, if he/she does get at least close to all of it your problems of potential future problems will be negated as their will be no breast tissue to hypotrophy.

My question is can I do ecapoisse without worrying about developing any more masses. I would really apprecitae some feed back from the Moderators on the site as well as the trully knowlagible.I have been training for 20 years and this is absolutelly killing me . Any advice and or experience with this type of thing would be greatlly appreciated. Thank you.
I have no idea what Ecapoisse is, I even goggled it to no avail. So I really can't tell you much about it or what precautions to take with it; but I can tell you that their are many steroids that do not aromatize into estrogen and that you can easily control estrogen with the use of other drugs. The first thing you need to do before you consider another cycle is get that surgery done and make sure he/she removes all breast tissue (all humans - male and female have it, just males do not usually have growth) and of absolute importance is to get some blood work done to check your natural Estrogen levels, estrodial, testosterone, free test, Tsh, T4, T3 and free T3 - knowing these numbers buts you above most in knowing what and how much of something to use, I also recommend blood tests while on and get them myself, to see exactly how everything is effecting me and working.


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
"What doses were you using at the time" .I was doing very little about 1cc a week of 200.
The second time it happened was doin 50 mg of Dbol a day and 1 cc deca a week

"Did you use an Aromatase Inhibitors during any of your cycles? "
No i have no idea what they are . I only used nolvadex and Arimadex at the end.

You must be genetically prone to Gyno"
But its wierd cause I never was before only in the last 3 years.

"When you get the surgery make sure to tell the doctor that this is your second surgery and that he needs to make sure to remove ALL of the breast tissue, while this is next to impossible to get 100%, if he/she does get at least close to all of it your problems of potential future problems will be negated as their will be no breast tissue to hypotrophy.

Doctor says that she can't take all of it because it will cause a in dent in my chest and will look worse.

"I have no idea what Ecapoisse "

Sorry I know Im not spelling it right. Its made for hoarses .
I think British Dragon makes it

Hey guys Thanks man I feel a little better already. You guys know your shit . Im hoping I can work aroud this . Alpha I will make sure to ask about everything when I get my blood work done. If I phrase it to them the same as you typed it to me will they know what Im sayin?
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Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
You doses were realitivity low, so you must be sensitive to estrogen aromatizing - let's note that.

An AI is an Aromatase Inhibitor - meaning that it binds to aromatase (the enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen) and prevents conversion. Arimidex is a AI and one that you should be using from day 1, and in your case it would probably be a great idea to pre-load on the AI for a few days before your first shot and then maintain 2-4 weeks past your cycle.

Sounds like you are talking about Equipoise or EQ for short. It is half as androgenic as Testosterone, and actually half of everything that test is - both good and bad. Half the sides, half the gains, half the estrogen, half the sex drive, etc. So being that your concern seems to be aromatization (the conversion into estrogen) you can safely consider 400mg of EQ to be about the same as 200mg of Test as far as estrogen is concerned. You really need to get blood work done before when get too far into the potential of a cycle. Keep in touch and if you need any specific advise let us/me know, I get regular blood tests done myself.


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
That sounds good If I can't get the blood work day of surgery I already got lab work scheduled for mid September. So I'll let you know Alpha thanks man you to OldFella