Please advise on my Dr. prescribed Test. Enanthate


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
This is my first posting. I started taking testosterone enanthate from a doctor due to low libido and a family history of low testosterone levels. My doctor monitors my liver & RBC and occasionally my Testosterone/estradiol ratio (but that test is much more expensive). He only prescribed 250 cc every 3-4 weeks. I decided I wanted more after the first three weeks and so I have been supplementing (in secret) with an additional 500 cc when I get home after the doctor's visit--for a total of 750 cc of testosterone enanthate every 3 (occasionally 4) weeks. I have been doing this now since February. I take Chrysin and curcumin to counter the aromatization.

Anyway, in all my reading I never come across any cycles where guys take 750cc of anything once every three or four weeks. All I see is cycles of 3-20 weeks with weekly injections. Please advise me on how effective my current program is for building muscle compared with a standard 12-week cycle with weekly injections.

P.S. I have lost fat and gained muscle since I started this regimen. My bathroom scale (not the most accurate) has my bodyfat down 6% and my total weight up 3 pounds.


Sep 19, 2004
I'm not sure if that's going to be effective at all, or if it's even safe. I'm really not the one to be answering your question but I see no one else has so I figured I would give you some feedback. I'm not sure if you can attribute your weight gain and bf reduction to such a small amount of test.
Check your post, you said"250cc every 3-4weeks" I tthink you mean mg's.


AnaSci's Hillbilly
Aug 6, 2004
Andrew said:
This is my first posting. I started taking testosterone enanthate from a doctor due to low libido and a family history of low testosterone levels. My doctor monitors my liver & RBC and occasionally my Testosterone/estradiol ratio (but that test is much more expensive). He only prescribed 250 cc every 3-4 weeks. I decided I wanted more after the first three weeks and so I have been supplementing (in secret) with an additional 500 cc when I get home after the doctor's visit--for a total of 750 cc of testosterone enanthate every 3 (occasionally 4) weeks. I have been doing this now since February. I take Chrysin and curcumin to counter the aromatization.

Anyway, in all my reading I never come across any cycles where guys take 750cc of anything once every three or four weeks. All I see is cycles of 3-20 weeks with weekly injections. Please advise me on how effective my current program is for building muscle compared with a standard 12-week cycle with weekly injections.

P.S. I have lost fat and gained muscle since I started this regimen. My bathroom scale (not the most accurate) has my bodyfat down 6% and my total weight up 3 pounds.
OK let me see if I understand this. Your doctor has prescribed T Enath 250 mg shot every 3 weeks. If you have low testosterone you may need HRT (hormone replacement therapy). Which I believe would be split up in weekly doses dividing the 750 mg up for weekly injections. That would be an injection of almost 200 mg per week. You should read up on steroid profiles namely Test Enath so you understand how it works and how long you can expect to get the benefits out of each shot ( 10-13 days). I don't know how big you are or how old you are but 200 mg per week for HRT seems kind of low to me. You need to find a doctor who does HRT therapy. I don't think regular doctors can do shit for you. Even better find an Endocrinologist. Again It would be hard to advise how well your current program will help you w/out knowing age, weight, how long you have been lifting etc.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
In all honesty it is not very effective. 3 weeks is too long to go between shots. You are causing a roller coater effect on your hormone levels. The reason bodybuilders inject at least weekly is to counteract that roller coaster effect and maintain consistent blood levels. You would be better off splitting that 750mg dose in half and injecting it on the two weeks you arent getting a shot from your doctor.

You also mentioned Chrysin and curcumin. My guess is that you are not prone to gyno because there is NO over the counter product sold that will prevent aromitization. Chrysin was proven to be worthless about 6 to 8 years ago, but they continue to carry it to sell to unsuspecting hopefulls. The newest OTC antiestrogen is Oxo6. Again, it is useless.

You need to have a supply of nolvadex on hand just in case gyno starts to appear.