pin's thoughts on the new ownership



just wanted to let everyone know that i am not going anywhere. i have made a commitment to the members of this board and i plan on staying on and continuing to do what i have always done here and that is to help anyone who needs it.
i feel that the new owner BIGA will be a very possitive influence on this board. he owns a few other boards and they all do very well. he knows what he is doing and has surrounded himself with alot of great people who also believe in the same basic priciples that i do and that is to be here to help others who need it. i feel priviledged to be allowed to stay on here as a mod for BIGA :)
some people are just afraid of change or they dont understand it but i welcome this change of ownership. there will be some nice changes made in the future that will allow this board to get even better than it currently is. you all know i am always available if ya have any questions or concerns so feel free to pm me but meanwhile give this change some time as i think you will like what you see. :)

Captain Canuck

Registered User
Oct 9, 2005
Up North
Pin it's good to hear you're not going anywhere and I hope you are right about change of ownership. I was really surprise BIGA got in to an altercation in the open forum as an owner.

Sorry BIGA like I said before I don't know you and I am not passing judgment on you I was just surprise and I didn't think it was a good Idea to talked about things that went on between mods and admins in open forums. I and a lot of members trust you pin so if you say BIGA will be a very positive influence on this board and good influence on the Members then I am happy and hope to learn lots of good information once again at AnaSCI.

Anyways pin you have to remember us as member don't understand the hole story and don't forget we all made friend here so some times when we see people that all of us have gotten to know! "Us as members start to panic." So that's why when new people come over and change thing some time it's best if they keep the disagreements in the privet forums so it doesn't upset Us the members. Now I don't know what went on between some of the staff and I don't care to know but I hope that we can move on to these nice changes in the future.

Thank you for your understanding as a Member of Anasci

Captain Canuck


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Thats great to here Pincrusher!
Man this is your guys board and Home board for many of you....
were not looking to take it away but to Add to it and make it better!!
we want everyone thats here to feel welcome here both members and Staff.
were on thew same team here fellas ;)


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
mr.nitrofish said:
thats good to hear. I was a little woried about the sudden depature of many of the mods.

Man to be honest everyone of them were offered the same chance to stay.
Im not going to talk bad about ANY of the former mods as I didnt get a chance to even know them..BUT Imo some just kinda ran out on you guys
before any changes had even taken place. From some of the threads Ive read
some of you feel the old admin Left you in the cold on a lot of things

I have no idea the history here Nor do I care as thats all in the past now.
What I do Know is this will not Happen with BIGA He runs a tight ship
and is as fare and honest as they get... he calls it down the middle right how it is. Hes done more for me personaly then anyone else in the community
and hey look at the brightside.... This will posably give a few of you VETS
from here a chance to step up.


New member
Aug 11, 2005
Some of you know me, some of you dont. I had the opportunityto speak to the former site owner both through email & over the phone a few times in the past. He was a good person and I am sure he had his reasoning behind selling Anasci to BigA.

For those of you who do not know BigA he is one of the most stand up people you will ever meet. He has been around as long as I have on these sites maybe even longer.

When I first made his aquaintence I wont lie we butted heads. We eventually pulled our heads out are asses and came to an understanding of one another we became very close friends. He has been extremely helpful to me and to many others.

He has always been a useful tool to the thousands of people from several boards online. He will be one of the greatest additions of this site and definately will have a lot to offer its members. You now have one of the greatest assetts in our internets world of bodybuilding here with you all. You will all know this with time. Good luck to you BigA with your new site. To he members enjoy his stay....I'll be around if you need anything as well.



Registered User
Mar 9, 2005
well so far i have to admit, he is available to questions, answers them honestly and straight forward and has posted a few very good basic posts. and besides that i take pin's word and if he thinks it is a good thing then it must be. so far it looks very good.


Registered User
Feb 7, 2006
Im fairly new to this board and I welcome the change. Everyone that knows of BigA has good things to say about him. I posed a question in an earlier post but no one addressed it yet so I am trying again. There was talk of making memberships free, which to me being new and not understanding how the boards work in there entirety makes me question how that protects the sources and members from unwanted attention from certain people/groups which Im sure you all know what I mean. Just wondering


Registered User
May 19, 2005
Juice Land
Glad to hear you are staying Pin. I know some have already bailed on us so its good to hear you will continue to give good advice and take care of us anasci members.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
thechopper said:
Glad to hear you are staying Pin. I know some have already bailed on us so its good to hear you will continue to give good advice and take care of us anasci members.

trust me bro. BIg A will get this board to be better in all aspects.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
drakeslayer said:
Thnx healthfreak. Looking forward to positive changes and becoming a member soon. :)

what do you mean by "becoming a member soon"??
Your already a member.


New member
Mar 5, 2006
BIG A is the man and everyone here will get to like him alot....he's just that kind of guy....Hopefully we all can meet and make new friends etc. so we can be on our way to NEW MASS and HUGENESS!


Mar 5, 2006
Again to reiterate,

I have been a member of BigA's other board about 5 years or so, there have been many issues that I have seen Big A deal with from asshole members to problems with board sponsers that were deal with swiftly and fairly. The guy is straight up and takes care of board members. I am sure if you guys stick around this will be a greater place. There will be a great influx of us from Big A's other boards and the members from here that stay we will make this a great place to get and give info. I look forward to learning from you guys new to me and maybe I can contribute some of my info to you guys.

Thanks LEX


New member
Dec 19, 2005
In the Gym
drakeslayer said:
Im fairly new to this board and I welcome the change. Everyone that knows of BigA has good things to say about him. I posed a question in an earlier post but no one addressed it yet so I am trying again. There was talk of making memberships free, which to me being new and not understanding how the boards work in there entirety makes me question how that protects the sources and members from unwanted attention from certain people/groups which Im sure you all know what I mean. Just wondering

drake, I'm with you on the security concerns, and maybe taking it one step further. I never understood how charging someone $50 increased security for the sources much.

Sure, it may have kept the people who surf from forum to forum out, especially those who have more time and curiousity than money, but any government employee who wanted to read things could find the $50, I think.

Not arguing with you, drake, and not sure which position to take on a special fee area either, just wanting to bump this up a bit to keep discussion on security going. With or without a fee, how do we know who is here, and how may that affect our sources?

Big A

IFBB Pro / NPC Judge / Admin
Sep 10, 2005
BiggerISBetter said:
just wanting to bump this up a bit to keep discussion on security going. With or without a fee, how do we know who is here, and how may that affect our sources?

Be assured that EVERY SINGLE ONE of these boards has LE on them. Every one of them. And regardless of what 'security' measures board owners tell you that they take, those are just smoke and mirrors. LE is everywhere.

There is nothing illegal about discussing sources though.

The sources themselves, for the most part, are based in countries where they are registered as legitimate businesses and they are not breaking any laws.
The onus falls on the customer to not brake the law.

Having these sources that are legitimate businesses in their own countries as advertisers, is not illegal either, as they are advertising a genuine product, without breaking any laws. It is up to the customer to make sure that they don't brake the law in their own country when they order.

Why do you think these sources have been around for so many years? Because they are legal in their own countries.