pincrushers rant about the steroid issues



here is a copy of a post i wrote on another message board about my feelings concerning steroids in pro sports and the use of them by our youth.

ok here is my take on how the government is f#*ing up and will do nothing but increase the usage of steroids by the youth of america.
they claim that by professional sports players using steroids they are setting an example for our youth and demanding a higher level of play than is nessecary. they also feel that banning steroids in sports and making them illegal will stop the useage by our youth.
ok here is the truth and the right way to do this:
for starters, MONEY, not steroids is what is demanding a higher level of play by our youth. if the pro players of all sports were noit payed so damn much money then there would not be as high a need or desire by every average ability kid out there to take something tho make him think he has a chance to turn pro.
getting professionals to stop will convince the kids to not use them. wrong because there is a higher usage of steroids by the average kid who just wants to get some ripped abs then the actual ones who play sports.
solution to the problem: allow steroids in sports cause the general public wants the better athelete playing at the higher level because it makes the sports more exciting and instead require all professional sports teams to pay a tax on their players income and use that money to fund steroid testing in schools. right now there isnt a single public school out there that can afford to pay for steroid testing due to the high cost. as long as you dont have testing of all youth playing sports and even those who are questionable that dont play sports, you will never get rid of them in the schools even if you do somehow get rid of them on the pro level.
steroids are cheating: oh really, you still have to bust your ass in the gym training and you need to eat correctly for them to work at all so how is this cheating but putting on a specially designed swimsuit made out of silicone that will shave seconds off a swimmers time without them doing a damn thing other than wearing the suit, is not cheating. i feel that cheating is only when something is done to acheive greater performance without having to do anything to reach that higher level.
3rd world countries will not be able to compete because they will not be able to have access to steroids and other performance enhancing drugs: yeah right most steroid supplies come from 3rd world countries and dont tell me that an athelete living in a 3rd world country would ever be able to get their hands on one of those swimsuits mentioned above.
why is it that there has been no mention off increasing the testing in schools even if it means through government funding. would it not be a much better way of spending money instead of going after the pro bodybuilders and atheletes who are only providing what the public really wants to see anyway?

sorry about the rant but i just had to write how i feel about this and the obvious way to cut way back on steroid use in the schools. anyone have anything to add please feel free.



Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
It's good to see that you finally opened up to us. it's not good to keep things bottled up inside.


DragonRider said:
Pincrusher, please stop being so shy. If you want to share a thought just come right out and say it. Quit holding back. :p

LOL :) im just glad i picked a sport besides my bodybuilding, that has very little money in it or i might take even more juice than i already do to try and get even better at it. you dont hear of to many professional bowlers taking juice to get bigger and better LOL guess im the only one :D