Pain managment?


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
I know this may be a taboo subject but will ask instead of answering question on the thread if you could just pm me. I have been having a medical issue that has been draging on for months. What at first was thought to be a prostate issue is not. I am suffering severe abdominal pain and back pain I take on an average 17 pisses a day. I have been to the Uroligist 3 times in the past 5 months. I am going back in December to have my bladder scoped. But in the mean time the pain in my abbs is so bad that I have'nt been able to even train. I want some temporary relief until I can get this sorted out. I have not asked the doc for pain meds because it makes me feel like Im some kind of junky. Why I would rather do it this way , I just would.
If anyone here knows of a site that works the way our sponsors work only in pain managment medication I would appreciate some guidence. Again this is not for recreation I assure you just tired of being so fucking uncomfortable . Thanks guys.
PS I dont drink do recreation drugs nor have I been on any gear for almost a year. And all I was on was 40 mg Anavar for 8 weeks


Aug 28, 2005
I know this may be a taboo subject but will ask instead of answering question on the thread if you could just pm me. I have been having a medical issue that has been draging on for months. What at first was thought to be a prostate issue is not. I am suffering severe abdominal pain and back pain I take on an average 17 pisses a day. I have been to the Uroligist 3 times in the past 5 months. I am going back in December to have my bladder scoped. But in the mean time the pain in my abbs is so bad that I have'nt been able to even train. I want some temporary relief until I can get this sorted out. I have not asked the doc for pain meds because it makes me feel like Im some kind of junky. Why I would rather do it this way , I just would.
If anyone here knows of a site that works the way our sponsors work only in pain managment medication I would appreciate some guidence. Again this is not for recreation I assure you just tired of being so fucking uncomfortable . Thanks guys.
PS I dont drink do recreation drugs nor have I been on any gear for almost a year. And all I was on was 40 mg Anavar for 8 weeks

Sounds like you may have a severe case of Prostatitis (inflamed prostate)
I would get a second opinion and speak with that doctor about your pain control.


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
The intial diagnosis was prostasis/infection. But after being treated with sevral different courses of antibiotics. The syptoms remain and he check my prostate and said its not inflamed anymore. He put me on Flomax which temporarlly allows me to urinate a bit better. But still having same issues. Like I said this has been going on for months and the syptoms I had origionally are no better and now Im getting new ones(more pain). I feel like mabey there is a tear or a severe strain in my abdominals some were that may be pushing on my blatter. But I have also been on sevral anti inflamatorys as well as a natural prostate supplement as well as vitamin D and E.
I need to demand an MRI but they rush you in and out of the office so fast I feel like Im on my own to diagnos it myself. Which I know is not the best course of action but im just frustrated as hell. Thanks for the response Alin I respect your opinion aswell as your service. I need to be a bit more proactive with the doctor or like you said a second opinion.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2009
even if you do get a hold of some pain meds,and yes they're out there and easy to find,you may just be masking a deeper underlying problem.stay on top of that doctor.just reading this makes me wanna go and get mine checked out as well and my psa levels as well.at 42 i can't play around esp since i love anadrol so much.i'm even afraid to run that now for any length of time.3-4 days into it and my piss just dribbles out.not good at all....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just in a rush now... just scanned over your thread. Sorry to hear about that. It may be a prostate issue. Rocco is right you need to see the doctor again. Other conditions (unrelated to prostate) can result in the things you are going through. No one can give you great advice on here cos it can only be solved in person. Maybe get a second opinion. So I assume your on Saw Palmetto for your herbal product? Flaxseed oil is good for your prostate too. And zinc before you go to bed. I will sort you out with some things. I will send it on Friday. Speak soon.


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Yes Im seeing my regular doctor tommorow again, then already had another Uroligist appointment on the 16th were they want to go in with a camera and scope my bladder not looking foward to that. I do belive I may have an umbiblical hernia wich is resulting in some of my syptoms. My prostate was ok last uroligy appointment. I am still taking prostate supps just cause it can't hurt. Started taking a daily urine diary how fucked up is that. Just righting down every time I go how much how was the pain and pressure BLAH BLAH BLAH. An average day is 14 to 20 times a day I go its exausting. But I have not gone and ordered pain meds decided to just suck it up till I get to the doctor just sucks and they would have been a welcome relief. Anyway thanks guys.