opinions please


Registered User
Apr 25, 2004
jacksonville florida
Ok here we go! getting ready to start a nice cutting cycle for the summer. Before I everyone begins lecturing me on adding test please understand that it does terrible things to my hair and my skin, and I am one vein fucker that happens to be very genetically prone to MPB, as well as terrible achney. In the past things have worked out well when i play with test. OK, that being siad here is what I'm thinking. PLease feel free to let me know what u think anyone and everyone, I plan on keeping everyone up to date throughout the summer to let u know how it goes after i get started. IS there anyone who thinks it would bebetter to use clomid as my pct, please explain, a friend of mine swears it would be better, i have no idea why.

Week 1 40 mg tbol/day
Week 2 40 mg tbol/day
Week 3 40 mg tbol/day + 400 mg Primo/week + 25 mg Proviron/day
Week 4 40 mg tbol/day + 400 mg Primo/week + 25 mg Proviron/day
Week 5 40 mg tbol/day + 400 mg Primo/week + 25 mg Proviron/day
Week 6 40 mg tbol/day + 400 mg Primo/week + 25 mg Proviron/day
Week 7 40 mg tbol/day + 400 mg Primo/week + 25 mg Proviron/day
Week 8 40 mg tbol/day + 400 mg Primo/week + 25 mg Proviron/day
Week 9 20mg Nolva/day
Week 10 20mg Nolva/day
Week 11 20mg Nolva/day


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007

I'm still new to this too, but if you want to get cut throw in some clen throughout the cycle as well. Maybe get some anavar instead of tbol but that's just me. Never used Primo before, I just know it's expensive. You can go with that or maybe some Equipoise.

Also, maybe kick the length up to 10-12 weeks instead of 8. Primo is a long ester and will take a while to kick in, same with Equipoise if you choose to use that. My first cycle I ran EQ for 10 weeks and saw some good cut results, and I was on a bulk cycle. Stuff works, and I can imagine how it will work if you're actually trying to cut with it.


Registered User
Apr 25, 2004
jacksonville florida
good stuff

yeah i have some clen in my arsenal, not sure if should add it though, combined with the t-bol i don't want to drop an atom bomb on my liver. Funny u mentioned eq, i thought about it as well as trenbolone, but i have some serious concerns about my hair line dissipating as male pattern baldness is very prevalent in my family, moreover with regard to trenbolone, i did not want to get the retarded dick syndrome. My understanding is that the only way to combat that would be to add test, which again would fuck up my hair line. For those reasons I chose t-bol as it does not seem to damages ones hair line and gives me a superhuman boner when im on it! By the way, Did the eq have any effects on your hair line? I hear you on the primo price tag, lucky for me that is not a problem. I like var, have used it in the past for cutting cycles but in the past t-bol seemed to add more lean muscle for me without any bloat. Do you think going over 10 weeks with an oral such as t-bol is to long, especially if I want to run clen with it toward the end, man that seems like a lot of stress on the liver!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
finaman said:
yeah i have some clen in my arsenal, not sure if should add it though, combined with the t-bol i don't want to drop an atom bomb on my liver. Funny u mentioned eq, i thought about it as well as trenbolone, but i have some serious concerns about my hair line dissipating as male pattern baldness is very prevalent in my family, moreover with regard to trenbolone, i did not want to get the retarded dick syndrome. My understanding is that the only way to combat that would be to add test, which again would fuck up my hair line. For those reasons I chose t-bol as it does not seem to damages ones hair line and gives me a superhuman boner when im on it! By the way, Did the eq have any effects on your hair line? I hear you on the primo price tag, lucky for me that is not a problem. I like var, have used it in the past for cutting cycles but in the past t-bol seemed to add more lean muscle for me without any bloat. Do you think going over 10 weeks with an oral such as t-bol is to long, especially if I want to run clen with it toward the end, man that seems like a lot of stress on the liver!

The best for cutting is always educated effort in diet and training. So many don't eat right (think they do but don't). My best advice for you to cut is to set out a great diet and training plan. Lots of protein and just essential fats and complex carbs but the two at limited quantities. That will cut you up better then any compound. But of course throwing in compounds can give you that extra boost. The clen would be good. Clen isn't harsh on your liver and only has effect on your nervous system so no hormonal changes. If your worried about your hair line your right to stay away from tren. Tren has an androgenic rating of 500 (5 times more than test). Although tren is great for cutting or bulking.

I wouldn't do the tbol for 10 weeks. It can be bad on the liver but nothing compared to the likes of anadrol. The usual protocol is about 6 weeks but if you take a good liver support then upping that to 8 weeks will be fine. A great liver protector is synthegine from synthetek industries (banner listed on this site). I would have rec avar but you have tried both and know how you react to each so your the best judge. The other reply wasn't recommending the orals for the 12 weeks but the primo or eq if used. I personally would never do a cycle without test. But if you are so worried about the hairline then you can stay away. So 10-12 weeks of Eq or Primo would be fine. But you have to ensure you have proper PCT sorted. I would do 3 weeks of Clomid and Nolva.

There are so many debates on how PCT is not needed with the likes of just avar or tbol. But it is needed (completely). Even though they don't shut you down like test would they still do. I notice you have just put 3 weeks of Nolva- that will be cool. If I had the nolva I would do 30, 20, 10 or 20,20,10. I tend not to go above 20mg but the 30,20,10 would be good especially after a 12 week cycle.

Good to hear you like the tbol. I am yet to try that and want to soon. Although dbol might be picked instead for my next cycle. Happy training


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Primo has a larger popularity then it's actual results should attain. I assume that is because it was suppose to be one of Arnold's favourites. Everyone I know who tried it was fairly disappointed (especially for the price). For it to be effective you would have to do large amounts. I would personally look into Masteron... that has some very interesting characteristics. But again I would never rec a Masteron only cycle (with orals). I would always add alittle test but it is your body and you do what you want. But I would defo do Masteron above Primo.


Registered User
Apr 25, 2004
jacksonville florida
great stuff brotha, thanks

Great stuff guys, thanks so much! I think i i will cut a couple weeks off of the tbol, probably start it 2 to three weeks after I begin the primo, and then add clen the last 6 weeks. Now lets play with the notion that i just cant help myself, and I add just little test. Define how much would be a " a little", as in just enough to make a difference, but not too much as I do not want to go bald overnight, moreover how would u work it into the cycle that I have chosen. Also, Would 2 mgs a day of finasteride completely block any possible hair loss associated with the test. ( I am assuming that taking 2 mgs is better then taking 1 mg) If anyone has any thoughts please let me know.


Registered User
Apr 25, 2004
jacksonville florida
hey elva

thanks for your thought man, good stuff. I think you should def give the tbol a shot over dbol. The amount of fucking u can doon tbol in the alternative to the dick problems that Dbol has given me in the past is worth it alone. I don't know about anyone else on here but isn't part of or reason for getting jacked to up our intake of the poon! :) just a thought!!!!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
finaman said:
thanks for your thought man, good stuff. I think you should def give the tbol a shot over dbol. The amount of fucking u can doon tbol in the alternative to the dick problems that Dbol has given me in the past is worth it alone. I don't know about anyone else on here but isn't part of or reason for getting jacked to up our intake of the poon! :) just a thought!!!!

I am defo gonna try it but not sure if it will be dbol or tbol next time. I love dbol and didn't encounter any problems with it. But I assume you did encounter them cause you didn't have test in your cycle when you tried it. I am getting really lean now and the reason it might be dbol is because I can tell I will be in the mood to just get huge. I know the quality of tbol is better but I don't mind the extra weight plus the added waer weight can be easily controlled through diet and anti e's.

If you do a 12 week course it will shut you down and you may have troubles in the bedroom department unless you add alittle test. The average male produces 8-15mg per day so that is about 56-105mg per week. So if you want to know an amount that will give you that boost you need but not be too much then 100-200mg should be fine. But of course I don't know how sensitive you are in regards to hairline etc. You can use the protection you mention and I hear good things about it solely as a preventative measure. So if you do 200mg I can't see you having any problems. Hope it helps


Registered User
Apr 25, 2004
jacksonville florida

your right, I got to do it! I think i might have to add just a bit of test and see how it goes. Thanks for the input. Best of luck, if u do end up trying the tbol, the paper products from a source close by work great, let me know how things work out for you.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
finaman said:
your right, I got to do it! I think i might have to add just a bit of test and see how it goes. Thanks for the input. Best of luck, if u do end up trying the tbol, the paper products from a source close by work great, let me know how things work out for you.

Thanks I wil let you know. My next cycle will be Sept (maybe late Aug) so you will be finished before I start. Let me know how you get on. When I order I am gonna get dbol, tbol and maybe avar. I might even throw in some winny (probably will get winny depot instead). That way I keep my options open in regards to the orals. I will only do one but it will be good to have them on hand. I can use them for future cycles or just give them to mates. Never tried paper products but I hear good things. Have you tried many paper products?


Registered User
Apr 25, 2004
jacksonville florida
just the paper tbol once in the past and it worked great. I'll be starting up in about 14 days once I have everything I need as i have decided to add just a bit of test. Ill let u know how it goes.