Opinions on Cycle???


New member
Mar 16, 2005
ok Let me know what u think about this. my stats are 6'3 185lbs, i am looking to be around 200 to 205 lean muscle.

Here it is:

750mg Sustanon Weeks 1-10
300mg Deca 1-9
35mg DBOL 1-5
75mg Tren 1-10

PCT afterwards :
Clomid Day 1 300mg
Clomid Days 2-11 100mg
Clomid Days 12-21 50mg

Nolva on hand.


Registered User
Dec 19, 2003
Here and there
Assuming your 21 or older with previous experience I'd say it needs to be extended a wk or 2. 9 wks is not very long for deca.


Feb 6, 2004
And I'd up the Deca to 400mg if you want to utilize it for building muscle and not just lubricating joints.


New member
Mar 16, 2005
I AM 24 YEARS OLD, I am not new to the stack I have utilized this before. I am 6'2 185lbs


New member
Mar 16, 2005
Ok so say I extend the Deca to the Full length 10 weeks, Can I add Winstrol and clembuterol or stick with stack first and utilize right after for a cutting cycle?


did anyone pay attention to his height and weight??? I wouldnt even start my first cycle if i was 185 and im only 5'10"......stay natty till you're like 210-220. and regardless of that, that cycle is overkill for a first cycle. Start eating more food!


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
wolfyEVH said:
did anyone pay attention to his height and weight??? I wouldnt even start my first cycle if i was 185 and im only 5'10"......stay natty till you're like 210-220. and regardless of that, that cycle is overkill for a first cycle. Start eating more food!
Yeh, I posted something about that in one of his other threads.


Sep 19, 2004
wolfyEVH said:
did anyone pay attention to his height and weight??? I wouldnt even start my first cycle if i was 185 and im only 5'10"......stay natty till you're like 210-220. and regardless of that, that cycle is overkill for a first cycle. Start eating more food!

Do you know how long it would take this guy to hit 220 natty? Let's say for instance he has been working out for 3 years steady. He gains 10lbs in that 3 years and along the way learns alot about training, dieting, the works. Your saying he still isn't ready for gear. I started my first cycle at 175 and hit 190. I hope to hit 210-215 with my second cycle since I have learned so much more. I would say that my first cycle was a great success. Give me a better reason than "wait till your over 200lbs."

Lets just say that I do reach my goal of 210. Can we still make the judgement that I shouldn't have taken gear because I wasn't 210 natty. It's like giving a blind man new eyes and telling him not to use them.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Blackbird said:
Do you know how long it would take this guy to hit 220 natty? Let's say for instance he has been working out for 3 years steady. He gains 10lbs in that 3 years and along the way learns alot about training, dieting, the works. Your saying he still isn't ready for gear. I started my first cycle at 175 and hit 190. I hope to hit 210-215 with my second cycle since I have learned so much more. I would say that my first cycle was a great success. Give me a better reason than "wait till your over 200lbs."

Lets just say that I do reach my goal of 210. Can we still make the judgement that I shouldn't have taken gear because I wasn't 210 natty. It's like giving a blind man new eyes and telling him not to use them.
What he's really trying to say is his diet is off. Have you seen my post where I went from 155 to 205 in two years just form working out and eating 4 times a day?


Blackbird said:
Do you know how long it would take this guy to hit 220 natty? Let's say for instance he has been working out for 3 years steady. He gains 10lbs in that 3 years and along the way learns alot about training, dieting, the works. Your saying he still isn't ready for gear. I started my first cycle at 175 and hit 190. I hope to hit 210-215 with my second cycle since I have learned so much more. I would say that my first cycle was a great success. Give me a better reason than "wait till your over 200lbs."

Lets just say that I do reach my goal of 210. Can we still make the judgement that I shouldn't have taken gear because I wasn't 210 natty. It's like giving a blind man new eyes and telling him not to use them.

if his diet is way off, which im sure it is right now, it should be too hard to put on 20 lbs.....not 20lbs of muscle now, just 20 lbs of bulk. Now mind you, this guy is 185 at 6'3". He has to look like a twig. I felt small at 185 and i was 5'10". Im just saying, for his height, he still has a lot to attain naturally if he gets of a good diet. You should try to attain as much as you can naturally. Sure, all of us could have still attained a few more pounds before we dove into steroids. Its all personal preference, however it would be better to get a bit more naturally. now my 220 was a bit overboard, however he should definitely be 200-210 lbs before he should resort to gear. Everyone should master a good workout routine and a good diet before starting steroids. If not, you're unprepared and uneducated.


May 13, 2004
Bbird, look at his stats. 6'3 185 i know guys that are incredibly skinny at 6'1 190, much less 2 inches taller. We're saying he needs more muscle mass before jumping into a cycle that large(or any cycle at all).

Also earlier he said he had 1 cycle already under his belt(a very big first cycle i might add). Yet he is 185, something's not right here. I'm not saying hit 210 naturally, but for christ sakes get above 6'3 185 before you even think about hitting a cycle that large.


Sep 19, 2004
I agree there is something way off with his whole deal. Sorry Bullet. And at 6'3" he should def. be bigger. What I was responding to may have been a general attitude that I sometimes see.
DR I would have to say that you were an acception and not a rule. Not to toot my own horn(haha) but if you look at my pics I'm sure you would agree that I know something about training. I also know this, there is no way I could gain 50 lbs in 2 years by eating and training. I could eat fried chicken 6 times a day and I would not gain 50lbs in 2 years.

I'm really not arguing the point you guys are making about Bullet and his choice for a cycle. Like I said, just a general attitude I sometimes see.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Blackbird said:
Not to toot my own horn(haha) but if you look at my pics I'm sure you would agree that I know something about training. I also know this, there is no way I could gain 50 lbs in 2 years by eating and training. I could eat fried chicken 6 times a day and I would not gain 50lbs in 2 years.

I'm really not arguing the point you guys are making about Bullet and his choice for a cycle. Like I said, just a general attitude I sometimes see.
I've seen your pics, you're getting huge. The attitude you refer to is an incorrect perception. You know at one time you were smaller and you can't help but think we are referring to your smaller self. The fact is we are referring to our smaller selfs. I know how skinny I looked at 205. That may not be true for you. Right now I weigh 235 and my arms measure 18 1/2. I know to reach my goal of 21" arms I will have to gain 25 pounds minimum. So, for me personally I fixate on weight sometimes.


Sep 19, 2004
DragonRider said:
I've seen your pics, you're getting huge. The attitude you refer to is an incorrect perception. You know at one time you were smaller and you can't help but think we are referring to your smaller self. The fact is we are referring to our smaller selfs. I know how skinny I looked at 205. That may not be true for you. Right now I weigh 235 and my arms measure 18 1/2. I know to reach my goal of 21" arms I will have to gain 25 pounds minimum. So, for me personally I fixate on weight sometimes.[/QUOTE Don't you ever get tired of being right.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2005

Bro, @ 6'3 185 your a mini oak tree. No pun intended, but to grow big trunks your going to need to ajust your Mg's & your weeks. My strong opinion is that starting 750 mg of sus week 1-10 is off. Sustanon is a test mix. It is set up that way for the body to recognize it as an introductory to the body's own test levels and to prep the receptor sites. the Propionate,phenylpropionate,and isocaproate act as a builder or bridge intro for the decanoate. The short of this is: the best way to hit sus is to hit 500 every 4 days. There is a lot of people who will disagree but hit 500 every 4 days for 6 weeks. Your D-bol mg is to low and the weeks are to short. You wrote 35mg 1-5. You should take in 25mg every 4 hours throughout the day resting at night. It should stretch just as far as the Sustanon weeks (6weeks). Your deca should be a 12 week cycle starting at 300mg for the first 10 weeks and then taper off last two weeks at half the dosages. Tren should start 2 weeks after your last sustanon shot. Week 9 to be exact. Don't confuse PCT "clomid can help you on week 9 which would be 2 weeks off of sustanon". Clomid helps stimulate the hypophysis to release more gonadotropin, hence end results it kick starts your "Own TEST" it does it within 10-14 days. So timing would be about right while your ending your Deca and Fina. You may want to also have some proviron and clenbuterol on hand. I have been there and done this so it's trial not error Bro!!! Please remember "It is better to skip a work out than it is to skip a meal" Yopu should be eating every 2-3 hours 5 meals & two MRS shakes a day. "Eat to grow". Best of Luck.