Ooooouch!!!! Injection question


Registered User
Jan 23, 2007
I have a question about injections. I ordered some Decca 250mg 10 ml vial BDfrom Alin. Yesterday I injected for the first time. I'm using 22 guage 1.5 3ml needles. Obviously 10 ml isnt going to fit into a 3 ml seringe. I was hoping to inject 2 vials (500 mg) a week. Should I buy larger seringes and inject twice a week or can i split the injections up into several times a week? By the way my ass is killin me right now. I couldnt sleep without taking some motrin. I think I may have hit a bone or somthing.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2007

Dude you are right!! I was talking to I thought was an expert on another forum and he said that this was the way to go. What a dumb ass I am. Well the thing is, is that I only injected 1500 mg (6 ml) out of one vile. Am I in any danger? Should I consult a doctor? What might be the side effects of taking soo much decca in one injection? So far I feel ok, besides a sore ass.


Registered User
Sep 5, 2006
Mental Hospital
Well I would hold out and skip next week dose. Deca is actually used in the medical field to treat anemia even though no one will prescribe it. Not to get into a deep discussion on the physiology of your cells, I would hold out and give your red blood cells time to recover back to a more resonable lower level.


Registered User
Sep 5, 2006
Mental Hospital
I also for got to mention if you take any iron or B12 supplements I would stop them for a week to. Since there is no real way of knowing how high your red blood cell will go without actually doing some labs I would take an aspirin once a day for the next week. When you red blood cells actually get to high it interferes with your clotting time as well. You dont want to form a clot and have it hit your heart or have one go to your brain. Even though Deca and other steriods are hormones, you really should educate yourself about there use. Your experience is a fine example how one could do severe harm to theirself. Thank good it was just Deca, if you would have done this with a T3/T4 drug for example you would have more likely thrown your heart in an A-Fib rhythm and the next time I would hear from you would be reading about you in the paper about how a young man died unexpectedly from heart failure.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
jarhead95 said:
Dude you are right!! I was talking to I thought was an expert on another forum and he said that this was the way to go. What a dumb ass I am. Well the thing is, is that I only injected 1500 mg (6 ml) out of one vile. Am I in any danger? Should I consult a doctor? What might be the side effects of taking soo much decca in one injection? So far I feel ok, besides a sore ass.
I definitely wouldn't take his advise on anything ever again!!!!


Registered User
Jan 23, 2007
thanks guys

Hey thanks for the info guys. I dont know what the hell I was thinkin. I guess I was soooo wrapped up in excitment about this first cycle that I wasnt being smart about it by researching things before hand. I will skip next weeks injection and start with 1ml twice a week. The fella that gave me this advice said the he was very familiar with BD products and had cycled like this before. I think he thought that 250 mg was diluted into a 10 ml vial. Thats what he told me anyways. Anyhooo, I'll try and be smarter next time. Glad I asked about this situation!!! Oh and should I be drinking more water in the next week because of my situation? My intake right now is about a gallon a day.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
jarhead95 said:
Hey thanks for the info guys. I dont know what the hell I was thinkin. I guess I was soooo wrapped up in excitment about this first cycle that I wasnt being smart about it by researching things before hand. I will skip next weeks injection and start with 1ml twice a week. The fella that gave me this advice said the he was very familiar with BD products and had cycled like this before. I think he thought that 250 mg was diluted into a 10 ml vial. Thats what he told me anyways. Anyhooo, I'll try and be smarter next time. Glad I asked about this situation!!! Oh and should I be drinking more water in the next week because of my situation? My intake right now is about a gallon a day.
I think that you should fine with your water intake. It is always good to take in a gallon+/ed. Just let your system runs it's course and get back on schedule......


Registered User
Jan 23, 2007

Thanks Kawasaki1, really appreciate the info. When do you think I'll start feeling the effects of this stunt?


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
jarhead95 said:
Thanks Kawasaki1, really appreciate the info. When do you think I'll start feeling the effects of this stunt?
You may not feel anything from it?! Just consider it a lesson learned.......


Registered User
Sep 5, 2006
Mental Hospital
I would just drink your water and don’t inject anymore for a week or two. Two weeks probably the best. If you experience and symptoms such as Headache, Dizziness, Itchiness, especially following a warm bath, Fullness in the left upper abdomen, Red coloration, especially of the face, Shortness of breath, Breathing difficulty when lying down, Symptoms of phlebitis, Vision abnormalities, Skin spots, red, Bluish skin discoloration, or Fatigue I would go get checked out. Assuming you are healthy in the first place, your body will recover. Who ever told you to inject 2 vials a week is a moran and is probably some fat ass beer drinking bitch who sits at home all day doing nothing but eating donuts and rubbing his beer belly.


Registered User
Jul 24, 2005
soutern alberta
Holley smokes, is this for real, man i dont know what to say, boy oh boy.....you gotta reserch buddy, dont listen to any idiot, they will get you killed, man, mabey it was a missunderstanding or somthing, i know your in a hurry but you gotta be careful ask many, many people before even attempting to inject, you gotta be comfortable with what your doing, read, read and read some more, and when you figure you got it down,read some more, than give it a try. this is your life bro...sorry im not trying to give you crap, im just baffeled thats all. who was it that told you to do that? ml and mg are not the same thing at all bro....next time just ask here, the guys around here know there stuff bro


Registered User
Jul 24, 2005
soutern alberta
mike1991 said:
Who ever told you to inject 2 vials a week is a moran and is probably some fat ass beer drinking bitch who sits at home all day doing nothing but eating donuts and rubbing his beer belly.

and i garantee he dosent do 2 vials/ week either, sure glad you didnt have bigger syringes jarhead, your butt would have been one swollen bruised mess.....


Registered User
Apr 25, 2004
jacksonville florida
This is one of the most entertaining threads ever. Dude, ur gonna be just fine. I got a buddy who does things like that intentionally when he gets drunk just to prove he puts more juice in his ass then anyone else. What a meat head! Keep us posted on how your fealing... I wouldnt skip a week though, keep it comming, just lower the dose for gods sake next time research and plan your cycle ahead of time. lol what an idiot! :) LOL, Does it hurt when you sit down?


Registered User
Sep 5, 2006
Mental Hospital
finaman said:
I got a buddy who does things like that intentionally when he gets drunk just to prove he puts more juice in his ass then anyone else.

Guys like this is why AAS has a bad reputation within the communities and the government itself.