Not depressed..


Registered User
Aug 30, 2004
im not depressed or anything...im even on PCT right now on the first day...

took 300mg of clomid and 40mg of nolva.

wheres the depression and stuff at? i heard of people crying while watching the lion king! im not feeling anything different then normal right now.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
I got a little depressed i think. when i got off of my cycle i didn't feel like working out and that i was trying to convince myself that i needed to keep taking it. I wasn't emotional thou.


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
just because you dont have it, doesnt mean freak out. just relax, alot if it is mental induced. doesnt mean product is fake.


shamrock10 said:
im not depressed or anything...im even on PCT right now on the first day...

took 300mg of clomid and 40mg of nolva.

wheres the depression and stuff at? i heard of people crying while watching the lion king! im not feeling anything different then normal right now.
you have now posted in 3 different threads about that you think your stuff is fake because you are not depressed. i keep asking you what kind of gains did you make on cycle and you never answer the question. if you ate correctly and trained hard enough you will have made gains while on the juice in question. if you didnt make any gains but did everything else correct then it was fake.
i think you need to do alot more research on the side affects of steroids and how to tell you are using legit stuff before you try another cycle.
WHY THE HECK ARE YOU SO WORRIED ABOUT DEPRESSION? this is not a side affect that everyone experiences but you want to use it as a judge on whether your stuff was real instead of looking at your gains, or maybe you didnt train hard enough or eat enough food and you are looking to put the blame on bad gear when it was really bad planning and followup? dont know what to think of ya at this point?????????/ :confused:


Registered User
Aug 30, 2004
i did make gains...about 10lbs in the first month and then from there it was just water weight... ill be 145 one night and the next morning ill be 138.5lbs. sorry about the complaints....but i keep hearing about most of this shit being on the black market is fake so...makes u question things you know?


Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
Bro...I have come off a very long cycle...and I have zero depression. Like pincrusher said, depression post cycle is not a side effect everyone experiences. Be thankfull you do not have it. What surprises me is that you only gained 10lbs...I would really like to know how you ate on cycle? Alot of people dont gain too well after there first and second cycle, even with a great diet, but almost everyone blows up on there first, unless there diet was very bad.


shamrock10 said:
i did make gains...about 10lbs in the first month and then from there it was just water weight... ill be 145 one night and the next morning ill be 138.5lbs. sorry about the complaints....but i keep hearing about most of this shit being on the black market is fake so...makes u question things you know?
from the weight range you are talking about and without having your stats in front of me i would have to surmise that diet was the biggest problem. if you only weigh in the 135-150lb range then it would be an educated guess on my part that you havent discovered quite how to eat to gain. gaining weight whether its naturally or on gear is best accomplished when you are force feeding yourself. what i mean by that is if you wait till you are hungry to eat it is generally to late and your muscles have already been starving for food for to long. the guys who gain consistantly and get to be the biggest guys out there, learn how to eat every 2 hours even if they are not hungry when that time comes to eat the next meal.
with the amount of people i have helped out in this sport, and it has been quite a few, the #1 problem is that most people tend to think they are eating enough food when in reality they are only consuming what i would consider to be a maintanence amount and not a gainers amount.
if you are at 145lbs and want to gain 20lbs on a cycle you must first plan out how much you MUST eat to acheive that goal. take your GOAL weight and multiple it x20 and that is the calorie amount and multiple goal weight by x2 and that will be your protein minumums. in your instance if starting at 145 with a goal of a 20lb gain then your finishing weight will be 165 so 20x that will be a minimum caloric intake of 3300cals and a protein minimum of 330 grams. this food requirement must be spread out over a minimum of 6 meals and preferably 7-8. this will ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs in the timeframe neseccary to grow muscle.
get yourself a good calorie counter book like " corinne nesters book of food counts" it lists not only calories but also proteins, fats, & carbs.
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One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
and look at me, thats why im beating myself up about my situation, damn clomid. but still not that bad.