

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
pokeme said:
If nolvadex is used in pct can it stunt growth?

Well you shouldn't be taking steriods/protection if your still growing!

The simple answer is the estrogen is the main cause of stunted growth. Although nolva is a weak form of estrogen and not estradiol which is produced from testosterone. Therefore that shouldn't effect your growth too much. Studies say it can and others say not really so you should be fine.

However it's what you are taking on your actual cycle that could be the problem. You do know most steroids convert to estrogen? Your body times growth perfectly. Thats why you shouldn't be pumping test into your body at a young age cos you just fuck everything up. If you inject test all at once and you are not done growing you will get a growth spurt but it will seal up your growth plates much faster than nature intended. Meaning future growth should be prevented.

Bottom line is you shouldn't be touching anything that will alter your natural test levels until you have reached (or almost reached) your full growth. I know you might be planning non test gear but that is besides the point. Can you provide your age and what you intend to do. Then we can advise you best. I almost forgot to mention the likes of anavar and winny have been known to help with teen height (not taht I rec them at all for teens).
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just checked your profile and you was born in 75 so are you asking on behalf of someone else? Cos I wouldn't see how growth (height) would be a concern when you are 33. So ignore what I wrote above about young age. But I would have thought you would have grown all you can by now. It's only certain body parts that carry on growing slighty. You will actually get shorter as you get older. You are 33 or turning it this year?
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New member
Jun 2, 2008
sorry on my setting i have everything wrong because i just filled it out quickly. i actually just turned 21 and believe i may have another year to grow. I will be cycling anavar and am just worried about the pct if nolvadex or clomid may affect my growth or not. My friend who is also cycling is still 19 so i just wanted to know if nolvadex would stunt growth, since it is a weak estrogen.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
pokeme said:
sorry on my setting i have everything wrong because i just filled it out quickly. i actually just turned 21 and believe i may have another year to grow. I will be cycling anavar and am just worried about the pct if nolvadex or clomid may affect my growth or not. My friend who is also cycling is still 19 so i just wanted to know if nolvadex would stunt growth, since it is a weak estrogen.

Well in regards to stunting growth you will be fine with a usual dose of nolva. Nolva is more effective than clomid although they are different things. But for the cycle you plan then you would only need nolva. The most you need to take is 20mg so ignore all the 60's and 40's you read about. If you do anavar for say 6-8 weeks then 21 days of nolva will be good. 18 days at 20mg per day and the final 3 at 10mg should be good. I would rec an anavar only cycle but you should be very pleased.

Your friend is making a big mistake starting at 19. I would rec you waiting till about 23. There is so much you can do until then. Training naturally longer will make everything better for future years. It gives you solid foundations for when/if you decide to start steroids. Have you got your diet sorted? Have you tried products such as creatine... that can be great.

By the way what are your intentions for this cycle? Do you want to gain more lean muscle and get abit bigger. Or do you want to tone/cut up? Cos diet is the key for both. And if you want extra help with cutting there are other things that are great that don't effect your hormonal balance.

Well all I can say is if you must do it then atleast you are asking questions and have researched so actual know what PCT stands for. Cos many just do whatever they want and don't bother with preparation/research. I would wait more time but if you must then anavar only should be ok if you do the above PCT protocol. How long you planning to cycle it for? And at what dose? Anyway you will be fine with the growth and it may even help.
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New member
Jun 2, 2008
Yes ive been doing research every day. I know what PCT (post cycle therapy) is and why it is important. Ive also researched different types of gear to use and that is why i decided on anavar because it fitted my goals. I have my diet and exercise set up pretty good although there is always room for improvement and more to learn. Since i play a sport and still want to get a bit of an advantage to play at the level i do so i want to gain strength with out bulking up or gaining too much mass.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
I plan on doing about a 6 or 8 week cycle of 40 mg of anavar. Followed by the dosages of nolvadex. Do you have any advice whether to up the dosage or is 40 enouph to see good results? And if 6 weeks is enouph or should i run it for 8 weeks? I originally planned a 6 week cycle of 40mg but if you have better advice of how to go about this first cycle i'd appreciate it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
pokeme said:
I plan on doing about a 6 or 8 week cycle of 40 mg of anavar. Followed by the dosages of nolvadex. Do you have any advice whether to up the dosage or is 40 enouph to see good results? And if 6 weeks is enouph or should i run it for 8 weeks? I originally planned a 6 week cycle of 40mg but if you have better advice of how to go about this first cycle i'd appreciate it.

40mg is plenty and is what I would do if I was to do it. 6-8 weeks is fine. Just do 6 weeks and see how you feel then if everything is good then go up to 8 max. Avar has a low active life so you can start your PCT a few days after your last tablet (even the next day). Anavar is more for cutting but it should increase your strength, make you harder and just feel better in general (recover faster). So it's a great choice. A great product to do with avar is creatine by the way. They compliment each other very well. The creatine should put on a tiny bit of bulk. It does make you hold more water but just slighty which can be great for your training.

So yeah 40mg for 6-8 weeks is a great schduele. I imagine you will get them in 10mg's. If so just split them throughout the day (10 morning, afternoon, evening, night) for best results.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
I find it cheaper and better to just buy anavar in bulk powder. So ill just fill up my own capsules. And i have a scale to measure it exact as well. And i was reading on that too and was planing on purchasing creatine to also add with the cycle. If i do get good results this time next cycle i might even add in Primobolan since ive read anavar and Primobolan are great together in a cycle.

Well thanks for all the help. I appreciate it.