Nolva Question


Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
Hello bro's of iron

here is what I am planning on running:

Weeks 1-10 250mg Testo E 2x weekly(Mon/Thurs) for a total of 500mg weekly
Weeks 1-4 30mg Dbol daily

Week 13-day 1 60mg
week 13-day 2 40mg
week 13-day 3 to first day of week 15 20mg then for 7 days run 10mg

First sign of Gyno I will run 10mg throught my cycle then follow my PCT plan

Can anyone give me any pointers or suggestions? My diet and protein intake is pretty solid so I am not going to post it

Also, any background on the "blue hearts" 10mg ???


ronnier38930 said:
Hello bro's of iron

here is what I am planning on running:

Weeks 1-10 250mg Testo E 2x weekly(Mon/Thurs) for a total of 500mg weekly
Weeks 1-4 30mg Dbol daily

Week 13-day 1 60mg
week 13-day 2 40mg
week 13-day 3 to first day of week 15 20mg then for 7 days run 10mg

First sign of Gyno I will run 10mg throught my cycle then follow my PCT plan

Can anyone give me any pointers or suggestions? My diet and protein intake is pretty solid so I am not going to post it

Also, any background on the "blue hearts" 10mg ???

first sign of gyno i would run at least 20-40mg a day till problems subside.....I personally think its best to use both clomid AND nolva, as studies have shown that they both have their benifits...nolva alone would need to be run longer than 3 weeks to kickstart the natural test, but people are different. the danabols (blue hearts) are very good dbol pills

its a fairly mild cycle, about identical to what i did, and i really didnt feel i needed to take the nolva at all, but i did to be safe. I took clomid for only 2 weeks....i felt i didnt need to take it anymore. I lost 10 lbs after my cycle, but considering my diet was absolute shit, and I didnt work out for a month cause i was back at home, I am happy with my results.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
After your cycle when you looked in the mirror could you tell a big difference? I work out hard and I plan to go balls to the wall when I start this sysle. My company does random "D" test and I know that gear does not show up on just a regular test(correct me if i am wrong). Will the people I work around notice me growing out of the norm while on this cycle ?? I have really never been around anyone while on a cycle so I have no clue how the avarage person looks from week to week while doing a cycle.

Also, Will the guys in the gym notice me growing faster than I normally have? I have been around them for over a year so they pretty much know what I lift in the gym

wolfyEVH said:
first sign of gyno i would run at least 20-40mg a day till problems subside.....I personally think its best to use both clomid AND nolva, as studies have shown that they both have their benifits...nolva alone would need to be run longer than 3 weeks to kickstart the natural test, but people are different. the danabols (blue hearts) are very good dbol pills

its a fairly mild cycle, about identical to what i did, and i really didnt feel i needed to take the nolva at all, but i did to be safe. I took clomid for only 2 weeks....i felt i didnt need to take it anymore. I lost 10 lbs after my cycle, but considering my diet was absolute shit, and I didnt work out for a month cause i was back at home, I am happy with my results.


ronnier38930 said:
After your cycle when you looked in the mirror could you tell a big difference? I work out hard and I plan to go balls to the wall when I start this sysle. My company does random "D" test and I know that gear does not show up on just a regular test(correct me if i am wrong). Will the people I work around notice me growing out of the norm while on this cycle ?? I have really never been around anyone while on a cycle so I have no clue how the avarage person looks from week to week while doing a cycle.

Also, Will the guys in the gym notice me growing faster than I normally have? I have been around them for over a year so they pretty much know what I lift in the gym

just tell people you got a really strict diet and training routine going. You are taking lots of whey protein and creatine. If they ask if you are juicing, just laugh.....they'll know you're getting bigger, but i doubt they'll say anything about juice. Just keep your mouth shut.

and no its not gonna show up on a test....those tests are too expensive.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2004
Oslo, Norway
You wont see that big difference before after a while. You should take a picture of yourself before you start, some during the cycle and one after your done. Thats how you see most improvement. its hard to notice differences when looking in the mirror as you become obsessed with doing it many times a day. At least I do!

Bet you gonna hear people telling you that you have become massive after some weeks, just wait and see ;)

EDIT: I used to tell everyone I was eating like a madman and taking lots of whey and creatine but most of my friend understood I was on roids. None of them cared anyways so neither did I. But if you`re afraid they`ll think different about you if they knew, dont say it to anyone. Not even to your closest friend.
Last edited:


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
Just tell them your on steroids and if they say something you'll go into a roid rage....ok just kidding. If people know what you looked like prior then their gonna notice the difference when you start to pack on some weight. Do like everyone else said tell them you've been eating alot and take alot of different supplements. That's what i did.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
Jaysonl1424 said:
just say u been taking celltech n nitro tech lol

Better yet tell them you were sponsored by them and you get the supplements for free ;)


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
ronnier38930 said:
Also, any background on the "blue hearts" 10mg ???

There called Danabols. I got mine from Gen-pharma and i liked them if i had enough i would have upped the dosage to about 40mgs ed. But it was a great kickstart to my cycle and i only ran it for a little into 5 weeks.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2005
You are saying that nolva can be taken alone or/and with clomid.
but could clomid be enough ?

Also (Assuming that clomid/nolva taken together is better) ... how do i take it. BEcause i've seen many examples but it was always either clomid or nolva alone)

when i say "how do i take it", i mean should i take the nolva or the clomid when gyno;symptomes show up... or one during the cycle and one after ... ???

thank you (again sorry --- bad english...


Registered User
Sep 28, 2004
Oslo, Norway
imthenextone said:
You are saying that nolva can be taken alone or/and with clomid.
but could clomid be enough ?

Also (Assuming that clomid/nolva taken together is better) ... how do i take it. BEcause i've seen many examples but it was always either clomid or nolva alone)

when i say "how do i take it", i mean should i take the nolva or the clomid when gyno;symptomes show up... or one during the cycle and one after ... ???

thank you (again sorry --- bad english...
You can use both of them for PCT alone. I find clomid to be sufficient. If you look at this chart you`ll see that clomid does what nolva does, and then some.

Here`s a standard clomid/nolva PCT that should be taken 2wks after last injection:

Day1 300mg Clomid - 20mg Nolvadex
Day2-11 100mg Clomid - 20mg Nolvadex
Day12-21 50mg Clomid - 20mg Nolvadex

If gyno symptomes appear, take 40mg nolva ed untill they are gone and then take 10-20mg ed untill finished with cycle and then do PCT as normal.



Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
Thanks everyone for the great information. I am just going to put the bug in everyone ear that in the next few weeks I am going on a strict diet and training routine that my "personal trainer" has designed for me. I am going to tell them some bullshit like that.

I just don't want my nuts to shrink !!


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
ronnier38930 said:
I just don't want my nuts to shrink !!

I haven't experieced testicular atrophy on any cycle.....but....you might want to ask Dragonrider about that department....he might have some experience in that department....sorry DR you had that one coming for all your other jokes on me. :D


Registered User
Jan 12, 2005
If you are prone to gyno star your nolva along with your gear, why take a chance.......I always got arimidex on hand............


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
ronnier38930 said:
Thanks everyone for the great information. I am just going to put the bug in everyone ear that in the next few weeks I am going on a strict diet and training routine that my "personal trainer" has designed for me. I am going to tell them some bullshit like that.

I just don't want my nuts to shrink !!
HCG will help with that.
However, shrunken nuts is a badge of honor to be worn by those who have earned it. Oracle obviously hasn't yet.
Everything works the same.


DragonRider said:
HCG will help with that.
However, shrunken nuts is a badge of honor to be worn by those who have earned it. Oracle obviously hasn't yet.
Everything works the same.
yeah but DR dont they say that spanking it on a regular basis while on cycle will help keep the jewels fuller and working. if thats the case then i dont think oracle will ever experience shrunkin balls syndrome LOL :D


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
pincrusher said:
yeah but DR dont they say that spanking it on a regular basis while on cycle will help keep the jewels fuller and working. if thats the case then i dont think oracle will ever experience shrunkin balls syndrome LOL :D
I agree, but I admire the guy.
Anyone who would remain a virgin until he reaches his bodybuilding goals, is extremely dedicated. Of course when you have to tie a porkchop around your neck just to get the dog to play with you, it's not that hard to stay pure. :smoker: