no weight gain.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2005
im a newbie...i have been on a few cycles(not real satisfied) of anavar( 70 mg a day 5 wks) my strength has increased but i compete in powerlifting and i can not gain to much weight.im in the 242lb class and i am 232.can anyone give me any help on what can be taken to increase my strength that will not give me more than a 10 lb gain in body weight?i am training for a bench and deadlift meet that is march 25th... i would like to incorporate any help(aas)for this meet....thanks


powerpress said:
im a newbie...i have been on a few cycles(not real satisfied) of anavar( 70 mg a day 5 wks) my strength has increased but i compete in powerlifting and i can not gain to much weight.im in the 242lb class and i am 232.can anyone give me any help on what can be taken to increase my strength that will not give me more than a 10 lb gain in body weight?i am training for a bench and deadlift meet that is march 25th... i would like to incorporate any help(aas)for this meet....thanks
halo is a very popular oral taken by powerlifters the last 2-3 weeks prior to a powerlifting event. it provides amazing increases in strength without much weight gain at all.
the anavar you are taking is also popular with powerlifters. you may need to up the dosage to at least 100mg per day due to your weight and amount of increases in strength you are seeking. it will become very expensive at that dosage.
test prop can be used as water retention is very low with it and the prop ester allows the test to hit hard & fast. you can also use that the last 3-4 weeks prior to the meet.
hope this helps and i also hope someone else who competes will chime in with their advise as it may be slightly different since i dont compete.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2005
how about tren.from what i have read on this site it seems to be vary effective BUT,my DUDE at the gym has never heard of it.how r the strength gains from it?


powerpress said:
how about tren.from what i have read on this site it seems to be vary effective BUT,my DUDE at the gym has never heard of it.how r the strength gains from it?
yes tren is anopther good one to use. get the tren acetate estered version and run it for the last 6 weeks prior to the competition. it also has low water retention but you might want to have some dostinex on hand to combat side affects from the tren. run it every day at 50mg per day and you should be fine. i would not run it with halo though if you were thinking it as you may have a very very hard time handling your emotions running them together.


CHRIS 1 said:
I have a guy that just won a power lifitng tounament all he use was 3 anadrol a day. Anadrol tends to make me hard and very stong. Halotestin works great methytesttosterone is big with powerlifters.

What are your lifts and now. how much more are you loking to lift. i have not followed powerlifting in a while but a good friend of min did 3 times his body weight back in the 90s and that made the guinees Book. He used alot off sustonon and Russian D-Bol. He was about 220lbs and benched 776lbs with no bench shirt.

776 w/ no shirt?? are you sure about that....i thought the record raw bench was like 715