Newbee cycle-first cycle


New member
May 25, 2006
hi all,

ok.ok..frist some stats, im 37, 5'11" and 186 lbs...aprox. 22%bf..down from 24 bf. been tryin to control my diet last 6-8 weeks and have done fairly well..down about 10 lbs, eating good and clean.

question is this; found the "Newbee cycle GOLD" and i seem like it would fit what im lookin for fairly well, however 2 questions

1) thru my readings for some reason ive allways thought that Suston 250 would do what im looking for (newbee cycle gold has TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE), what are the pros and cons of the two diff. tests.
2) i'd like to add Winstrol 50mg Ampules (50mg Every Day)to the cycle...most likely at the end, if some one could tell me if it should be overlapped at all or just at the endo of the cycle.

for those who dont know what the "Newbee cycle GOLD" is:

Week 1 to 13: 10mg Nolvadex daily
Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ weekly
Week 1 to 10: 500mg TEST weekly
wk 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
wk 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
wk 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily

2 x NOLVADEX 10mg, 100 tabs by Hexal Germany
2 x EQUIPOISE 200mg/ml, 10ml vial by British Dragon
3 x CLOMID 50mg, 10tabs Greece



Registered User
May 30, 2006
You should focus 100% on diet and forget all about AAS untill your around 15 percent I prefer 9-12% with all that body fat your gonna be more prone to gyno along with water rention. Cut down on the body fat first then think about a cycle. Eq always made my brother hungry as hell I would run my first cycle if it was a cutter like this

week 1-12 Test E 500 mg(250 mg shot monday morn thursday night)
8-12 winny 50-75 mg every day

Run 10 mg of nolva every day(a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure) through your cycle
Get an A.I run it at .25 mg every day through your cycle
imo your pct looks like crap
also get your body fat down your putting the cart before the horse in this case

and unless you comfortable doing every other or better every day injections stay away from sust. Its three different esters in one compound stick to E or C test for your first cycle. also GET YOUR BODY FAT DOWN BEFORE YOU GO ON A CYCLE


New member
May 25, 2006
thanks for the reply,

doin my best now to cut the bf, watchin diet, started runnin, doin cardio...i dint intend to start till i was down below 20% bf, but ill do my best to get it down to the 15% range..ahhh!...what do you mean by my "pct lookin like crap" my body fat percentage?

thanks again


Registered User
May 30, 2006
I believe(along with others) pct should be about 4-5 weeks long
You dont have an A.I in there which would help with the bloat you are gonna put on from the test E.
Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg A.I
Day 2 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg A.I
Day 31 - 37 20mg Nolva / A.I
that is how I would run your pct.


the A.I. that mn fighter is refering to is arimidex. it is good to use it as an anti-estrogen product during a cycle especially if you start at a slightly high bodyfast content. nolvadex is good to use but it does not stop the conversion rate, it only prevents the estropgen from attaching to the receptor sites thus preventing gyuno symptoms but not controling estrogen levels in your body. what may happen is after you come off pct and stop the nolva, the excess estrogen may at that time cause gyno symptoms to appear for which you will be confused as to why it is happening after taking nolva during the whole cycle.
one of the main reasons why it is best to wait till your bodyfat content is around 15% or lower is because at higher levels you will experience a much higher conversion rate of the testosterone to estrogen because the adipose(fat cells) will convert it at a very high rate.
it is also best because the better shape you are in before starting a cycle, the better the results will be because your body has already primed itself by getting in shape in the first place.


New member
May 25, 2006
Thank you very much guys for setting me straight guys, really appriciate all the help. Like i said been tryin to get bf down...funny thing is im really dont think im that overweight. One main problem i think ive had lately is loosing muscle while trying to loose weight...lost over 14lbs of weight but only 2% bodyfat.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
super2 said:
Thank you very much guys for setting me straight guys, really appriciate all the help. Like i said been tryin to get bf down...funny thing is im really dont think im that overweight. One main problem i think ive had lately is loosing muscle while trying to loose weight...lost over 14lbs of weight but only 2% bodyfat.

yah you need to figure out exactly how your body reacts to dieting. and once you figure out a diet for yourself you can keep most of your muscle. post up your diet and we may be able to help you conserve some muscle


New member
May 25, 2006
ok...first of ill say that im really embarrased about posting what my diet is here (because i know its not that good), however for the sake of helping other people out ill do it.

basically im using slimfast..1-2 cans a day, soy chips, 1-2 cans of tuna straight from the can, plain grilled chicken, multi-vitamin, good amout of water..my calorie intake is about 1200-1500 daily.

please dont be to hard on me...just need some good advice.



Registered User
May 30, 2006
You are not getting nearly enough cals in even on a cutting diet I am around 3000-3200 cals. Here are some tip quicks carbs three times a day and never with fat becouse it spikes your insulin and you will put fat on

Here is a sample diet and just change it to your calorie needs

Lean protein, Complex carb
Ex: 8 eggs (2 whole) ½ cup oatmeal (old fashioned)

Meal 2:
Protein shake/lean protein
Ex: Protein shake (water) tuna salad (1 can of tuna)

Meal 3:
Veggies, lean protein
Ex: baby carrots (10-20) sliced turkey breast

Meal 4:
Proteins shake with ½ cup of oatmeal (always after workout)

Meal 5:
Lean protein, veggies, and complex Carbs
Ex: steak (broiled), green beans, ½ cup brown rice (1 tablespoon butter)

Meal 6:
Protein shake

Also make sure to get a EFA vitamin and flaxseed I take both just cause I have a thing about fat but keep it up bro you will only benifit by staying natty longer

Remember adjust amounts to your needs. hope this helps and dont be embarrased at 19 I weighed 140 pounds dripping wet now tipping the scales at 175 of lean muscle, Just remember without diet and proper training AAS is nothing. I am just going on my first cyle now so I trained natty for about 4 years before I even considered AAS. Just know that boards are here to help you and dont be afraid to post.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
yah with that diet you can expect to lost muscle. the food choices are not that bad though. mnfighters examples are pretty ideal for cutting and maintainng muscle. with only 1200 cals your body cant even perform correctly and your atp levels will be crap.

You need to up the cals bro and when you do just up the cardio to compensate for the extra calories.


mn fighter posted a great diet guide for ya so it would be good to follow it;)
to loss fat to many people eat to little food which causes your body to actually go into a storage mode. once your body realizes that it is not gettting that much food coming into it each day, it will try to store any excess it can to be able to provide energy for later on. this is why it is best to eat 6-8 small meals per day as it will keep your metabolism ramped up to keep burning of cals.
for cardio try to do this first thing in the morning prior to eating anything or drinking anything other than water. this has been shown through actual use, that it is one of the very best ways to burn off fat. your body is in a very nutritionally starved position when you first wake up so by doing cardio then, you will force it to use stored fat for energy.
an ECAQ stack would also help of any good over the counter fat burner. these will also increase your metabolism and help the body to burn off fat.


New member
May 25, 2006
wow, thanks very much guys, really appriciate all the help. Starting to get a bit excited, ive actually started to see a difference in my body already, loosing the 12-14 lbs that i have makes it easier to work out, i actually seem to see a small difference in my body after every workout, guess theirs a bit less fat to hid the work.
gonna take a ride to gnc today, any suggestions on Protein shake/lean protein to buy and anything else to add to my shopping list?

Thanks again


New member
May 25, 2006
oh and by the way gonna hold off on any AAS till i get down to at least 18%bf, will do my best to get to 15%.