new years resolutions



mr.nitrofish said:
one thing I don't get is if someone really wanted to do something good for themself, like dieting, then why wait till new years? in my oppinion the reason most people fail is because they are lieing to themselves, if they really wanted to diet, or quit smoking they would just do it, instead of waiting for the new year.

anyone else agree?
yes i agree with this buty sometimes people need to set a goal and have some sort of starting point. i hate the new year for the first 3 months becauise the gyms always get so damn crowded with resolutioners who have no gym etiquitte and always cut in on you without asking. hell i was doing squats one day on the smith machine and some idiot came over while i was between sets and started removing the weight and pushing a flat bench over to do bench presses. i asked him what he was doing and he said that he thought i was done because i wasnt standing in the machine between sets. what an idiot.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2005
pincrusher said:
yes i agree with this buty sometimes people need to set a goal and have some sort of starting point. i hate the new year for the first 3 months becauise the gyms always get so damn crowded with resolutioners who have no gym etiquitte and always cut in on you without asking. hell i was doing squats one day on the smith machine and some idiot came over while i was between sets and started removing the weight and pushing a flat bench over to do bench presses. i asked him what he was doing and he said that he thought i was done because i wasnt standing in the machine between sets. what an idiot.

Wow pin, that exact thing happened to me today. The gym was crowded as hell. I was doing squatts and some fool decided that since I went to go pick up my weight belt that he could just remove the weights. I agree totally with the "starting point". The first couple of weeks of the new year are absolutely ridiculously crowded with people, who in my opinion, are going to end up hurting themselves with incorrect lifts. I feel bad about putting my 2 cents in. Does anyone have any ideas as to help these people out??

ben johnson

Registered User
Sep 1, 2005
i agree with u Mac on the people that start and dont keep at it to better their lives and i hate the crowds. help, hmmm....deal with and get thru the initial pain your body gives u and get a trainer or a book and read and bcome educated b 4 u touch a weight and hurt yourself. hell even watch the people who r always workin out and appear to do it correctly and maybe ask questions...

my new year resolution ...... just started a cip/deca cycle and i am on a kick butt diet and so forth. hope to post some good pics in march....


Registered User
Dec 7, 2005
Nitro - I agree with you bro. However - like pin said, some people really need a definite starting point and new years tends to portray "out with the old, in with the new". It's like turning over a new leaf. For the most part though people aren't committed and don't stick to their resolutions. It's easy to fall back into old habbits.


people who decide to make changes during the year are way more likely to stick with the changes than anyone who uses the new year as a starting point. the first 3 months of the year gym membership literally triples but for those of us diehards who have some patience we know the gym ALWAYS goes back to being slow around april first. maybe there is more than one reason why april 1st is called april fools day. could it be that this is when all the damn new years resolutioners quite and end up looking like fools to the rest of us? :D


Registered User
Mar 3, 2005
Deep South
i always workout at lunch when it is a lot less crowded than any other time of the day, in and out with no interruptions, but now my wife has decided to start working out (a true resolutioner) and she wants me to wait and go with her at 6:30 p.m.. WTF, i will normally skip a workout rather than go in there at 6:30 any time of the year. anybody want to bet on how long i'll have to deal with this??? :)


Registered User
Sep 26, 2005
pincrusher said:
people who decide to make changes during the year are way more likely to stick with the changes than anyone who uses the new year as a starting point. the first 3 months of the year gym membership literally triples but for those of us diehards who have some patience we know the gym ALWAYS goes back to being slow around april first. maybe there is more than one reason why april 1st is called april fools day. could it be that this is when all the damn new years resolutioners quite and end up looking like fools to the rest of us? :D

Bump, Pin...from the first word to the last



Registered User
Mar 3, 2005
Deep South
that's cool, i was just wife bitchin anyway!!!! i am open for those bets though. i've got 20 that says she will make it to the gym 5 times in the month of january, max!!!!!

Bizarro said:
jabo, I find it difficult to read your posts because I keep staring at your avatar. Sorry.
Last edited:


Registered User
Jan 8, 2006
i agree 100%! my mom every year says "this is the year i quit smoking" and my dad says "im gonna hit the gym again".. Well my mom is still smoking and my dad is still a has been BB!


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
I have goals at all times of the year. Most of them are outside the bodybuilding/health field. I have never been into New Year's resolutions because I pretty much do that all year round. I find it very satisfying to check something as "done" off my goals list. IMO people who don't set goals or don't follow through with their goals are drifting aimlessly.