New to this. Which Anabolic Steroid to choose.


New member
Oct 20, 2016
I've been doing major research on AAS but I really don't know what kind to get. I want injectable to keep my organs safe as possible. Looking at the rating charts and what people are saying, deca seems like the best option. I'm 18, 6 feet tall and weigh 168 lbs. Is this what I should do my first cycle with?


Registered User
Oct 8, 2016
South China
Deca is good choice. It can be stacked with some other steroids. As a beginner, you can try deca and testosterone enanthate first, for example, deca 300mg per week and tesosterone enanthate 500mg per week.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
I've been doing major research on AAS but I really don't know what kind to get. I want injectable to keep my organs safe as possible. Looking at the rating charts and what people are saying, deca seems like the best option. I'm 18, 6 feet tall and weigh 168 lbs. Is this what I should do my first cycle with?

Hold on cowboy, at 18 you are at a very high risk of messing up your hormones, and that can be permanent. It's no joke. Your still undeveloped at 6' 168lbs. Learn to eat, get to 200 and evaluate once you hit 22 years old or so.

Deca is good choice. It can be stacked with some other steroids. As a beginner, you can try deca and testosterone enanthate first, for example, deca 300mg per week and tesosterone enanthate 500mg per week.

Piss poor advise, he's only 18!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I've been doing major research on AAS but I really don't know what kind to get. I want injectable to keep my organs safe as possible. Looking at the rating charts and what people are saying, deca seems like the best option. I'm 18, 6 feet tall and weigh 168 lbs. Is this what I should do my first cycle with?

Don't use any anabolics at all, yet. You're still really young and your natural Test levels are the highest their ever going to be. You can make great gains, naturally, by just getting serious about your diet and training. As Magnus said, 6' 168 lbs is still pretty underdeveloped. You've got a long way to go before you have any reason to start using AAS.

You'll get good direction on this board from guys that have been in the game for a long time and understand the reality of steroid use. It's not to be taken lightly. The side defects from some of these hormones can be difficult to live with, and in some cases permanent. No one is trying to scare you, just to provide you with a realistic perspective gained through years of experience. I know it's not the answer you wanted to hear, but it's the truth.

Head over to the Diet and Training forums and start some posts asking for direction on both subjects. You'll get some great advice from some of the smartest guys on the net, and with some seriously hard work on your part, you'll be able to achieve your goals.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Hate to jump on the band wagon but i head the same shit as a kid myself. Did i listen.. fuck no.. did it get me anything? Nope. Unless your playing sports for money or in some kind of competitive sport that pays a shit load so you can pay doctor bills for your gyno and liver failure or kidney transplant... then hold off and let your natural peak yest levels do the work. I bet your ass is a late bloomer and will the fuck up eating a shit load of starches and training hard as fuck.

Follow the above guys advice. Stick around here, read up all you can and plan the shit out. Dont take people's cycle advices. Learn, learn, learn and then apply the knowledge yourself around 25.


New member
Oct 20, 2016
Hold on cowboy, at 18 you are at a very high risk of messing up your hormones, and that can be permanent. It's no joke. Your still undeveloped at 6' 168lbs. Learn to eat, get to 200 and evaluate once you hit 22 years old or so.

Piss poor advise, he's only 18!
I've read about the effects they can have on teens but I think I'm about done developing. I even went and got x-rays done of my growth plates and they said I was virtually done growing and that within 8 months(probably soone) my growth plates would be completely sealed. So wouldn't that mean my hormones have balanced?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Listen to posts 3 thru 5 brother if you don't you'll prob regret it. Magnus, Sully, and Lycan have your best interest at heart and their some very smart brothers seriously listen to em.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I've read about the effects they can have on teens but I think I'm about done developing. I even went and got x-rays done of my growth plates and they said I was virtually done growing and that within 8 months(probably soone) my growth plates would be completely sealed. So wouldn't that mean my hormones have balanced?

Not getting any taller is not the same thing as being hormonally mature. And just because you're not going to get any taller doesn't mean you can't get any bigger. At your height and weight, you're no where close to being fully developed, naturally. You should be able to put on another 30-40lbs naturally with just a good diet and training regimen.

And if you don't have the discipline and motivation to get there naturally, before you start using, then you definitely won't have the discipline and motivation needed to keep any of the gains you make once you start using.

No one here is trying to hold you back. We're just looking out for your best interests, even if you aren't. Don't fall into the trap of needing instant gratification. Almost all of the veterans here will tell you the same story. They wish they had waited to start using until they were a little older, and had made more gains naturally while they were younger. It's a common theme in the world of AAS. Take the opportunity to learn from our mistakes.


Aug 28, 2005
I've been doing major research on AAS but I really don't know what kind to get. I want injectable to keep my organs safe as possible. Looking at the rating charts and what people are saying, deca seems like the best option. I'm 18, 6 feet tall and weigh 168 lbs. Is this what I should do my first cycle with?

At 18 yrs old you don't need any AAS. Do yourself a favor and go get your natural hormone levels tested. I bet they are still roaring high. All you need is dedication, food, training and lots of sleep. If you do it right,,you will grow. Always time in your life down the road for AAS,,if you choose to then.


New member
Dec 16, 2015
Deca is good choice. It can be stacked with some other steroids. As a beginner, you can try deca and testosterone enanthate first, for example, deca 300mg per week and tesosterone enanthate 500mg per week.
Why would you recommend to an 18 year old to not only use AAS, but also recommend two different compounds for a first cycle?? Why not choose one compound to see how the body reacts? Less is more. To the OP - brother listen to everyone and wait until at least 25 before using. Build a foundation and workout correctly. You would be suprised how quickly your body can change when completely dedicating yourself to nutrition and your workouts and working your ass off. If you have done major research, you would find over and over again that you are too young.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
My opinion isn't going to be popular on this thread because the guy above are giving you good advise but having said that if your heading toward getting paid athletically or are 100% sure you want to chase being a pro body builder then in that case I would think adding in growth maybe peps would be the way to go getting started only after you personally read everything you can find on them ......know your shit as well as anyone on these boards,dont just take a bunch of strangers( me included) advise without researching and verifying what we're telling you.

Same with gear there's a few things that could be used in major moderation that will help develop the pro body and let's be honest if he's going to chase a pro card he's going to be on gear the rest of his life....

Now having said that if your not 100% positive you want to chase a pro card for the rest of your life LEAVE GEAR ALONE UNTIL YOU CANT GROW ANYMORE and honestly starting young if your not going to compete you can accomplish an amazing build and stay natural without taking to risk your going to take with gear, and don't be fooled it's a risk no matter how good your genetics


Registered User
May 10, 2013
lol. He's 6' 168. I may have missed it but i didn't see a breakdown of his training routine or history, diet and body fat.

Yeah but go ahead and recommend the kid a cycle


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
Try eating 4000 REAL CALORIES...count/journal them everyday...try it through the holidays(60 days) with your natural 18yo hormone levels and see how soon/much the scale moves


Registered User
Dec 3, 2016
East side!
I've been doing major research on AAS but I really don't know what kind to get. I want injectable to keep my organs safe as possible. Looking at the rating charts and what people are saying, deca seems like the best option. I'm 18, 6 feet tall and weigh 168 lbs. Is this what I should do my first cycle with?

Bro your 18!!! No way should you start any AAS. Your gonna take a chance at stunting your growth and ruining your own hormone production. Your not even finished growing nor have you reached your genetic potential! I could understand if you had blood work and your doc said you have low test or something. But I would wait kid

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