New to the game


New member
Dec 14, 2005
Hey whats up I am 21 yrs old going onto 22 soon. Ive been working out off and on for the past 2 yrs. I was kinnda skinny around 140 lbs 5,9 ive gotten to 165 lbs using N-Large and proten shakes. I went on a food camp type thing where i really dedicated myself and worked out 5to 6 days a week. I got to 184lbs by taking some suff from GNC (no2 oon cycle off cycle) I stopped traing for the last couple of months and dint eat as much and went down to 170 lbs. I want to start putting on 20 lbs for summer and am going to start on new years im thinking of taking some steroids maybe the premade stacks from ceratin websites, im a little (very scared) to inject steroids but I really want to gain that weight. Can anyone give me any advice all posts r welcome. Lastly I dont have anyone to inject it into my ass can anyone help me with advice maybe there is clinics where they could do it for me, thanks alot in advance.


tyson9 said:
Hey whats up I am 21 yrs old going onto 22 soon. Ive been working out off and on for the past 2 yrs. I was kinnda skinny around 140 lbs 5,9 ive gotten to 165 lbs using N-Large and proten shakes. I went on a food camp type thing where i really dedicated myself and worked out 5to 6 days a week. I got to 184lbs by taking some suff from GNC (no2 oon cycle off cycle) I stopped traing for the last couple of months and dint eat as much and went down to 170 lbs. I want to start putting on 20 lbs for summer and am going to start on new years im thinking of taking some steroids maybe the premade stacks from ceratin websites, im a little (very scared) to inject steroids but I really want to gain that weight. Can anyone give me any advice all posts r welcome. Lastly I dont have anyone to inject it into my ass can anyone help me with advice maybe there is clinics where they could do it for me, thanks alot in advance.

first, welcome to anasci.....

you said you stopped training for the last couple of months and lost weight.....actually, you should start up training for about a year more naturally. get your diet and training perfect. without these 2 things perfect, steroids would be just a waste of money.

and once you're ready for them, you can in fact inject in your ass by yourself......(not to mention the ass isnt the only place to inject)

stick around on this site....learn proper eating and training, and you'll be glad that you waited.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
Welcome to Anasci Tyson. Listen to Wolfy bro, he won't steer you wrong. Althought it might be tempting to start a cycle right away, everything he stated about getting you diet and training down for a year before you start, is right on the money.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
needle fear

I agree that you should train and diet strong for a little longer before your first cycle. Then maybe you can work up the courage to poke yourself with that needle in that time. In the years before I decided to start juicing I always watched when the nurse stuck me with a flu shot or other such things that was intramuscular. watch where she sticks it in your shoulder or your ass (its easy to forget where she stuck your ass). And ask her things like how many ccs is that? And what gauge needle is that? Try to learn this stuff every time you go to see a doctor. Oh, and if you rarely go to the doctor maybe you should get a flu shot this year just for that reason!

Captain Canuck

Registered User
Oct 9, 2005
Up North
Andrew said:
I agree that you should train and diet strong for a little longer before your first cycle. Then maybe you can work up the courage to poke yourself with that needle in that time. In the years before I decided to start juicing I always watched when the nurse stuck me with a flu shot or other such things that was intramuscular. watch where she sticks it in your shoulder or your ass (its easy to forget where she stuck your ass). And ask her things like how many ccs is that? And what gauge needle is that? Try to learn this stuff every time you go to see a doctor. Oh, and if you rarely go to the doctor maybe you should get a flu shot this year just for that reason!

Sounds good Andrew I think I will go and get one :eek: For got!

Tyson its good you're asking questions because the people here at AnaSCI can point you in the right direction. One thing I have learned about steroids is WHEN PEOPLE give you good advice you should always listen! And then most likely when you do start a cycle you will have no problems.

Also just read a lot!!!!

Oh and :welcome:


welcome to anasci.org :welcome:
wolfy said it best but i will of course add some more to what he said(because i just cant keep my big mouth shut LOL)
once you spend some time on the site and read all the stickies which are located at the top of each forum page, you will begin to see the real story behind steroids. they are not a majic drug that produces instand gains, you need to have everything else in place just like wolfy said, if they are going to work for you.
the last thing you want to do is run a cycle and loose all your gains afterwards because you didnt know or were not properly prepared.
at your age with the right diet & proper training schedule, you have the potential to gain quite a bit of weight without steroids. biggest issue is how much you eat, the timing of the meals, what other natural supplements you take etc. to continue to gain weight you have to constantly shock your body by overloading it with nutrition(mainly protein) just the same as you shock your body in the gym. you also need to ensure you are getting enough rest and recovery time within your workout schedule. you should not train more than 2 days in a row without taking a day off to recover properly
you must also learn the varoius techniques involved in creating muscle growth in the gym. most people think they are pushing themselves in the gym when in reality they are not. if you ever watch a professional bodybuilder go through a workout when he is in a muscle building mode, you will understand what i mean by pushing yourself. for example when your calves start to really burn from doing seated raises, how many more do you push out while going through the intense pain from the burn?
listen to everyone, read lots and we will be more than happy to help you in any way we can...pin

Captain Canuck

Registered User
Oct 9, 2005
Up North
pincrusher said:
welcome to anasci.org :welcome:
wolfy said it best but i will of course add some more to what he said(because i just cant keep my big mouth shut LOL)
once you spend some time on the site and read all the stickies which are located at the top of each forum page, you will begin to see the real story behind steroids. they are not a majic drug that produces instand gains, you need to have everything else in place just like wolfy said, if they are going to work for you.
the last thing you want to do is run a cycle and loose all your gains afterwards because you didnt know or were not properly prepared.
at your age with the right diet & proper training schedule, you have the potential to gain quite a bit of weight without steroids. biggest issue is how much you eat, the timing of the meals, what other natural supplements you take etc. to continue to gain weight you have to constantly shock your body by overloading it with nutrition(mainly protein) just the same as you shock your body in the gym. you also need to ensure you are getting enough rest and recovery time within your workout schedule. you should not train more than 2 days in a row without taking a day off to recover properly
you must also learn the varoius techniques involved in creating muscle growth in the gym. most people think they are pushing themselves in the gym when in reality they are not. if you ever watch a professional bodybuilder go through a workout when he is in a muscle building mode, you will understand what i mean by pushing yourself. for example when your calves start to really burn from doing seated raises, how many more do you push out while going through the intense pain from the burn?
listen to everyone, read lots and we will be more than happy to help you in any way we can...pin

Very nice post

I like the part where you say "for example when your calves start to really burn from doing seated raises, how many more do you push out while going through the intense pain from the burn?" :idea:

lol most guys I see in the gym now a day could not do that and they think they are really pushing it.

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New member
Dec 14, 2005
Thanks for the advice and welcoming me 2 the site. I know ur right about training correctly and eating correctly (which is my problem) its just I want to gain that 25lbs before I go back to England this summer, what do u think of training for like a couple of months then taking maybe a 8 week oral cyacle? ......, thanks.

ben johnson

Registered User
Sep 1, 2005
welcome....im tellin ya keep askin all the ?'s u want....but listen to what these guys tell ya and read!!....i have and i am gettin some great results.


New member
Dec 14, 2005
4 real but its hard to get results I want, I already know my biggest problem is eating enough. I dont know if its because Im lazy or I dont know any good simple reciepies or what if anyone can help me out on this matter, it would be a great help, thanks.


tyson9 said:
4 real but its hard to get results I want, I already know my biggest problem is eating enough. I dont know if its because Im lazy or I dont know any good simple reciepies or what if anyone can help me out on this matter, it would be a great help, thanks.
although we generally as a rule dont recommend what i am about to, in your situation it will help. if you are having issues with eating enough food or having the time to eat, add more protein shakes to your daily routine. we usually only recommend 1-2 protein shakes per day and the rst of your nutrtion should come from good whole foods but if you have trouble eating then add 1-2 more shakes. they are easy to mix up, you can find some really good ones that actually taste great and they are easy to carry around by getting little plastic containers and measure out your dosage into them so you dont need to have the big jug with ya. i always have 3-4 premeasured and take them with me everywhere along with a shaker cup.
with my schedule i spend 5-6 hours every day in my car driving so i drink 2 shakes during this time and make sure i eat a regular meal before & after im done work.
one thing that concerns me here though is that you want a rapid weight gain for summertime when you travel but without having continued your workouts recently you will tend to add more fat than muscle.
you have made great gains without steroids which is telling me you were able to eat enough before to gain naturally so i would stick with that for awhile yet. :)