New to site & looking to get bigger


New member
Mar 20, 2006
New to site & looking to put on muscle

Hey all,

I found this site when I was looking for info on anti-aging therapies (HGH, testosterone and the like). I read some threads and like fact that people here can discuss alternative therapies and offer first hand experiences. Good stuff.

I am looking to get bigger and going to see if I cant start HRT (testosterone) and see what happens with that (I am now looking for a physician who will prescribe and monitor my progress). Working out will be interesting (I plan on using the HST program) because I have 4 crushed disks in my lower back and I have to minimize the amount of back exercises I do. Regardless I would rather strengthen my back than just sit, do nothing and let it get worse.

Anyway, here are my stats...

age: 39
height: 6' 2"
weight: 197
bodyfat: 26%
chest: 44
waist: 36 :mad: grrr... it used to be 32 back in the day
biceps: 13 3/4 (both)
forearms: R=12 1/2 L=12 1/4 (yea I'm right handed)
thighs: 22 (both)
calves: 15 (both)

Anyway just wanted to say hi and post so I could be accountable to someone. So if you have any advice on my measurements, info, etc, I would appreciate it.



p.s. BTW I finished Lasik eye surgery last week. I had 20/90 vision before and now my vision is pretty close to 20/20 - so if your wondering if its worth the money, let me tell you, it is :D
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Big A

IFBB Pro / NPC Judge / Admin
Sep 10, 2005

I need Lasik too, but I am petrified that they'll screw something up!


Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
XTao said:
Hey all,

I found this site when I was looking for info on anti-aging therapies (HGH, testosterone and the like). I read some threads and like fact that people here can discuss alternative therapies and offer first hand experiences. Good stuff.

I am looking to get bigger and going to see if I cant start HRT (testosterone) and see what happens with that (I am now looking for a physician who will prescribe and monitor my progress). Working out will be interesting (I plan on using the HST program) because I have 4 crushed disks in my lower back and I have to minimize the amount of back exercises I do. Regardless I would rather strengthen my back than just sit, do nothing and let it get worse.

Anyway, here are my stats...

age: 39
height: 6' 2"
weight: 197
bodyfat: 26%
chest: 44
waist: 36 :mad: grrr... it used to be 32 back in the day
biceps: 13 3/4 (both)
forearms: R=12 1/2 L=12 1/4 (yea I'm right handed)
thighs: 22 (both)
calves: 15 (both)

Anyway just wanted to say hi and post so I could be accountable to someone. So if you have any advice on my measurements, info, etc, I would appreciate it.



p.s. BTW I finished Lasik eye surgery last week. I had 20/90 vision before and now my vision is pretty close to 20/20 - so if your wondering if its worth the money, let me tell you, it is :D

We'll theres tons of info on here and www.professionalmuscle.com on all of the above.. I'm 42 and doing HRT along with higher cycles thoughout the year..
This I can say, I look better than 99% of the rest of the 42 year olds out there. While you are on the boards the best thing to remember is you are 39, you are not 22 oor 32, you are not looking to get to 290lbs and compete..so while reading dosage recomendations and other suggestions keep in the back of your mind who is writing these suggestions and what are their goals...Keep your goals in mind while reading stuff so you don't go off the deep end and screw yourseflf up..
Good Luck..


New member
Mar 20, 2006
Big A said:

I need Lasik too, but I am petrified that they'll screw something up!

Thanks Big A,

As for something going wrong, I thot the same thing but they had a computer that tracked my eye during the surgery for movement and the laser adjusted as necessary.

I wish I had got it done earlier or at least gone and gotten a free consultation to learn more about it. Its definetly worth looking into.


New member
Mar 20, 2006
Cryptasm said:
We'll theres tons of info on here and www.professionalmuscle.com on all of the above.. I'm 42 and doing HRT along with higher cycles thoughout the year..
This I can say, I look better than 99% of the rest of the 42 year olds out there. While you are on the boards the best thing to remember is you are 39, you are not 22 oor 32, you are not looking to get to 290lbs and compete..so while reading dosage recomendations and other suggestions keep in the back of your mind who is writing these suggestions and what are their goals...Keep your goals in mind while reading stuff so you don't go off the deep end and screw yourseflf up..
Good Luck..

Thanks for the info and the reminder to keep my goals in mind (I have noticed there are a lot of younger people here who are looking for "big" gains).

Its true I dont want to get into competitive bodybuilding, but I do want a better quality of life, build some lean mass and look good too. I have been looking at HRT and I found one clinic where a 3 month testosterone routine will cost about $300; 6 months = $600. Then for HGH it would cost about $1,200 for a 3 month.

I am still researching about the effects these have, but I am really interested in going this route.

Thanks for your insight


New member
Mar 20, 2006
CHRIS 1 said:
Welcome to the board. Good luck with your back. iIhave a friend I train with on and off. He had broken his back at work. He was taking a car egine out and when he lifted it out he fell backawards and somehow it landed on top of him. He not able to train legs and I got to yell at him when he dose deadlifts because he out for weeks from the pain when he dose them. At leats hes able to do something that kind of injury can end your weight lifting days.

The fucked upo part about it is i alway saw him in pain the doctor was giving him a ton of pain killers. He was eating somtimes 8 -12 percoden/ vicoden a day some times. I said to him you arealready fucked up the pain killers arent doing you any good . Why dont yuo ask the doctor if steroid could help strenghten your back maybe the pain would go away if it got you back a little stonger stonger. He went to the doctor and ask him about taking deca. The doctor told him it would help him but he could not prescribe it to him, I thought to myself this doctor is an idoit , my fried is going through 300 tabs of percoset and vicoden a month and shotting him with a pain killer cortisone combo biut he wont give him a shot of somthing that he saying could help him. Well my friend buoght it from someone in the gym with in a month his back was a little better and he got off the pain killers.I dont know if it is in his head but he swear sthat just a few cc of deca helped his back pain. It still hurts but nothing like before. I think it is in his head but I wont tell him that

Any thoughts on that from any doctors . Can deca help releive pain or is it in my buddies head.


My back isnt as bad as your friends but I was taking a lot of flexeril and sometimes motrin with codine. When it got really bad I had a couple of shots with some steriod (I forget the name) but it helped. Of course I was already going to physical therapy but that seemed to help.

Now I am just trying to strengthen my back - I have noticed when I do work out, within reason, it does help my back pain which is constant (not wake me up in night pain, but just a steady, constant, lower end pain).

But hey I cant complain, there are lots of people who are far worse than me. I'm glad I can still workout and have fun.



Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
XTao said:

Thanks for the info and the reminder to keep my goals in mind (I have noticed there are a lot of younger people here who are looking for "big" gains).

Its true I dont want to get into competitive bodybuilding, but I do want a better quality of life, build some lean mass and look good too. I have been looking at HRT and I found one clinic where a 3 month testosterone routine will cost about $300; 6 months = $600. Then for HGH it would cost about $1,200 for a 3 month.

I am still researching about the effects these have, but I am really interested in going this route.

Thanks for your insight

How much test??? what are they hitting u for GH $8 per iu (generic)?? 2iu pd 5xpw??