new here and really need advice before cycle


New member
May 6, 2015
thanks in advance to those whom answer but basically when i was younger (17) and around 20 i did cycles of sust 250 and deca 300. first time an older friend suggest/told me to do it so i did . i ran no post cycle and had no signs of gyno . later on i did another cycle ran sust 250 and deca 300 twice a week and can't remember then dosage . i slacked on my post but took my nova and clomid as well as hcg. i never did my own research just listened to what my friends had said to do. i developed a slight lump under my nipples a few months later and took notice so went to doctor and told him i had used steroids with no post cycle he said nothing of it and not to worry. its been years now I'm 26 and have not been training steady for a long time . recently it has gotten a lot worse and gyno is a lot more noticeable. especially when I'm slouching . Ive been working out again now for about 2 months and about to start a tren-a/sust/tbol cycle and wondering if its a bad idea or if i should try some form of treatment first or is surgery the only way? sorry about the long post but any help would be much appreciated before i start as I'm worried it will get a lot worse and i will end up having to get the surgery.
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Registered User
May 1, 2015
Try a gyno reduction protocol first to see if it will go away. If not, then surgery is your own option. I will dig around a bit and find a good one to post for you, provided no one beats me to it.

Best of luck to you, and welcome! You will find help here.


Registered User
May 1, 2015
OK, found a good one. I am not sure if I am allowed to reference other boards, so I will just give the writer the credit deserved:

Austinite said:

Raloxifene: 60mg daily for 10 days, then 30mg daily util reversed. You should see improvement in approx. 4 to 6 weeks. If you choose to run 60 mg daily until it's gone, do not exceed 60 days.

Tamoxifen: 40mg daily for one week. Then 20mg daily until gynecomastia is reversed.

Both protocols above will take time. This is not a 2 week process. Reversal will require patience. But it most certainly is effective, side-effect-free and cost incredibly effective when compared to surgery. Raloxifene is the superior compound today for reversing gynecomastia. It can be dosed on or off cycle at 60mg daily up to 80mg daily until your gynecomastia is reversed.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can I use Letrozole to reverse gynecomastia?
--- No. This is a very old school method and should never be attempted. We've advanced and we know better today.

2. What should I use to reverse gynecomastia?
--- See the links above. Raloxifene or Tamoxifen are the 2 proven SERMs to work.

3. Can I develop gynecomastia even if I've had the surgery in the past?
--- Yes, you most certainly can. Having surgery is not a reason to ignore signs and estrogen management.

4. How is gynecomastia diagnosed?
--- Physical examination, blood tests, mammograms, chest x-rays, CT scans, MRI, biopsy, etc...

5. Can I get gynecomastia even if estrogen is in check?
--- Not likely, but again, hormonal imbalances and ratios that are way off can cause issues. Get diagnosed.

6. Can gynecomastia develop on one side only?
--- Not likely, it's probably already in both, but only one side is affected worse, so you get signs from that one side.

7. Why are Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM) better than Aromatase inhibitors (AI)?
--- Both have been studied and SERMs are proven effective. AI's are proven ineffective. SERMs bind to E receptors at breast tissue strongly, unlike AI's.

8. Can SERMs reverse pubertal gynecomastia?
--- Pubertal gynecomastia has been studied as well, and SERMs have been proven effective.

Have a powerful day,

~ Austinite

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
I was NEVER gyno prone then....one day....had a lump under nipple.
Started on Nolva @20mg/ED from a TRUSTED SOURCE HERE and Voila! Gone like a fart in the wind.

Just as mentioned above, this isn't a quick fix, but it can be successful if you stick to it.
You'll learn that everything in bodybuilding comes down to consistency. Everything.

Good luck my friend.
Jan 26, 2015
For my own curiosity, I wonder if this protocol would still work while on cycle or if it would reverse some of the cycle rewards. Any thoughts?



Aug 28, 2005
thanks in advance to those whom answer but basically when i was younger (17) and around 20 i did cycles of sust 250 and deca 300. first time an older friend suggest/told me to do it so i did . i ran no post cycle and had no signs of gyno . later on i did another cycle ran sust 250 and deca 300 twice a week and can't remember then dosage . i slacked on my post but took my nova and clomid as well as hcg. i never did my own research just listened to what my friends had said to do. i developed a slight lump under my nipples a few months later and took notice so went to doctor and told him i had used steroids with no post cycle he said nothing of it and not to worry. its been years now I'm 26 and have not been training steady for a long time . recently it has gotten a lot worse and gyno is a lot more noticeable. especially when I'm slouching . Ive been working out again now for about 2 months and about to start a tren-a/sust/tbol cycle and wondering if its a bad idea or if i should try some form of treatment first or is surgery the only way? sorry about the long post but any help would be much appreciated before i start as I'm worried it will get a lot worse and i will end up having to get the surgery.

Since you having so much problems with your gyno already I wouldn't jump on anything just yet until you get it under control. Get some blood work done and check your estrogen(E2) levels.


Registered User
May 1, 2015
I would stop the cycle and get blood work done, ensuring you get E2 checked. You can get a hormone panel for females (it is available for men too) and it will check all your vital stats. I would not continue to do something that is causing the gyno to get worse while trying to get rid of it.
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WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
How lean are you? the leaner you get you can see it more.

If you have it you got it, surgery. Peptides and chemicals can reduce current swelling ounce tissue forms you got it.

Sure it's not fat that goes under your arm pit?


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
For my own curiosity, I wonder if this protocol would still work while on cycle or if it would reverse some of the cycle rewards. Any thoughts?


Too much suppression can have a negative impact on your gains. Estrogen is responsible for increased intramuscular igf , anti-inflammatory for increased recovery, and has been proven more estrogen =more gh. This is why women have double the gh we do.


New member
May 6, 2015
hmm thank you cybersage i will look into that right away. only thing is I'm in asia for work at the moment so will probably have to go to thailand to get what i need.

and pysch i am very lean at the moment as i haven't been training consistently for a while and let my health and fitness fall right off and basically just getting back into it . I'm naturally tall and skinny 6'1 170 pounds right now so it is very noticeable. over the years it has very slowly gotten worse even more so since coming to asia I'm thinking it could partly be because of the drastic diet change . i will definitely be going for some blood work within the next few days before moving forward.


New member
May 6, 2015
I would stop the cycle and get blood work done, ensuring you get E2 checked. You can get a hormone panel for females (it is available for men too) and it will check all your vital stats. I would not continue to do something that is causing the gyno to get worse while trying to get rid of it.

the thing is i haven't really even started so far only one shot in second one is tomorrow actually and other then that just my tbol at 50mg a day 30 in the morning and 20 in the evening. so stopping now is not a big deal . it has gotten worse over time without any exposure to gear just naturally basically.


Registered User
May 1, 2015
Yeah, then stopping is an easy choice. Fix yourself up first, then start over.