New cycle Help


New member
Nov 24, 2005
There's so much info and opinions to drive you crazy.. I need some advise from some ppl with experience.. I have done a few cycles before and had very good results.. I just want to make sure I am doing things the rite way..

Now(6'0 155lbs 22 years old)

I used Nanralone decanoate with test cypionate at a very low dosage before..
I was taking 200ml of deca every 10 days and 400ml of test cyp per week. I did this for about 2 months. I worked out 5 days a week very hard, slept 8 hours a day and drank lots of water and ate right. I gained about 20 pounds over my original weight(up to 175lbs). I took clomid for about 2 weeks.
I found the deca worked very well with me. I loved it , I could heal faster and work harder, and the test gave me the extra strength.. The clomid i didnt like, it made me all emotional and stressed out , so i cut it short before i jumped of a building lol.. Its been about a year since then and Im back to my original size.. I coulndt keep working out due to an injury.

okay Im all healed up. I need some advice on a cycle and a PCT for the use of Deca with a testosterone.. the brand of choice is (cytex labs) I want to gain weight and I also train in thai boxing.. Im kinda leaning to the least amount of juice as possible and the rest i can make up with extra work.

I need a cycle and a PCT. thanks for reading


Registered User
Aug 22, 2004
Here is what I did my first cycle.. with deca and test and got great results..

500mg test e/wk for 12 weeks
400mg deca/wk for 10 weeks
30mg dbol/day for 4 weeks

Do a search on PCT on these forums there are plenty of threads with the topic. Get some nolvadex it is a must.


Registered User
May 4, 2005
Dude, at 6 foot and 155 you aren't doing enough to gain muscle. No steroid in the world is going to help you, you may gain some weight quickly and then lose it again after you cycle, but you aren't eating enough to be growing. Try eating 5000 calories a day or more and working out. I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but even at 175 where you were after your first cycle you aren't big enough to do steroids. There is no substitute for hard training and LOTS of food.


Registered User
May 5, 2005
im 6' also and when I was 190 I felt skinny.so that being said you need to put on some lbs.that may require force feeding, eating even when your not too hungry.if you do that you will gain muscle. muscle needs neutrents to grow. some even say food is the best anabolic there is.

but you really don't want to hear that. but try it for a while and watch your gains go up. then after that try the cycle fuzion posted.


Registered User
May 4, 2005
you know these people that come on and ask these questions just go on cycle anyways. we might as well just not say anything or tell them to do a winny only cycle


Registered User
Oct 3, 2005
Ontario Canada
I think your problem lies with your high cardio and ectomorphic body type. When I was training 5 days a week in Brazilian Jui-Jitsu I could not gain a pound, too much cardio. I have a mesomorph bodytype so i rip up fairly easy, but again I found it next to impossible to gain quickly with that amount of cardio. Secondly, as already mentioned food, food, food. 6 ft and 155lbs (even 175 lbs) is way to skinny, meaning you expect steroids to gain for you the natural bodyweight you should gain on your own. Once you get near your natural limitations then steroids come in to take you far beyond that limitation. I would recommend getting your diet in order other wise any gains you make (as you have already experienced) will be lost and you will have wasted your time. Don't want to rag on you, but if you have several cycles under your belt already then unless you have some crazy disease (I have ulcerative colitus that has made me fluctuate in weight by over 50lbs in a year!) that causes it, you should not weigh 155lbs, that is on the point of being unhealthy! Naturally you should be a lean 175lbs at that height, preferably in the 180lbs range, so with steroids your looking at 200 plus easily!


Registered User
Nov 21, 2005
steve0085 said:
Dude, at 6 foot and 155 you aren't doing enough to gain muscle. No steroid in the world is going to help you, you may gain some weight quickly and then lose it again after you cycle, but you aren't eating enough to be growing. Try eating 5000 calories a day or more and working out. I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but even at 175 where you were after your first cycle you aren't big enough to do steroids. There is no substitute for hard training and LOTS of food.

well said steve. 6 foot, 155lbs is horribly skinny. i'm not trying to put you down or anything bud, but maybe you should try and just eat and eat and eat. there are plenty of versions of GNCs "mass tech" that have a couple hundred calories per serving. try that?????