needing some feed back


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I've been on a new run for a couple weeks with some changes I dont always see. I try to learn and improve from everything I do and was hoping to get some feed back on my assumptions to make sure I'm on the right track.

When I made the decision to start lifting and dieting everything I read pointed me in the direction of lean bulking up to my goal weight and body fat. After a couple years of doing that every way I could think of I'm figuring out lean bulking isnt right for me.Dont get me wrong anything that was pure fat before I can flex solid now but just dont have the size I should in my opinion. Well for awhile now I've seen alot talk about eat eat eat and lift lift lift screw the programs so to speak so this run has been basicly just that with pretty good results so far . Heres were Im wanting the feed back.

This run is basicly xxx xxxx/xxx xxxx any days Im working out Im eating meat and carbs ,days Im not Im eating meat and fat, no more counting cals ,carbs ,fat ect, just f"%king eating till im full as often as I can, dont get me wrong I'm not slamming candy bars and burgers, I've been on diet long enough I have a very good idea of were Im at at all times and its clean eating .Same with working out no more program just days ,3 way split as many days a week as possible, no more set and rep counts just go as many sets as needed to hurt and some times then some, anyway you get the idea of what im doing.

In just a few weeks ive put on 8 pounds ,and just looking ,my gut that i always have to fight, isnt increasing nor gaining fat anywhere else ,but i can see the muscle gain which isnt normaly the case for me. I'm assuming that since before I started lifting I ate 5 to 6000 cals a day then dropped to 2400 to 3000 to get leaner I screwed up and made my body hold instead of gain so even though the last couple years hasnt been a waist it could have been better.

Also i'm assuming that if I keep going this way eventually my growth will force my body to put all its energy into maintaining my muscle and lean me out . Or will at some point I just get fat power lifter type thing happening.

Also to maintain steady though this run do you think I need to up dose in middle of run or just try to steadily increase food.

The main reason I have never took the current approach to a cycle is I dont want to be 350 lbs and cut I want to hit around a bulky 245 and cut and always thought thius way would push me way past my target, have I just been looking at it wrong or ?

Opinions would be very helpful and appreciated . Hopefully the above came off the way I meant it I have a horrible habit of meaning one thing and the world hearing something else, I swear at times I think I'm saying blue and the world is hearing black....lol any way this run is giving some good results finally and Id like to fully understand why and exactly the tru key difference from what I normaly do.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
damn not even 1 reply ....at this point I really dont care why for the most part I avoid trying to participate in things in a group setting because really all being part of a group has ever done for me is held me back , slowed me down or sent me down the wrong path in life, but I truley have come to love lifting its my peace so I've tryed to participate when and were I can, not to be someone but in hopes the more I put in the more I'll get out. But just fu@$ that shit
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I'm 40 ish been back lifting a few years on trt for the same I lifted when I was younger hard labor most of life but life/family happened and lifting was kinda forgotten until had energy issues and decided I wasnt going out decrepit and all medicated up(gear aside)

I'm currently 240 13 to 14% body fat on diet of some form for right at 3,years lift 4 to 6 days a week depending on work
bloodwork has always came back good other than cholesterol has always been just a couple points high no matter what I eat this was the same even before I started running gear so basicly my first trt doc said we are all different and for me these numbers are normal and where they should be. I do bloods every time I blast no matter .
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The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Thanks for the update, you'll see that we're a good group here, nothing to worry about. We don't tolerate the bullshit we see other places with flaming, insults, etc., so you're in good hands. What kind of cycle history have you had? What's your current training split like and what are your goals (long or short term).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Thanks for the update, you'll see that we're a good group here, nothing to worry about. We don't tolerate the bullshit we see other places with flaming, insults, etc., so you're in good hands. What kind of cycle history have you had? What's your current training split like and what are your goals (long or short term).

Pm sent

Let me say I do appreciate you guys taking the time to get me on the right track,after reading and experimenting with so many different things the last few years I swear its like I know less now because of information overload

My split goes back and fourth between a three way split and a routine another member here showed me some time back. But the three way is chest shoulders tris, back and bis, legs .
I used to go in the gym with a set amount of reps sets and exercises for the day but have switched to changing out the exercises for instance day 1 might have incline machine press this time next time might be dumbbell incline ect. and just make sure if its chest shoulders tris I hit everything : shrugs, mill press,incline, decline, tri push downs over head tris ect. Till I feel everything just changing some of the movements. I also try to come up with new ways to change if I can, at times this ends of with weird looks from the normal gym crowd lol a good example the other day I was taking the dumbells flat at my sides twisting them all the way in the bringing them straight up as close to body as possible and elbows as high as possible and these two were watching kinda smerking at it but I could care less its the best bicep burn I have ever gotten its probably a lift I just have never seen it and couldn't get a pump for anything that day so was trying everything

As for goals there pretty much simple 245ish shreaded but that's misleading because not all 245lb lifter look the same
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Also this is my base diet for this run what I mean by base is I have this then usually add on workout days especially like after legs I usually get something like a foot long steak with double meat I have been adding in some fruit also

Working days: 1 lb beef, 1 lb chicken, 6 eggs, 1 to 2 cup rice, cup oats, banana,(just trying this one 1 can chef boyrdee), maybe 1 small thing of strawberries spread over 4 work out days plus post work out add ons

Non workout days: dozen eggs, 1 pound beef , half pound chicken, half pound turkey,4 oz Colby cheese, 1/2 pound lettuce or spinnach, green pepper , 1/4 cup almond, olive oil. I usually don't add much on these days