Needing Advice


New member
Mar 24, 2015
hello all, im a new guy in here just signed up today. IM 19 yrs old, im 5'7 and i have been bodybuilding for a while and have quit but recently came back. im on my 3rd week since my break and i went from 135lbs to 145lbs all natural. i have a pretty hard core diet and supplements already, my goals are mass gains from 175 to 185 by june, i'm trying to figure if this can be accomplished with the folllowing cycle. (see attached file)

it comes from the one of the websites i found on this site:


i am in need of help and running out of options, if you can advice me it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks


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Nov 20, 2012
Welcome to anasci. Great to hae you here. Tons of information to learn from here.

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but here I go anyways-

At your age, you should easily have enough natural testosterone in your body that you don't even need any AAS products. I wish I had the natural test level of a 19 year old with the experience of a 46 year old weightlifter. I think you will have no issues working to your genetic potential naturally. The reason I am saying this is that messing with this stuff at your age can change things permenantly that you may regret later. The first and biggest thing is you stand a chance of permenantly shutting down your natural testosterone production. That is huge at your age. My natural test levels are 60ng/dl, according to a recent blood test when I was off all testosterone for a while. You don't want that as a young man. Read up on test levels if you don't know what a 60 ng/dl means, it is the test level of a 100 year old man. At my age, I am cool with jabbing a needle in my quad every week for the rest of my life, dealing with doctors visits and costs, expense of the meds, etc. Plus, I don't care about ever having anymore children. You are in a completely different situation. If something like that happens to you, your screwed and will spend a lifetime on trt or just have basically no testosterone in your body to keep you looking and feeling like a man. I would train a few more years naturally, dieting right, taking in smart supps like BCAA's, etc...and let your body do what it does naturally.

I know this is a long post, but I just want you to see why I think you have a lot farther to go using that God given test cycle that your body has you on naturally. Good luck to you buddy, and keep training hard. Looks like you've made lots of progress.
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AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
Welcome to anasci. Great to hae you here. Tons of information to learn from here.

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but here I go anyways-

At your age, you should easily have enough natural testosterone in your body that you don't even need any AAS products. I wish I had the natural test level of a 19 year old with the experience of a 46 year old weightlifter. I think you will have no issues working to your genetic potential naturally. The reason I am saying this is that messing with this stuff at your age can change things permenantly that you may regret later. The first and biggest thing is you stand a chance of permenantly shutting down your natural testosterone production. That is huge at your age. My natural test levels are 60ng/dl, according to a recent blood test when I was off all testosterone for a while. You don't want that as a young man. Read up on test levels if you don't know what a 60 ng/dl means, it is the test level of a 100 year old man. At my age, I am cool with jabbing a needle in my quad every week for the rest of my life, dealing with doctors visits and costs, expense of the meds, etc. Plus, I don't care about ever having anymore children. You are in a completely different situation. If something like that happens to you, your screwed and will spend a lifetime on trt or just have basically no testosterone in your body to keep you looking and feeling like a man. I would train a few more years naturally, dieting right, taking in smart supps like BCAA's, etc...and let your body do what it does naturally.

I know this is a long post, but I just want you to see why I think you have a lot farther to go using that God given test cycle that your body has you on naturally. Good luck to you buddy, and keep training hard. Looks like you've made lots of progress.

agreed! nothing but solid advice here! again welcome to ANASCI brother, stay here and learn all you can! this place has the best members and more knowledge than one can process. keep training hard and eating clean but like a beast and get as much sleep as you can and keep the partying to a bare minimum. best of luck to you brother and keep asking questions!


The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Welcome to AnaSCI. These guys know their stuff and they are 100% correct. Your body's natural ability to build muscle is so high now and at 19, going the drug route is just detrimental to your system. Stick around, read up and check out the diet and training areas around here, TONS of great information from experienced people. Good luck!


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
hard place to be in...yes the steroids may affect your fertility down the road...but if you don't juice and all the meat heads around you scoop up all the nice pieces of tail then that's also gonna affect your fertility lol

try and hang on man, girls want a provider which is why they flock to muscles...brains and character get the job done too, read some books!!!


Jun 10, 2013
hard place to be in...yes the steroids may affect your fertility down the road...but if you don't juice and all the meat heads around you scoop up all the nice pieces of tail then that's also gonna affect your fertility lol

try and hang on man, girls want a provider which is why they flock to muscles...brains and character get the job done too, read some books!!!
I conceived my daughter on well over 2k grams a week and thought I was infertile so..... I've also ran doses close to 5k+ a week in my younger days


Registered User
Jan 1, 2015
Yeah messing with test at your age is dangerous
If you really feel need some gear I would go for short oral only cycles like 4 week max 30-40 mg dbol per day....Provided You check ur liver and take supps to keep it healthy
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The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
You should get blood work done. Your testosterone will likely be at a very high end of the range. That should convince you that you do not require testosterone now. Point is, guys that use trt have such low testosterone, they get treatments just to be somewhere in the range you're at naturally at this point. Use your body's high levels to build muscle for now.


May 19, 2014
Unless you plan on being a professional bodybuilder I wouldn't bother with any gear. If your goal is to add 10 lbs by June then post your diet for a week week and your training. A few people on hand will help your out and point you in the right direction to reach your goals the safest way


Registered User
Feb 18, 2015
Yeah my 19 year old brother started juicing at 16! And now he doesn't even feel right off of juice. He's psychologically AND physically addicted to it, and will probably have to stay on some sort of TRT for the rest of his life :/

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Yeah my 19 year old brother started juicing at 16! And now he doesn't even feel right off of juice. He's psychologically AND physically addicted to it, and will probably have to stay on some sort of TRT for the rest of his life :/

Those are the kind of stories that sadden me because with these compounds, they are unforgiving and there are no 'do-overs'.


May 19, 2014
Agreed. It's because people just want to take the short cut right aways and don't want to put the time in to do the research. I personally don't recommend gear to anyone under 25 preferably 30 unless there going to be a pro.

Running a small cycle at 19 just to add 10 lbs isn't what I would call smart at all. I garentee we could help this guy reach his goal just by diet and exercise.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2015
Agreed. It's because people just want to take the short cut right aways and don't want to put the time in to do the research.

That and those fukking scumbags at the gym pushing steroids on young kids to make money.
That's what happened to my bro. Some fucker named "goob" got him on in. There will probably be words exchanged between us if we ever cross paths.


May 19, 2014
That and those fukking scumbags at the gym pushing steroids on young kids to make money.
That's what happened to my bro. Some fucker named "goob" got him on in. There will probably be words exchanged between us if we ever cross paths.
As much as I agree I also disagree. It takes two. One person to sell and one person to buy. In the end it was his choice to buy and use.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2015
Kevin - most of what everyone posted is true & honest.
I know the temptation to juice but give us a chance to work with
you before you jump head in brother.

I trained as a natty & won the teen Nationals & competed natty as a pro. I am willing to post my pics from my natty days to show you just how far you can naturally go w/out using any gear.

Like we all said post up your real diet & training routine plz!
I can guarantee you that we can help you reach your goals with
no problem brother.

In the end the decision is yours & this is not what you want to hear.


Aug 28, 2005
19 yrs old is YOUNG my friend. Do yourself a favor and at least get some blood work done to see where your own natural hormone levels are right now. I would imagine your going to find them roaring high and all you need is HARD TRAINING,QUALITY FOOD,REST and a ton of DEDICATION!