Need some input from the vets

mr mac

New member
Jul 27, 2011
Here is the cycle I am thinking about running:

Wk 1-10 400 test cyp
Wk 1-10 400 Boldenone
Wk 1-10 .25 proviron
Wk 3-13 .25 arimidex
Wk 13-16/17 PCT Nolva and Clomid

Stats: 5'9" 200lb unk b/f (I am not fat)

Here are my questions:

Is is right to run the AI this way(I have never taken AI before)? I figured since the aas will take a couple more weeks to clear my system I would take it up until PCT starts.

Also, is it possible to start the proviron at Wk 2 or 3 as well? The last 2 weeks before PCT is when I will be spending time at home and I would like for the boys to be ready to party -OR- should I just get more?

I already know that I can run the boldenone longer for better results and that it doesn't 'Kick in' until week 3. So should I drop it altogether and save it for later when I have more? If so, Maybe I don't need the AI and can just take a small dose (10mg) nolva throughout the cycle to fight any E at the receptor level.

Anyway, please comment with your ideas. I wanna be ON soon as it will have been 15wks since my last 10wk cycle of sust and M1T for the last 4 wks. Pretty sure the sust was bunk (don't trust Kuwaiti pharmacy). Let me know of any tweaks or whatever and I will take them into consideration.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Here is the cycle I am thinking about running:

Wk 1-10 400 test cyp
Wk 1-10 400 Boldenone
Wk 1-10 .25 proviron
Wk 3-13 .25 arimidex
Wk 13-16/17 PCT Nolva and Clomid

Stats: 5'9" 200lb unk b/f (I am not fat)

Here are my questions:

Is is right to run the AI this way(I have never taken AI before)? I figured since the aas will take a couple more weeks to clear my system I would take it up until PCT starts.

Also, is it possible to start the proviron at Wk 2 or 3 as well? The last 2 weeks before PCT is when I will be spending time at home and I would like for the boys to be ready to party -OR- should I just get more?

I already know that I can run the boldenone longer for better results and that it doesn't 'Kick in' until week 3. So should I drop it altogether and save it for later when I have more? If so, Maybe I don't need the AI and can just take a small dose (10mg) nolva throughout the cycle to fight any E at the receptor level.

Anyway, please comment with your ideas. I wanna be ON soon as it will have been 15wks since my last 10wk cycle of sust and M1T for the last 4 wks. Pretty sure the sust was bunk (don't trust Kuwaiti pharmacy). Let me know of any tweaks or whatever and I will take them into consideration.


I prefer not to use an AI unless needed. But if I were to use on during a cycle it would be aromasin. It has less negative effects on lipids.

Your cycle looks fine. I would personally just run proviron at 25mg throughout your cycle until your pct. For pct use clomid for 3 weeks and nolva for 4 weeks (or more if you need to).

Sure Eq takes along time to come into true effect so 12 weeks + are recommended. But as I stated your cycle looks good. Starting the proviron on week 3 is fine and I recommend it.

If your unhappy with the amount of water weight you should look at your diet. Then look into using an AI. But I think you will be fine without.

If you develop gyno definately start your AI. Many take them every cycle (start to finish) but I personally don't see the need. They can work against you. High estrogen is fine if your test is high... they are interrelated.

From time to time I take nolva at 10mg for long periods due to it's cholesterol advancing properties.

Just some random thoughts... I hope they help.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just adding one thing I do recommend is interval injections of HCG during your cycle. Many do every 5 days but I feel this is unnecesary. If doing a 12 week cycle I would do around week 6 and 12 (after last injection but before pct). 500IU every 3 days for 12 days is a good protocol.

You could try weeks 6 and 10 as your cycle is shorter. But if you can't don't worry about it. Just make note for future cycles.

Proviron is amazing and I recommend it for most cycles.

mr mac

New member
Jul 27, 2011
Thanks bro. It really helps to have some input. I have just been non stop reading and cross referencing as much as I could and thought that this sounded ok. Advice coming from people who have experience is a big help.