Need some help


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
Okay, so i know i said about a month ago i finally ended it with the side project???? well i did but i also got wrapped up in it AGAIN. im like quagmeyer from family guy, if she is hot, i cant control myself. well this girl is now giving me an ultimatum because she wants to settle down with me and what not. but the thing is, is that im married(see the problem) but it is so hard for me to end this becuase i got in deep with her and dont want to hurt her, but i cant stand the fact of someone else being with her. and i know what the bible says about breaking marriages and what not, but i ask you, isnt it better to do it now when no kids are involved??? its that this side girl is everything i ever wanted even more than my wife was when we started. she is hot, works out like crazy, buys me shit, wants to do anything i want, has hot friends(just a perk) and her mom is a knockout, and my wife's mom, lets hope my wife doesnt go that route. now im the type of guy that i hate to break either of their worlds, which is going to happen. and i try to picture me leaving my wife, and it seems like i just wouldnt want to go through the hassle and have her be hurt. i just hate to know that im losing this great girl who could in fact be the one, because i dont want to hurt someones' feelings. and for the ones who ask, i have talked with my wife about doing more things for me or whatever, but to no avail. and she has gotten bigger and does nothing about it and is content. and i notice it alot, and for a guy who is use to hotties, its kind of depressing. i aint got much time to decide and it really really sucks. prayers would be helpful.


Registered User
Nov 9, 2004
Well do what any true player would do Tex let them meet each other then have a 3 some. lol Nothing would beat that idea bro.. It be like heavon


Registered User
Feb 1, 2005
good luck bro, I was in a situation similiar to that a few years ago. left my fiance' that I had been with for 8 years for the hottie I met at the gym. (which I am marrying in June). I still wonder if I did the right thing though. Looks are not all that is out there, you need to connect on many more levels. I'm still pretty sure I made the right choice but I do miss things about the one I let go. I say do what feels right in your gut. You gotta be happy first and foremost, then worry about everyone elses feelings. just my two cents.
Good luck!


Feb 25, 2005
Tex.....Dude you are married. You ought to work on mending that broken promise you made to your wife.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
TexasCreed said:
and for the ones who ask, i have talked with my wife about doing more things for me or whatever, but to no avail. and she has gotten bigger and does nothing about it and is content. and i notice it alot, and for a guy who is use to hotties, its kind of depressing. i aint got much time to decide and it really really sucks. prayers would be helpful.

Have you flat out told her that you are considering divorce if things don't change? Maybe if she knew that was a possibility it might wake her up.
Kind of like going to work and your boss constantly nagging you about spending too much time on the computer untill one day he just hands you a pink slip. Wouldn't it have been much easier for him to say, look you do good work, but if you don't quit spending so much time on the puter, we are going to fire you."

Most people don't GET subtlety. You actually have to spell it out, or they don't get it.

max lift

Registered User
Feb 24, 2005
Well if their are no kids involved then its my opinion that life is too short not to be happy .


Registered User
Feb 6, 2005
I feel for you bro. I had the EXACT same thing (except my side project was married too). Long story short, we were right for each other and have now been married 16 years (this week). No kids were involved. No one can know your relationship with your wife. I made the decision to go with my heart and never regretted it.


Sep 19, 2004
I'm gonna lay out a few scenarios...
I. You divorce the wife...
a. Own a house, bye bye
b. Own a car, bye bye
c. she knows you juice right. bye bye
II. You tell the side you're leaving the wife to be with her
a. Oh that's right she doesn't know you're married. bye bye
b. she says screw you and tells the wife, bye bye

Bro, it seems like a lose lose situation.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2005
Blackbird said:
I'm gonna lay out a few scenarios...
I. You divorce the wife...
a. Own a house, bye bye
b. Own a car, bye bye
c. she knows you juice right. bye bye
II. You tell the side you're leaving the wife to be with her
a. Oh that's right she doesn't know you're married. bye bye
b. she says screw you and tells the wife, bye bye

Bro, it seems like a lose lose situation.

I heard once that "It's cheaper to keep her"


i just dont know what to say tex.......i personally think you're a slimeball for a husband......its one or the other bro......you can't have your cake and eat it to......why did you get married in the first place if you know that you'd do shit like this??? if you want to keep the wife, let her know, "hunny, please start working out and such....i miss the old you" let her know that she's letting herself go......


Registered User
Mar 9, 2005
Ask Yourself One Question. How Would You Feel If You Found Out Your Wife Was Doing What You Are Doing?


Feb 6, 2004
I say try working on things with the wife. The grass always looks greener on the other side. You like this new girl more right now because you don't really know her. Women don't show their true inner colors until a year or so of being with them.


Registered User
Mar 10, 2005
Like someone said earlier looks only count for so much. so what if the other chicks hot. I was married to a very very hot chick for about 3 yrs. The hotter they are the more vain and petty they are. And if your wife puts on a few pounds soo what. Trust me dude beauty is only skin deep. But bitch runs clean to the bone. Just dont dump your wife for a chick you make be deeply in like with.


AnaSci's Hillbilly
Aug 6, 2004
Tex, I was with the same chick for seven years. She was an ten on the scale of one to ten physically. I can honestly say that just about every woman I was with before her was a better person than she was. I waited for her to become a better person but she never did. I was in to her because she was hot and she was in to me because I was a challenge. I guess what I'm trying to say is stick with the one who you think is going to be there for you in the long run. It could be either one-only your gut knows the answer.

big o

Mar 20, 2005
Well here is some advice.....I was married for 20 years some times good and sometimes not so good...I hooked last July with my ex-from high school..I was her first..I fell in love with her and we were to be married when I was 20..I slapped her around 2 weeks before the wedding,guess what no wedding...My heart was ripped out because of it...I was fighting alot with the wife and decided to reach out to my now girl friend after 25 years...I met her at Logan and fell in love with her on the spot...This was my one and only really true love in my life..I told the wife about meeting her and told her I wanted a divorce..The kids were hurt..My son is 19 and attending UGA my daughter is 17 and doing well in school and she'll be attending UGA...The sex with my wife is far better..She would give me a blow job just about every day and finish it off nicely,no she didn't swallow...My wife would love to role play and play with herself and use a toy no problem at all....Sex was really good...
Lately my now fiance has been really irriating the shit out of me and I lost it on her Saturday...She's been divorced for 13 years....She an execuative so she's a little bossy for her own good....I don't like being told what to do by any one.....My point is I thought the grass would be greener on this side of the fence...here's the trade off....My wife was a very sexy woman she was a size 4/5 suck my dick anytime I wanted,role playing with her dressing sexy was out of this world...Girlfriend fiance...Loves to fuck,loves anal..this is scary...gives me head all of 45 seconds and then she wants me to bone her..although she has jerked me off and swallowed me twice...She's cute no where as sexy as my wife...My kids are really fucking pissed at what I did to their mother..I ripped my wife's heart and stomped on it.....I'm regretting it every second of my existence...I should have stayed with my wife and my daughter...I left my wife of 20 yrs. for a woman I was madely in love with 25 years ago..I'm thinking I should have left her in the past...But the funny thing is I love both of them very much...I should have stayed with the wife,banged the girlfriend in Rhode Island and stayed with my wife in Atlanta...I'm 46 and I'm regretting doing what I've done...I made a mistake in judgement...Now I have to live with that...Stay with the wife,bang the whore....when it's done get another whore....Look at Tee's sites and jack your dick in fantasy land....Stay with the wife.....


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
thanks for all the advice, seems some have been here before. the time to do this would be now, so house(just renting), no children. but it still would be a hassle. i just hate knowing that i maybe passing up something great for the long run and being unhappy later in life. i'll guess i'll stick it out


Registered User
Feb 1, 2005
probably a wise choice. You should really try talking to your wife though. I wouldnt necessarily tell her about the other chick but I would talk to her about the problems you are having with her weight, activity level, what ever is on your mind. Good luck bro, keep us posted.