Need help with youtube channel


Feb 2, 2013
I have an idea for a youtube channel, but am pretty ignorant of the process and technology, but one of my boys is helping me on some of it yet I am open to any ideas. First let me give you the jist of what I am planning for the new year.

One of the greatest things you can do as a individual is to see yourself as you really are. So, while myself do not have many stand out attributes I have always been good with communication (I was actually an ordained minister for a while...surprise) and love to teach people just about anything I actually know about. That would be limited to the Bible, construction and weight training. And , no I am not the final word on these things but I know more than many and just as important I believe I can communicate them better than many who know more.

I see a big gap in the fitness industry whether it is with personal trainers or youtube. And that is so many do not relate to the working man or woman. The majority of authorities are not only dry, but do not tell you how to keep it real. The other thing that is common is those who have channels or web pages are successful people. I am sorry, bug how do I relate to someone who walked into the gym with a greek body already or benched 315 his first day? How do I relate to those people? So, I want to bridge the gap for the single mom or the the guy who works on the garbage truck. And what about the guy and gal who are more mature, but still love the iron game or want to start?

The one thing I am going to try to do is provide some entertainment as I communicate the basics of weight training for blue collar Americans. Kind of a Stone Cold Steve Austin meets Jim Stoppani. Basically, it will be me with some kick ass posters and memorabilia behind me. Along with a white board and whatever other illustrations I can muster. So, once a week I will let it fly for 20 or 30 minutes.

Some of the things I need help on:
1. Affordable camera and mic.
2. How to promote?
3. What the hell to call it? I want to avoid using my name, but may use my nickname, Jammer, but it doesn't matter.

Any and all thoughts welcome,


Registered User
Oct 28, 2012
Chester, VT
Hey CH,

I teach online for a living, so using YouTube is a way of life for me. It is also important for me to promote my channel, because not only do I use it for my classes, but I also wrote a text that goes with some of my classes, so promoting the book is extra income for me when adopted by other schools or purchased by libraries and individuals. I'll give you BRIEF answers, and if you want detail in any of them, I'd be glad to provide, either in this forum or off-forum.

1. I find that just about every laptop in existence has a credible mike and camera built-in. I dont buy extra equipment unless I have to. Waste of $. There are external mike/cameras you can buy at any Walmart and just connect to a laptop if you want higher quality. Advantages to using the laptop is that (a) you can save a copy on your laptop if something goes screwy at YouTube; and (b) it eliminates a step in transferring videos from Camera to Laptop to Upload site.
I strongly recommend - given the strong possibility that you have several different target audiences ( beginners, women, middle-aged truckers, etc) all of whom might need a different approach and different instructional videos, that you consider arranging your YouTube Channel into Playlists. My Playlists, are naturally, based on classes (Macroeconomics, Management, Finance, Sports Economics, etc) and you can see them organized at the bottom of this page:


2. In promoting, never underestimate the use of free social media. Post each one to Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter after its uploaded and ready. 25% of my YouTube hits come from NON-students of mine around the world. Make sure you "monetize" each video (ie, permit advertisements), and each month you'll get a nice $100 check from google :)

In addition, set yourself up with a Blog. Imbed the videos in a blog post. Then Link your Blog via a platform called Networked Blogs, which cross-posts each of your new posts to social media platform - all for free.

3. In terms of your name, DONT think of what YOU want to call it, or what makes sense to YOU. Get inside the heads of your target markets and use a name that encourages THEM to go to your site. Talk to a dozen or so people who you think would be potential customers (in Marketing we call this a "Focus Group.") What catches THEIR attention? "Kicking Ass in Middle Age?" "Step by Step for Gym Newbies?" Use your name to make customers say, "Ah!, that sounds like something I want/need!" "Jammer" is great for people who know you, but if I was a potential customer, I wouldnt know what that meant. Is it about Music? Making Jellies and Preserves? Think long and hard about this, because once you've named your channel, you can't really undo it effectively.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Like he said above lap top cameras are pretty good quality for the set downs but if your going to do things away from the computer....in the gym ect. go pro is pretty awesome at a fair price...the picture quality sold me and I don't buy shit like that often.

Hope you get this up and running...would have helped me and the wife a lot when I started.


Feb 2, 2013
Hey CH,

I teach online for a living, so using YouTube is a way of life for me. It is also important for me to promote my channel, because not only do I use it for my classes, but I also wrote a text that goes with some of my classes, so promoting the book is extra income for me when adopted by other schools or purchased by libraries and individuals. I'll give you BRIEF answers, and if you want detail in any of them, I'd be glad to provide, either in this forum or off-forum.

1. I find that just about every laptop in existence has a credible mike and camera built-in. I dont buy extra equipment unless I have to. Waste of $. There are external mike/cameras you can buy at any Walmart and just connect to a laptop if you want higher quality. Advantages to using the laptop is that (a) you can save a copy on your laptop if something goes screwy at YouTube; and (b) it eliminates a step in transferring videos from Camera to Laptop to Upload site.
I strongly recommend - given the strong possibility that you have several different target audiences ( beginners, women, middle-aged truckers, etc) all of whom might need a different approach and different instructional videos, that you consider arranging your YouTube Channel into Playlists. My Playlists, are naturally, based on classes (Macroeconomics, Management, Finance, Sports Economics, etc) and you can see them organized at the bottom of this page:


2. In promoting, never underestimate the use of free social media. Post each one to Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter after its uploaded and ready. 25% of my YouTube hits come from NON-students of mine around the world. Make sure you "monetize" each video (ie, permit advertisements), and each month you'll get a nice $100 check from google :)

In addition, set yourself up with a Blog. Imbed the videos in a blog post. Then Link your Blog via a platform called Networked Blogs, which cross-posts each of your new posts to social media platform - all for free.

3. In terms of your name, DONT think of what YOU want to call it, or what makes sense to YOU. Get inside the heads of your target markets and use a name that encourages THEM to go to your site. Talk to a dozen or so people who you think would be potential customers (in Marketing we call this a "Focus Group.") What catches THEIR attention? "Kicking Ass in Middle Age?" "Step by Step for Gym Newbies?" Use your name to make customers say, "Ah!, that sounds like something I want/need!" "Jammer" is great for people who know you, but if I was a potential customer, I wouldnt know what that meant. Is it about Music? Making Jellies and Preserves? Think long and hard about this, because once you've named your channel, you can't really undo it effectively.

First, 1000 thanks. I have read your post twice already and plan on using all the advice you took the time to share. What is even better is that you answered questions I was too ignorant to ask.

If it is ok, I would like to ask for more advice as questions arrise.



Registered User
Oct 28, 2012
Chester, VT
First, 1000 thanks. I have read your post twice already and plan on using all the advice you took the time to share. What is even better is that you answered questions I was too ignorant to ask.

If it is ok, I would like to ask for more advice as questions arrise.


Of course...never hesitate...-I've been doing this for a decade, buddy...

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
i will think about all this and see if i can help. excited for the channel. bad ass you are about religion, working construction and training.


Feb 2, 2013
Like he said above lap top cameras are pretty good quality for the set downs but if your going to do things away from the computer....in the gym ect. go pro is pretty awesome at a fair price...the picture quality sold me and I don't buy shit like that often.

Hope you get this up and running...would have helped me and the wife a lot when I started.

Exactly, my target audience :) Well, formerly.



Feb 2, 2013
i will think about all this and see if i can help. excited for the channel. bad ass you are about religion, working construction and training.

Thanks man, at this point I do like the name Blue Collar Muscle and Blue Collar Strength. But, still up in the air. I have some ideas brewing and with the help of you and guys like MC I should be able to get this thing up and running by the new year!
