Need alot of advice on this cutter please.


New member
May 22, 2006
Hello all, first of all i'd like to thank the owner/mods/admins of this board because it is the best board i've been to over the years, so i decided this would be the place to ask these questions.. i've been researching AAS for years and i didnt find this site until today, and to be honest i've spent the last 8.5 hours reading and searching through all of the archives. so, thanks again.

Now onto my question. I'm going to start an 8 week cutter in the next week or 2, and i just had a couple of questions about stacking. I plan on taking at least Winstrol depot, and was thinking of stacking it with primobolan depot or tabs. but from what i learned winny and/or primo are at least a little, or maybe alot suppressive of natural test. since i dont want to include test in this cutter for various reasons (aromatization and water retention), i was wondering if 2 shots a week of HCG at 250 i.u. per shot would keep natural test levels at least to normal baseline during the stack. i dont want to feel like shit or lose my ability to get an erection during cycle so im looking for alternate means of test. i was also thinking maybe using proviron to take place of the test during the cycle, would that be possible?

and at last if you guys dont think proviron or the HCG would be sufficient i was thinking of stacking the winny with a low dose of Test prop throughout the cycle, although that would probably be a last resort.

Please let me know what you guys think, as you guys will be where i turn to first for information from now on.

thanks alot in advance. :)


yessir66 said:
Hello all, first of all i'd like to thank the owner/mods/admins of this board because it is the best board i've been to over the years, so i decided this would be the place to ask these questions.. i've been researching AAS for years and i didnt find this site until today, and to be honest i've spent the last 8.5 hours reading and searching through all of the archives. so, thanks again.

Now onto my question. I'm going to start an 8 week cutter in the next week or 2, and i just had a couple of questions about stacking. I plan on taking at least Winstrol depot, and was thinking of stacking it with primobolan depot or tabs. but from what i learned winny and/or primo are at least a little, or maybe alot suppressive of natural test. since i dont want to include test in this cutter for various reasons (aromatization and water retention), i was wondering if 2 shots a week of HCG at 250 i.u. per shot would keep natural test levels at least to normal baseline during the stack. i dont want to feel like shit or lose my ability to get an erection during cycle so im looking for alternate means of test. i was also thinking maybe using proviron to take place of the test during the cycle, would that be possible?

and at last if you guys dont think proviron or the HCG would be sufficient i was thinking of stacking the winny with a low dose of Test prop throughout the cycle, although that would probably be a last resort.

Please let me know what you guys think, as you guys will be where i turn to first for information from now on.

thanks alot in advance. :)
well your info about winny and primo is a little offbased. winny doesnt convert to estrogen which is the main culprit for water retintion and also gynocomastia. it will also not deter your natural production of test quite as bad as if you are taking injected test or other products.
a really good cutting cycle would be test prop & winny combined together. test prop has very low water retention also and is fast acting. an 8 week run of prop with the winny being used the last 5-6 weeks would work well for you. you will also need to eat correctly during this cycle for maximum effect.


New member
May 22, 2006
thanks for the reply pin, i know that winny doesnt aromatize, i meant the test. but test prop and winny does sound good. a few more questions if you dont mind, why only use winny the last 5 or 6 and not the full 8? and what do u think optimal dosages would be for a cutter, 50 mgs of test prop ED or 100 EOD or less? and then winny at 25-50 mg's ED?

thanks again in advance.


oral steroids should not be used more than 4-5 weeks at a time due to their potential liver toxicity. you can run them for the entire cycle but may experience an increase in liver values the last 4-5 weeks of the cycle will give you an added boost to finish it off.
the optimum dosage of prop would be 50mg ed but you can get away with 100mg eod. if you do the eod method and side affects seem to be showing up, you cans witch to ed and they may go away or at least lessen in severity. i know quite a few friends who have tried both methods with prop & tren and the ed dosage schedule seemed to work best with less side affects over the eod schedule.
the winny can be used at 50mg ed if it is oral or eod if injected.


New member
May 22, 2006
thanks again for the reply pin, just had a couple more questions to square this cycle away before i get started..

1. would 50 mg EOD of test prop be a high enough dose to be effective, or would 50 mg ED be the lowest possible dose you would want to use?

2. do you see any reason to leave proviron out of this? or would i be able to go ahead and run it at 25 mg ED? i plan to use injectable winny so i dont have to worry about using 2 orals at the same time.


yessir66 said:
thanks again for the reply pin, just had a couple more questions to square this cycle away before i get started..

1. would 50 mg EOD of test prop be a high enough dose to be effective, or would 50 mg ED be the lowest possible dose you would want to use?

2. do you see any reason to leave proviron out of this? or would i be able to go ahead and run it at 25 mg ED? i plan to use injectable winny so i dont have to worry about using 2 orals at the same time.
1) 50mg eod of prop would only end up being about 175mg per week which is pretty low. it may be enough to work for you but 100mg eod would be a much safer way to go to ensure high enough levels to support good quality gains. this will be equal to about 350mg per week or about the same as 425mg of test enanthate or cypionate since the esters on both of those take up more of the total weight of the molecule.
2) proviron would be a good addition to the cycle. it will help act as a gyno preventer and will also help by binding to the SHBG thus freeing up more test in your system. winny also has been shown to bind to the SHBG (sex hormone binding globule) which is what about 98% of all the test in your system ends up binding to. by using both winny & proviron together you may reduce that overall percentage down to about 92-95% which can make a very big difference to your body and potential gains.:) free up more test and you will see more gains on lower amounts of juice.