need a lot of advise


New member
Jan 25, 2006
right i guess i better start from the beginin, i am what you guys would call very new to this, and a mate of mine happens to be able to get the gear. after a few days of should i or shouldnt i i decided to take the dark route.

he got me Omnadren 250 and 10g blue hearts (tabs) for life of me cant remember the name of em...

i have a few questions...

1st of all..

is this a ok mix to take he recomends 1 omnadren 4 times a week and 4 tabs daily...

second of all...

i need the pins ect.. where am i likely to get them without them thinking im a crack head...


any help would be very greatful

i have also been told to get on some protein shake.. so i went out and got some metrx supreme whey...

how often do i need to take this...

well an feedback would be greatly appreaciated....

many thanx



Registered User
Dec 7, 2005
Right bro - I'm going to give it to you straight...

Judging from your post I'd say you need to do a LOT more research before contemplating using AAS. There is plenty of information on this site and the guys here will be more than happy to help you. Just make sure you take the time to know and understand what you're getting into. Don't mess around with your health bud - and if you choose to be ignorant and not take the time to learn you could find yourself dealing with some very bad consequences.

Next - how sure are you that your friend knows what he's doing? I have friends who may have the best intentions for me, but I wouldn't trust their limited knowledge when it comes to AAS. Once you have done some research and know what you need, get your stuff from a reliable source. Anasci has a section with tried and tested sources and they are the best way to go.

With regards the protein question, you are not going to get any results on AAS if you don't have the right diet. In fact, diet is the single most important factor when it comes to bodybuilding. Why not post a bit more about yourself - eg, stats, training experience, current diet and goals and we'll try help you.

Be safe bud! :headbang:


New member
Jan 25, 2006
thanx mate yeah i know im green and need more info under my belt.. but to be honest i have read so much and really to be honest still aint sure...

i would like if possible to know is the 2 i have mentioned worth a go when im ready. this is not gonna be for a while yet as im still deciding which route to take...

i go training 3-4 times a week im 17 stone.. and fairy hefty, 30 years old.
im trying to not nes gain to much more weight but kinda define what i have already got.

my diet is good and eating right...

please shed a little light for me.

and glad to be on a forum with some good info..

many thanx


Registered User
Jan 25, 2006
do you have your PCT together? If you dont know what that is then i highly recomend reading more before you get involved with gear. just my 2 cents


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
Welcome to Anasci!

If it's your first cycle, 250 of omnadren 4x per week (1000mg) would be a lot!Also, since it is a mix of test. esters, some of the esters are longer, thus longer duration of release. Maybe what your friend meant was one amp of omnadren every 4 days, that would seem more reasonable.

Figure out what the pills are that you have!! Don't just down something without knowing it's effects and side effects! It may not even be the correct type of AAS for your cycle goals, or side effects may require ancillary medications, etc.

I also agree with Static...I hope you have thought about and aquired the necessary PCT.

There is a lot of info. on this site and many knowledgeable people chat with. I'd urge you to consider reading more before just jumping on a cycle of AAS.


Registered User
Read up bro. This site offers lots of knowledge from guys with years of experience. IMHO i think you need to wait until you have hit your "natural potential" to start the juice. I made the mistake of starting to early and i wish i could go back and wait a while before i started. Do some research, read as much as you can and ASK QUESTIONS...everyone here is open to help you and will give you guidence in the best way possible. Remember that the only stupid questions are the ones you dont ask...ALWAYS ASK IF YOU ARE NOT SURE. I have been around steroids for several years now and i still ask questions constantly. Anyway im gettin off the soap box now. Welcome to anasci! :welcome: