My usual day


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just thought I would supply some details on a typical day of eating and supplmenets. I will be using this (or similar) for the next few months. I must add I am not bulking and not cutting to the max but just using this system to lower bf over time. When I want to cut properly I will adjust calories/carbs/protein etc (more protein and fewer carbs). It might be useful as I include a few supplements many would have heard of but might not have tried. Many on here know my gear details but not the below info.


Whey Protein, Vitargo (great) with L-Carnitine

40 mins/1hour later 3/4 eggs & porridge, cereal or toast


Snack- Protein Bar and Fruit



Chicken Breast/Turkey
With pasta or on a sandwich (brown/wholegrain)


Snack- Protein and maybe some carbs. Beef Jerky is a new fav protein source.
Co-Enzyme Q10 at 100mg



Protein Shake (Whey), Glutamine, BCAA's, Creatine from time to time (CEE) and Honey (goes great with Creatine).



Protein (Whey & Casein), Glutamine, Vitargo, Creatine frome time to time (CEE) and a strong anti-oxidant such as Astaxanthin or Alpha Lipoic Acid (great with Creatine).



Brown Rice
Broccoli/Mixed Green Salad


Before Bed

Protein (Casein), ZMA, GABA


Supplements I spread throughout the day are

- Fish Oils X3
- Milk Thistle X3
- Ginkgo Biloba X1 (60mg)
- Q10 X1 (100mg)
- Anti-Oxidants
- B Complex
- Vit C
- L-Carnitine at the moment. Uusally 500mg 3 to 5 times per day

All the reasons I use all the above are too long to list but they all have a purpose and have have been picked from a long list I have tried in the past. Q10 is great for energy in the gym and muscle stamina. Ginkgo Biloba is great for vertigo which I have suffered from since I was a child. It is also great for circulation and has potent anti-oxidant effects. Anti-oxidants are used to fight off free radicals... these effecting muscle growth significantly. Heavy weight training produces many free radicals so it is wise to protect against them.... eating things like blueberries, blackberries etc are also good for that. Vit B and C are simply vital and although you get them in many foods I make sure I have more than enough.

Now I am here I might as well list what I am currently taking for my pct. I am nearly into my 3rd week of my pct for my last cycle. I am doing the usual of clomid and nolva. 4 weeks of nolva (20/20/20/10) and 3 weeks of clomid (Day 1 at 250mg, day 2 at 200mg, days 3-11 at 100mg and days 12-21 at 50mg). But I have recently added a few things that have great use.

Started taking a combo of Tribulus (a great one), Fenugreek and have some Horny Goat Weed to use on my workouts days just before the gym (gives me a massive boost). Added to that is ZMA just before I go to bed.
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