My Story


New member
May 13, 2005
Hey guys,
Here is my story. I am 45 yrs old. I have been lifting on and off all my life. I wrestled in college. I have involved in sports all my life and consider myself an athlete. Three years ago I had to stop lifting because my shoulder wore out. 1.4 years ago I had shoulder surgery. I started lifting/rehab in January. In March I started lifting for real. I am bench pressing 255, 5 sets of 5. Squatting 350, 5 set of 8 and dead lifting 280, 5 set of 8. I am 6’ and weigh 205 and look good. (Bf 15%?) I lift 3 to 4 times a week. I am on a strength training program so I stopped running. I have been taking Fizogen on cycle/off cycle for the last for 4 month. I have had great results. I am already at all-time highs weightlifting and did I say I look good. I think it is the Fizogen and the surgery. My calorie intake is 3500 to 4000 calories/day. I have never done steroids, but I am getting greedy because with these supplements, I am doing great. I am very healthy. What do you think and what cycle would you recommend? I do not want a lot of fluid gains because my wife is anti-steroid and I don’t want it to obvious that I am on steroids. I also have a job that could be jeopardized if they found out what I am considering doing. I am especially concerned about PCT.
Thanks in advance.

max lift

Registered User
Feb 24, 2005
I dont think you will be able to hide it from your wife ,
With that said Test only is what is recomended for the 1st cycle pct is very important you should read the stickies thay will fill you in more on pct and how to run it we are all here for any questions welcome to ansci,


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Check back later...seriously

trouble said:
Hey guys,
Here is my story. I am 45 yrs old. I have been lifting on and off all my life. I wrestled in college. I have involved in sports all my life and consider myself an athlete. Three years ago I had to stop lifting because my shoulder wore out. 1.4 years ago I had shoulder surgery. I started lifting/rehab in January. In March I started lifting for real. I am bench pressing 255, 5 sets of 5. Squatting 350, 5 set of 8 and dead lifting 280, 5 set of 8. I am 6’ and weigh 205 and look good. (Bf 15%?) I lift 3 to 4 times a week. I am on a strength training program so I stopped running. I have been taking Fizogen on cycle/off cycle for the last for 4 month. I have had great results. I am already at all-time highs weightlifting and did I say I look good. I think it is the Fizogen and the surgery. My calorie intake is 3500 to 4000 calories/day. I have never done steroids, but I am getting greedy because with these supplements, I am doing great. I am very healthy. What do you think and what cycle would you recommend? I do not want a lot of fluid gains because my wife is anti-steroid and I don’t want it to obvious that I am on steroids. I also have a job that could be jeopardized if they found out what I am considering doing. I am especially concerned about PCT.
Thanks in advance.

NOW,Thats what I call intro stats. I/We will answer you all day check back later brutha... :welcome:
yeah,but do you look good?j/k


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
trouble said:
What do you think and what cycle would you recommend? I do not want a lot of fluid gains because my wife is anti-steroid and I don’t want it to obvious that I am on steroids. I also have a job that could be jeopardized if they found out what I am considering doing. I am especially concerned about PCT.
Thanks in advance.

Well Testosterone is the beginners way to go but if your worried about water retention it's part of the territory. Although their are ways to lessen the amount of water you hold. Considering how you say your built and the amount of calories you take in your gonna get swole no matter what. You can just blame it on the other supplements. ;) :welcome:


Sep 19, 2004
6' 205lbs. I don't think the water would show much on you. I have a similiar build and the retention doesn't really show much on me.


the water retention can be controlled through the useage of arimidex & nolvadex but an even better idea is to start using some creatine because it will bloat the hell out of ya and then you will have a great excuse if the wife gets suspicious. ;)
welcome to anasci and make sure you read all the sticky posts because they hold a great wealth of info and will answer a great many of your questions


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
pincrusher said:
the water retention can be controlled through the useage of arimidex & nolvadex but an even better idea is to start using some creatine because it will bloat the hell out of ya and then you will have a great excuse if the wife gets suspicious. ;)
welcome to anasci and make sure you read all the sticky posts because they hold a great wealth of info and will answer a great many of your questions

I would prefer arimidex


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
trouble said:
Hey guys,
Here is my story. I am 45 yrs old. I have been lifting on and off all my life. I wrestled in college. I have involved in sports all my life and consider myself an athlete. Three years ago I had to stop lifting because my shoulder wore out. 1.4 years ago I had shoulder surgery. I started lifting/rehab in January. In March I started lifting for real. I am bench pressing 255, 5 sets of 5. Squatting 350, 5 set of 8 and dead lifting 280, 5 set of 8. I am 6’ and weigh 205 and look good. (Bf 15%?) I lift 3 to 4 times a week. I am on a strength training program so I stopped running. I have been taking Fizogen on cycle/off cycle for the last for 4 month. I have had great results. I am already at all-time highs weightlifting and did I say I look good. I think it is the Fizogen and the surgery. My calorie intake is 3500 to 4000 calories/day. I have never done steroids, but I am getting greedy because with these supplements, I am doing great. I am very healthy. What do you think and what cycle would you recommend? I do not want a lot of fluid gains because my wife is anti-steroid and I don’t want it to obvious that I am on steroids. I also have a job that could be jeopardized if they found out what I am considering doing. I am especially concerned about PCT.
Thanks in advance.
To bad your wife is anti ana.she might change her mind if you brought a little extra testosterone to the bedroom...At our age its just what the Dr ordered.
HRT. Hormone Replacement Therapy.Tell her the Dr suggested it. Unless shes smarter than that.
Dont wanna bulk?EQ(dont bulk me,unless I add Test) and winstrol or primobol
add some test or do a testE only run.Your not gonna hulk out.Just be lifting and theres your explain to the wife..
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