My "Experiences"


Registered User
Feb 10, 2005
OK, here is my personal "research" for all of you to read:

This first paragraph is considered my little disclaimer. The first thing about me that I wanted to mention is the fact that I am really not into bodybuilding. From what I get on this board is that most of you seem heavily into that, which is more than fine. My main goals are strength and playing HIGHLY competitive softball. I wanted to get this out of the way now because there are some instances where I might note things that worked great on me, but I know will not be the best thing if you are lifting/dieting/staying in shape for bodybuilding purposes only. Secondly, I probably have done some things over the last year and a half that would be considered a big "no no", but hey, if they worked on me that is what I will tell you. If they did not, I will admit it and let you know. I am not here to bash anyone and what they do with cycles.... I am just here to let everyone know factual information as to what I have been doing over the last several months. I am not preaching anything, as I will admit a teammate of mine was pretty much doing the same thing I was and different things affected him differently.

Some quick background info on me: I did a 10 week cycle of Deca only once quite a few years ago and YES, THAT WAS BEFORE I KNEW ABOUT THIS BOARD AND BEFORE I RESEARCHED ANYTHING! Additionally, for the past 3 years in the winter I have lifted heavy in the off-season of softball, and prior to that I have pretty much always lifted here and there, so I would say I know my body and its expectations pretty well. Also, for the past 3 years I have been taking batting practice with a couple other players 4 days a week, hitting about 100 balls a piece each day, so I am also familiar with how much bat speed my body is capable of, along with how far I can hit a softball (about 300 ft once every 10 to 15 cuts).

August '04 - Getting towards the end of softball season, have not taken any juice since the Deca cycle I just mentioned. Had a couple homeruns over a 300 ft fence that barely made it out through the entire season.

September '04 - Off-season lifting starts, weigh about 176, can't lift shit, can't walk for a week after first squatting with 135. More sidenotes: This has been exactly the same for the past three years. We end heavy lifting April 1st and that is when we begin hitting. For the past 3 years on March 31st I have been pretty much exactly the same give or take a few pounds on everything (bodyweight about 188, deep squat 365 max, and so on.....)

October '04 - Getting back used to lifting heavy. By the end of the month feeling great, although I can tell that I am at that point where the strengths gains are getting harder and harder to come by.

November '04 - It was mid to late November when I started my 10 week cycle. 10 weeks of test 250, 30 days of dbol at the start. The first week to 10 days I remember being scared as shit because this was my first "real" cycle. About then was "THE" day that I went into the gym and it just happened! From that point on I was not paranoid or scared anymore and I told myself I am just going with it!

February '05 - To just get to the friggin point here!!! Bodyweight 206, squat 405 x 5 reps! I had to put the explanation point in there, because I am telling you, the previous 3 years I HAVE worked my ass off and HAVE read a lot and HAVE ate a shit load of protein! I know it might not be alot to some people, including the guys I worked out with, but for me it was literally a friggin miracle!

April '05 - Hitting begins. Since I am playing with total animals now, we have to go and practice on a high school baseball field. The fence down the line is 310, and these first couple of weeks I was nailing it about every third swing, while occasionally hitting it over.


I still had LOTS of dbol left from my cycle. I know, I know, and trust me, I have been reading and studying things like a madman, so don't even bitch at me :)

While I was very impressed with my gains, of course I wanted MORE. A lot of the steroid topic in baseball was going around now, in addition to the fact that I was reading like crazy how to improve power in a baseball/softball swing. Well.... I actually drew the conclusion that if you are taking 100 swings a day, 4 days a week, that is a workout for that particular muscle group used to swing a bat. Knowing dbol works like a mother fucker (at least on me personally), I just wanted to see what would happen, so I decided to take about 30 mgs a day for the next 4 weeks of batting practice just to see what would happen. Similar to when I was lifting and I noticed "THE DAY" at the gym about 10 days into my cycle, EVERYONE noticed "THE DAY" on the ball field about 10 days into this dbol only routine. Same bat, same balls, same me, but out of friggin no where I was hitting them out of right-center field which is 325 feet..... no doubt clearing the fence by 5 or 10 feet. The "monsters" that I practice with were actually quite impressed and asked me what in the heck I was on because our cycle was over. I did not dare tell them dbol only, because that seems to be one thing I kept on reading about.... "NEVER take dbol only"! To get this point out of the way now I have to make a couple of statements: If you are heavy into bodybuilding, I would NEVER suggest a dbol only cycle. Now, I could tell those who say no person should ever take dbol only to fuckoff, I am not here to do that and they are entitled to their own opinion and just remember we all have different bodies and all our bodies react to things differently. HOWEVER, if someone were not a bodybuilder and asked me my opinion on a "quick fix 4 week dbol only cycle", I would have to tell them to go for it (depending on the circumstances of course).

I do have a few more important facts about my dbol only experience that could come in useful for just about everyone on the boards though.... some great, some not so great. The first thing I wanted to make clear is after my dbol only experience I did not even come close to falling back to where I was when I started this "cycle"..... In fact, I probably only lost 20% 25% of all the strength I gained and that is being generous to all those that say you lose 90% of your gains when coming off of dbol. While I was not lifting at this time, I have been swinging a baseball or softball bat for about 24 years now and I am quite familiar with judging my strength from that aspect.

More good news, and this one is VERY bizarre and I would more than welcome comments and/or feedback on it! During these 4 weeks of dbol only I did not lift weights, although I did do pushups twice a week. I pretty much have never done pushups in my life, and I have to state that even during my heavy lifting stages I almost never work my stomach.... not saying that is a good thing, but it ties into what I am about to mention. For those who do not work their stomach and then try a bunch of pushups, I can guarantee you that your stomach will be sore for about a week! With how little I have done pushups in my life I have yet to learn how much of your stomach muscles you are actually using when you do pushups!!! Anyway, to get to the point, about 15 days into this dbol only cycle I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror when I noticed abs on me!!! Again, to the bodybuilders on here that may not sound like a big deal, and while I am not really "fat", never in my life can I recall seeing abs on myself! While some of you may dispute this, it is just one of those things where you know your own body and I am contributing those abs that popped out of no where to pushups and dbol.... PERIOD. It may be strange, but at least on me dbol does a LOT more than just retain water!

Now the bad news of all this: Something else also happened about 2 or 3 weeks into this dbol only cycle. I must start all of this by once again babbling that I KNOW MY BODY and throughout my entire life I have been 100% injury free of any major type of injury. When we were out practicing one day I was in left field while someone else was hitting. They hit one in the gap and I ran after it..... I stuck my gloved hand up in the air as I was about to make the catch..... right then the ground was uneven and I ended up tripping and doing a mini face plant. Now, this was well before I hit the ground and I know for a fact my arm and shoulder were still in the air when I felt the strangest most annoying "pop" in my shoulder. Let me remind everyone again that playing left-field I have fallen like this many times before.... that being said, my shoulder is just like completely fucked! For the first month I could hardly do a circular motion with my arm and still to this very day it hurts from time to time and at different angles I can here it "crack and pop". I have not gotten it checked out yet, because every time I go to stretch it, although painful, it feels like it can almost "pop back to normal". Besides, it is my non-throwing hand and I am able to hit and pretty much lift with it still, so I am NOT going into any downtime just yet! As soon as this did happen though I quickly went on the internet to try to figure out what in the hell happened as this was like the weirdest type of "pop/pain" I have ever felt. To my surprise I happened to run across a few articles that mentioned steroid use and shoulder problems.... HMMMMmmmm.... While I have yet to come to a 100% conclusion and I have yet to get a professional opinion, again, it is one of those "you know your own body" things and for some strange reason I feel it was the dbol combined with the type of activity I was doing (while powerlifting would be more raw weight stress on body parts, the speed and strength stress combined of say running or swinging a bat seems to be much more stressful overall to joints and stuff... at least in my own opinion).

Now if I haven't blurted enough yet, I am late with starting my heavy lifting routine because of a couple month drunken binge due to many reasons. That being said, my extra downtime from lifting coupled with too much drinking made the start of my lifting absolutely horrible! In fact, it was probably close to the weakest I have been in my life next to the very first time I lifted. That being said, I am currently one month into my off-season lifting routine. Soooo..... to cause more people to freak out on my, I STILL have 4 weeks of dbol left! Now, after those first two shitty weeks I could not take it anymore, so I said to myself I would actually start my off-season routine WITH dbol only! Well, check this shit out! 4 total weeks of lifting. First 2 weeks the shittiest of my life. Last two weeks taking dbol only and...... I SHIT YOU ALL NOT, out of no where I am almost back to where I peaked last February!!! This all just happened over the last week so I came up with a new plan: I am going to finish up these last two weeks of dbol only. Then I am taking adequate time off, probably till Feb. 1. In the "off of roids" time I am going to continue to lift like a madman and knowing my past experiences, I really should not lose much coming off the dbol, IF ANYTHING! Then around Feb. 1 I am going to start a few weeks of anadrol with suspension for as long as I can take the frequent shots! YUMMY!!!

Don't worry, I will keep you all updated to see how this works out come spring time..... and while I am 100% CERTAIN there will be people bashing the shit out of this, HEY, IT HAS WORKED SO FAR AND I ONLY SEEM TO BE KNOWING MY BODY BETTER!

And also, I almost forgot to mention this, and that is mostly because there were NOT any! I am referring to side effects. At least to my knowledge no hair loss, and no gyno. Side effects I did notice were when I first started the dbol both times I had quite a few zits pop up in my shoulder areas, but then they never really lasted after a couple weeks. Also, the same applies to getting angry with people over stupid things..... that seems to last about the first two weeks, but then I am able to handle things much better.

FINALLY! As for roids helping you hit a baseball or a softball farther..... I was going to go into this at length, especially considering hitting a baseball is much different than hitting a softball, but I will try to keep it as simple as possible: Hitting a softball for power is all about batspeed. Anyone that is a "stud" in softball will tell you that and it is easy to look up on the Internet. With how much my batspeed improved while doing the dbol only crap I can only agree that roids will help increase the batspeed of a player, which in turn will make the player hit the ball harder and farther. Now let's take a look at the game of baseball. Say I am facing an 80 mph pitcher that throws a 68 mph curveball. My reaction speed at determining the type of the pitch and the location of the pitch is a talent that too my knowledge is not something you can shoot up your ass.... it is a natural born talent. HOWEVER, batspeed is what gets the bat around on time to put it in the proper location as well as hit it the distance that it goes. If my reaction speed stays the same, but yet my bat speed increases because I am taking roids along with 500 practice cuts a week, don't you think that not only will I hit more homeruns, but something that NONE of the media has mentioned is that your frigging batting average could possibly go up as well! I guess a good example of this would be Mike Piazza. I like the guy a lot, but come on.... just seeing him run and throw, you know he does not have the greatest coordination in the world, therefore he does not have the greatest reaction time in the world. So, you are probably going ask, "how do you explain someone with low reaction speeds hitting in the .340's"??? THAT IS SIMPLE and what I just stated! Hitting a baseball has two parts: 1) reaction speed to determine type and location of pitch. 2) the strength to get the bat around fast enough after the pitch type decision is made. While someone like Piazza does not have the greatest reaction speed, he is one strong mother fucker! Hence, that is why he can get the bat around fast enough to make contact with the ball. McGuire is probably a good example of this type of hitter as well. ALSO, it makes sense that when they hit the ball why it goes so far - because the speed of the bat is faster than someone who uses mostly reaction to hit - and remember, greater batspeed = greater power. I would say Ichiro is someone that uses mostly reaction to hit... you can tell just from looking at body genetics and the way he moves.... not the strongest in the world, but he has the quickness and reactions. Jeter probably has a little more closer to a 50/50 balance, although I would lean more to the reactions side of it. Bonds as a player.... well, please remember I did not bash him as a player, only a person, and this freak is like in his own world he is so awesome!!! So if I haven't rehashed this enough: Take a player that uses minimum strength to swing a bat but lots of reaction time, then give him roids = he will have is already given reaction talent + new batspeed strength, meaning he will be a bad mfer in the baseball world. NOW, to get even more involved, let's look at McGuire and assume his reaction speed is slow. So how did he jump up in homeruns for a few years there??? Simple: no reaction time + plus an already strong a bulky person with good batspeed + plus roids + 500 cuts a day with a weighted baseball ball = this mother fuckers batspeed is so fact that no one will be able to see the bat when he swings!

AND THAT'S ABOUT IT FOR NOW! You can bash it if you want, but this was just some factual statements telling people about my experiences.... I did not ask for an opinion (although you can bash the batspeed stuff because that is me giving an opinion... hee hee hee)

P.M.S I did not proof read this so it might be fucked up....


ok.....i read that whole thing am i'm like?!?! 'whats the point?"

why does anyone here care about this story?? I honestly thought there was something here that was interesting and beneficial but nothing...nada.......I just wasted 5 minutes of my life.....


Registered User
Feb 10, 2005
well, I wasn't done....

But I guess the whole point is for the bodybuilding bitches who say dbol only cycles don't work!



Registered User
May 5, 2005
y4old2004 said:
well, I wasn't done....

But I guess the whole point is for the bodybuilding bitches who say dbol only cycles don't work!


well it works to a point, back in the day thats all they had.

actually I don't like dbol all that much, im stacking it with test and deca, but im thinking I would have liked the test prop instead.


Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
I have to commend you on a very imformative post on baseball and your experiences with steroids. But I would advise any newbies to NOT follow any of your cycling advice! Dbol only DOES suck. Maybe not from a baseball players stand point, but from a bodybuilding perspective, dbol only is absolute shit. This is a bodybuilding board, so dont expect many people to agree with your cycling methods. Good luck to you next season.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2005
Do you even know why Dbol only cycles don't work, man go read the threads more and learn about what we're talking about. Its not only for bodybuilders, so go read and quit wasting my time reading this.


Sep 19, 2004
I'm still waiting for the "facts" you mentioned. And as far as I know there are fewer bodybuilders on here as opposed to gym rats who just want to increase size and strength. Not so much different from you huh Mr Special.