My diet - looking for guidance


Mar 17, 2013
Well ok guys, this is something I have never done before. I am going to tell you all exactly what I am really doing. I am not an advanced athlete and I will never compete. I am just a regular guy trying to get in good shape.

I am 43 years old. 6'2" tall and 218 pounds.

I was told by my doc that I had low T a few years ago. She put me on patches, but I shit canned them because I couldn't stand them. Then she gave me test to inject. I did a few injections, but quit that too. At the time I was going through a lot of shit and had a couple habits that dominated my life.

I am past that now.

I have not been back to the Dr. and don't really plan on it. My test levels were not terribly low...my Doc, just thought they were lower than they should be. My lifestyle at the time contributed I am sure.

I worked out hard for a few years several years ago. I worked out religiously and did cardio regularly. I ordered some powder offline that was supposed to be var. I mixed it with everclear and took what should have been 50mg a day from a dropper. This was before my doc said I had low t or anything. I got to where I could bench 350 clean for a couple reps. I was routinely running 5 miles at the track. I could have done more, but was told that too much cardio was not good for muscle? Anyway, I got big and strong. I also dropped from over 300 lbs to about 250. I wasn't lean by any stretch though.

When I ran out of my var, I just quit taking it. No pct whatsoever. I don't think it was real var because I crashed hard. I couldn't even get it up for over a month. That is what lead me to my Dr. and the prescription for low t.

Then I met my gf. For the fist time ever I got high and had sex. Fuck a gym.

I spent the next few years high and basically completely unhealthy. I did continue to drop weight, but just from not eating much and stimulants.

That brings me pretty much to date. I have been working out again steady for that last 8 months or so. I did lose over 3 of those due to a broken ankle from an accident at work. I am recovered mostly now. I can't run on it yet, but I have been walking 5 miles on it and I can handle dead lifts. Haven't tried squats again yet.

So anyway that is my background so to speak.

I am working out 5 days a week now, M-F.

M - Chest and Tris
T - Shoulders
W - Back
T - Legs
F - Bis, forearms, and a few sets of chest again (I feel like my chest and bi's lag)

I do abs M, W, and F as well.

I am not taking anything right now but Clen.

My biggest issue is my diet. I do think I have mad strides here though. So here is what I eat as detailed as I can.

4am - wake up - 40mcg clen, 2 scoops whey in water, multi-vitamin, creatine

On Platinum Hydro Whey, Opti-Men, MM 100 Micronized creatine

I drink that shake and take those pills on my drive to the gym.

5am - work out

6am - get to work. Three packs of quaker instant oatmeal (maple and brown sugar)

10am - 40mcg clen, Tuna fish sandwich

1pm - Tuna fish sandwich

5pm - 2 chicken breasts and another scoop of whey

around 8pm a cup of greek yogurt with a scoop of whey and a banana.

8-9 is bedtime.

Unless I am way off that come out to be something like this -

2439 cals, 324g protein, 210g carbs, and 41g fat

So ok, that is it. I am making gains in the gym and I am continuing to lose weight on this diet. I know it's not perfect and I am not looking for people to flame me. I am looking for ideas on what I can do better. I am going to do some gear at some point, but I wanna get this right first.

One more thing to note in this horribly long post - I do not like veggies and I can say whatever I want, but I know I won't eat broccoli or asparagus or anything like that for long. I just can't stand it.

ok...let me hear it.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2010
You have the right idea, you just need to re arrange some things.

Too much whey protein, try to use it only post workout and thru out the day to add to whatever protein (meat) source you are eating, so you won't completely stuff your self. Cut the tuna out and add in fish. Add more fruits. Find better carb sources... Instant oats is your last option, try sweet potatoes. Your post workout meal needs carbs and protein.

Pre workout meal: 2 scoops whey, 1 banana, 3 whole eggs+ 1 cup OJ ( rocky shake)
Post workout meal 1 scoop whey, 1 banana 1 medium sweet potato 6 oz chicken
Meal option 1: 2 whole eggs 4 whites, 1/2 cup Greek yogurt+ 1 scoop whey 1 whole wheat bagel
Meal option 2: 6 oz any meat 1 cup green veges 2 tbs olive oil

EDIT: too much protein in comparison to whole foods....
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Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Ok.so LC are you trying to get ripped or put on more muscle mass..?. One thing i like to do is take a foodprocessor and powder up plain old fashioned oats and add that to my morning shake at 1/3 cup no need to cook..simple ..also i been using bbq and cookin 10 sweet potatoes and keeping them in refer and after
Gym i toss whole one 6in skin and all into shake as it is fulla potassium fiber etc.
So vegies ..spinach ? Kale chips ,good salads? U didnt say no did you..lol.. some how u need to incorporate carrots as snacks.celery , etc..
I say more red meat pick lean cuts grill outside have the gf do it or entertain you as you cook..i.got more answers and as far as the partyin went..we all pretty much done some shit so glad u overcame that cause i know personally how it can be..so fill us in
a little more and dam i still see that leg pic in my mind so i no longer eat humans just yettys..Ill be back here just lettin others chime in.. ib


Mar 17, 2013
Yeah, I would like to get at or under 10% bf for the first time in my life and add muscle. Sorry, I never clarified my goals. I would like to have abs once before I die lol. Thus the screen name. I know it's never too late and all that, but I am putting a lot of pressure on myself. I feel like I have let my best years slide if that makes any sense.

So you blend a sweet potato in to a shake?....never even occurred to me that might be possible. I do like sweet potatoes. Spinach is a no go lol. I don't even know what a Kale chip is, but I am gonna find out. Celery is good with peanut butter on it. My salads are pretty much lettuce with Italian dressing lol


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Kale chip recipe in anasci recipe by yours truely.lol
Hey if i can get abs anyone can LC.. What really made me trim up.was walking 5 miles everyday..id make a destination with no thoughts of how far like a shopping mall..i would plug along like a tug boat..get there grab a big coffee and water read pornos in Borders Book Store or any magazine with chicks and then walk home looking for a chick for a ride.lol..got some good ones and helped the thick ones...