My crazy blood work


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Well not crazy at all just 1 section is really bad. Everything else is fine. I won't post all the details just what I consider important/interesting. Where do I start :eek::D


To be expected. FSH was zero. Very high test. SHBG was low. LH was zero. Free Test was very high.

Estrogen 167.7 pmol/L
Range 0 pmol/L - 191.99 pmol/L

No surprise as I am not taking an AI. My test is sky high so I don't mind my estrogen being higher as I want optimal muscle growth. Although I will add in an AI soon (10mg aromasin daily) as this will only carry on climbing through the weeks.

Cortisol 382 nmol/l
Range 133nmol/l - 537 nmol/l

As many know I love my pre workouts so this figure was of interest to me. Obviously more testing needs to be done but I am very happy it being near to the middle of the range.


Everything was in the middle of the range but haemoglobin was at the top of the range and HCT was slightly above being at 0.506 and the top of the range being 0.5. I will monitor this and see if I can give blood over here to get things down.


Everything was fine apart from Basophils. They were slightly above at 0.12 with the range being 0-0.1


All fine.


CRP-HS was fine 1mg/L Range - 0-5mg/L


PROTEINS= All fine



Ferritin was high at 631.5 ug/L Range being 30ug/L - 400 ug/L


All fine


CK high but that is to be expected due to muscle and training.

Everything was great.
However GGT was actually low. 9 IU/L Range- 10 IU/L - 71 IU/L

I had recently been out for Boxing night and drank a lot of alcohol. Literally I won't drink again for 6 months so it sounds worst than it is. But sure it is stupid drinking when you have recently used mdrol (sdrol). This shows me just how good synthergine is as I take it everyday. In fact since this blood test I have lowered my dose from 4ml per day to just 2ml per day :D

Now here is the bad one :eek:


Triglcerides High at 2.38 mmol/L Range being 0 mmol/L - 2.3 mmol/L

Cholesterol High at 5.45 mmol/L Range being 0 mmol/L - 4.99 mmol/L

HDL low at 0.07 mmol/L Range being 0.9 mmol/L - 1.5 mmol/L

Fuck me pretty much zero HDL :eek:

LDL high at 4.3 mmol/L Range being 0 mmol/L - 3 mmol/L

These numbers are different to US guys but this is again really bad and right at the top of the chart :eek:

HDL % OF TOTAL at 1.28% with the range being 20% - 100%

The mdrol has ruined my cholesterol. Although looking at the results I know there is more to the story than just mdrol. My diet is actually great in most ways. But these results made me realize a few months back I stopped consuming the variety of fats I did in the past. How most of them were just coming from saturated sources such as eggs, coconut oïl and steak. Whilst they are far from bad I have immediately added in an array of fats into my diet to start improving these figures. I even stopped taking my fish oïl caps a while back so they are back in.

I want to get my cholesterol to a good standard so changes are definitely needed and have already taken place. I believe I can do this even whilst I am bulking and trying to gain muscle. The first and most important thing is no more oral aas for me for a long time.

My diet is always full of vitamins, minerals, fruits, vegetables etc. Now I have added in more fats but not too much as I know there needs to be a limit. I am also consuming no more simple carbs a part from intra workout. Now most days will include the following fat sources:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (occasionally drizzle on food)
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (cook with)
Walnut Oil (drizzle on 1 meal)
Avocados (1/2 of one every day)
Cashews (occasionally add to meals)
Hazelnuts (occasionally add to meals)
Almonds (occasionally add to meals)
Eggs (4 whole eggs consumed about 4 times per week)
Steak (now about once per day)
Fish Oil (2000mg x2 or x3)
Blackcurrant Seed Oil (1000mg x2)
Wheatgerm Oil (1130mg x2)

I am not one to throw supplements at things but in this case I added things in fast. I want to get my cholesterol back to where it should be. So I have started a pretty extensive cholesterol improving supplement schedule that includes:

1. Jarrow Formulas Artichoke 500mg at 1 cap am/pm

2. Now Foods Cholesterol Pro at 2 tabs am/pm. 2 tabs = 500m citrus bergamot and 800mg plant sterols.

3. Now Foods Sytrinol at 1 cap am/pm. 1 cap includes 150mg sytrinol, 10mg policosanol amongst other things.

4. Healthy Origins Ubiquinol at 1 cap am for now. 1 cap is 100mg (Kaneka QH).

5. Jarrow Formulas Pantethine at 1x 450mg cap am.

6. Now Foods Red Yeast Rice 600mg with Q10 at 30mg. 2 caps am/pm for the first month.

7. Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract 1x 600mg am/pm.

8. Solgar Fish Oil at 2000mg x2 or x3

9. Now Foods Blackcurrant Seed Oil 1x 1000mg am/pm.

10. Now Foods Wheatgerm Oil 1x 1130mg am/pm.

These have been added to my existing supplements that include:
Multi Vitamin
Cherry Extract
Vitamin D3 (just added)

I also plan to add in synthetine in the near future that I know will help improve matters too.

My plan is to use the red yeast rice with q10 for 1 month and then leave that and add in a second Ubiquinol cap to make 200mg for the day. Hopefully I can get my cholesterol to a really good standard in future blood test results. In that event I will get rid of some of the above supplements and keep what I consider fantastic overall health supplements. They include:

Cholesterol Pro (Citrus Bergamot), Ubiquinol, Garlic, Fish Oil and Blackcurrant Seed Oil.


Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
Have you ever tried chromium picolinate to help with cholesterol? It seems to be working for me and lowers blood sugar as well, not enough texting on it so it says anecdotal but just throwing that out there. It's an OTC vitamin

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Have you ever tried chromium picolinate to help with cholesterol? It seems to be working for me and lowers blood sugar as well, not enough texting on it so it says anecdotal but just throwing that out there. It's an OTC vitamin

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes I have used it before. Thanks for the suggestion. The NOW Foods Sytrinol product also includes Chromium (from Chromium Chelavite Amino Acid Chelate) at 60 mcg. Not really enough but a good addition to what looks like an already great product. To be honest I think I am more than covered regarding supplements. I probably went a little overboard :D

I also plan to add in synthetine that will help with my cholesterol too. I was planning to use that before I even ordered the blood work.

I definitely think what I need to do most (apart from what I am doing) is give blood. That will get my HCT and Ferritin levels down. I just need to find somewhere that does it in this country :eek: If not I will have to travel to the UK to do it. Thanks again.


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
E, you have really done your home work and are being very progressive with your approach to turning some of your numbers around. Simply dumping the orals and time will bring you back. There is one product you should look at its callled SR9009 from Enhanced Athelete. Occording to "them" it really improves Cholesteral and Triglycerides. I have been taking it for about two weeks for other benifits it provides, which I have really started feeling. I know my blood sugars are dropping, I find my self really craving simple surgars with having to consume fruit/apples and carbs. Anyway, just wanted to give you something to read.

In spite of being associated with SARMS, Stenabolic (SR9009) is in fact a Rev-ErbA ligand. It means SR binds to this protein and makes it more active. As a result, the user will experience a lot of positive effects, such as increased fat loss, enhanced endurance, and many other health benefits. Interestingly, it is one of the newest advances in pharmacology, but it is already getting more and more popularity among athletes all over the world.

By stimulating the Rev-Erb protein, stenobolic (SR9009) has the ability to greatly influence a lot of regulatory mechanisms in the human body. For instance, it can affect the circadian rhythms, lipid and glucose metabolism, fat-storing cells, as well as macrophages. Hence, Stenabolic will allow the user to lose fat and drastically increase endurance, both of which are very desirable effects for an athlete.

By binding and activating the Rev-Erb protein, Stenabolic triggers a very wide range of processes in the body. The most prominent being the increase of mitochondria count in the muscles and an enhanced metabolism.

As a consequence of the increased number of mitochondria in the muscles, the user will notice a drastic improvement in endurance and muscle strength. In fact, the mice used in studies could run 50% more when they were administered with SR9009, both in terms of distance and time. This is possible due to the fact that these mitochondria are precisely the ones generating energy in the body. Besides, thanks to the increase in number of macrophages, defective mitochondria are removed from the muscles and replaced with new ones.

Furthermore, the change in metabolic rates increases energy expenditure by 5% even when the user is resting; hence, SR burns excess calories and doesn’t allow them to convert into fat. This, coupled with enhanced metabolism of glucose, helps effectively burn fat, which makes the body act is if it were in a constant state of exercise. To confirm this, we can see that according to studies, the activation of the Rev-Erb protein by Stenabolic leads to:

“…decreased lipogenesis and cholesterol/bile acid synthesis in the liver, increased lipid and glucose oxidation in the skeletal muscle, and decreased triglyceride synthesis and storage in the WAT.”

source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3343186/

This means that less fat is stored, less cholesterol is developed by the liver, and more fat and glucose is burned in the muscles.

However, these are not the only positive health effects seen with stenabolic. In fact, in the studies carried out with this compound it was found that it will decrease:
•Plasma triglycerides by 12%
•Total cholesterol by 47%
•Plasma non-esterified fatty acids by 23%
•Plasma glucose by 19%
•Plasma insulin level by 35%

If that wasn’t enough, we need to mention that SR9009 will also decrease proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 by a whopping 72%, which will obviously be very beneficial for the reduction of inflammations.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Thank you for the info. I definitely have implemented a lot of cholesterol improving supplements. But I had also planned to add in GW501516 (still might) to improve HDL and for it's performance enhancing effects. That is similar to SR9009 in many ways but I guess more proven. Thank you for the valuable info and I will have to look into it more. I remember seeing a video by Enhanced Athlete about SR9009. It might be worth knowing but quite a few guys are posting about bunk products from them on promuscle. Plus I have received a lot of pm's about their products not being effective.

Due to my past connection with Superior I get a lot of pm's about sources for rc's or peptides. 95% of the time I say no one as I don't know anyone. But for guys wanting a name I did say I noticed EA and their vids are great so perhaps they are worth a try. I always added I had never used them and don't know how good they are. I just hope none of those guys I mentioned them to ordered and received crap stuff. Everyone can get bad batches from time to time but it seems like a lot of their products are not what they should be.

I plan to get retested in a few weeks time just to see if there has been a difference. Hopefully things are improving and when I get retsted again in 3 months they are much better. Thanks again for the info.

E, you have really done your home work and are being very progressive with your approach to turning some of your numbers around. Simply dumping the orals and time will bring you back. There is one product you should look at its callled SR9009 from Enhanced Athelete. Occording to "them" it really improves Cholesteral and Triglycerides. I have been taking it for about two weeks for other benifits it provides, which I have really started feeling. I know my blood sugars are dropping, I find my self really craving simple surgars with having to consume fruit/apples and carbs. Anyway, just wanted to give you something to read.

In spite of being associated with SARMS, Stenabolic (SR9009) is in fact a Rev-ErbA ligand. It means SR binds to this protein and makes it more active. As a result, the user will experience a lot of positive effects, such as increased fat loss, enhanced endurance, and many other health benefits. Interestingly, it is one of the newest advances in pharmacology, but it is already getting more and more popularity among athletes all over the world.

By stimulating the Rev-Erb protein, stenobolic (SR9009) has the ability to greatly influence a lot of regulatory mechanisms in the human body. For instance, it can affect the circadian rhythms, lipid and glucose metabolism, fat-storing cells, as well as macrophages. Hence, Stenabolic will allow the user to lose fat and drastically increase endurance, both of which are very desirable effects for an athlete.

By binding and activating the Rev-Erb protein, Stenabolic triggers a very wide range of processes in the body. The most prominent being the increase of mitochondria count in the muscles and an enhanced metabolism.

As a consequence of the increased number of mitochondria in the muscles, the user will notice a drastic improvement in endurance and muscle strength. In fact, the mice used in studies could run 50% more when they were administered with SR9009, both in terms of distance and time. This is possible due to the fact that these mitochondria are precisely the ones generating energy in the body. Besides, thanks to the increase in number of macrophages, defective mitochondria are removed from the muscles and replaced with new ones.

Furthermore, the change in metabolic rates increases energy expenditure by 5% even when the user is resting; hence, SR burns excess calories and doesn’t allow them to convert into fat. This, coupled with enhanced metabolism of glucose, helps effectively burn fat, which makes the body act is if it were in a constant state of exercise. To confirm this, we can see that according to studies, the activation of the Rev-Erb protein by Stenabolic leads to:

“…decreased lipogenesis and cholesterol/bile acid synthesis in the liver, increased lipid and glucose oxidation in the skeletal muscle, and decreased triglyceride synthesis and storage in the WAT.”

source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3343186/

This means that less fat is stored, less cholesterol is developed by the liver, and more fat and glucose is burned in the muscles.

However, these are not the only positive health effects seen with stenabolic. In fact, in the studies carried out with this compound it was found that it will decrease:
•Plasma triglycerides by 12%
•Total cholesterol by 47%
•Plasma non-esterified fatty acids by 23%
•Plasma glucose by 19%
•Plasma insulin level by 35%

If that wasn’t enough, we need to mention that SR9009 will also decrease proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 by a whopping 72%, which will obviously be very beneficial for the reduction of inflammations.