My 3rd cycle


New member
Aug 22, 2011
5'8 180lbs and around 13% Body FatF
This will be my 3rd cycle and I was thinking to run this
600mg/week deca weeks 1-10
anavar 20mg/day weeks 1-10
winstrol 50mg eod weeks 5-10
equipose 400mg/day weeks 1-10
then clomid weeks 12-15
But as I am always open to suggestions , can someone help me figure out a good cycle to get my BF down to about 8 % and gain some quality muscle. Thanks


Registered User
Apr 30, 2011
5'8 180lbs and around 13% Body FatF
This will be my 3rd cycle and I was thinking to run this
600mg/week deca weeks 1-10
anavar 20mg/day weeks 1-10
winstrol 50mg eod weeks 5-10
equipose 400mg/day weeks 1-10
then clomid weeks 12-15
But as I am always open to suggestions , can someone help me figure out a good cycle to get my BF down to about 8 % and gain some quality muscle. Thanks

you need Anti-E's to avoid the bloat from Deca, if you want, of course


Registered User
Apr 27, 2011
Yes, and I would suggest some HCG , because the deca will shut you down hard


Registered User
Apr 26, 2011
5'8 180lbs and around 13% Body FatF
This will be my 3rd cycle and I was thinking to run this
600mg/week deca weeks 1-10
anavar 20mg/day weeks 1-10
winstrol 50mg eod weeks 5-10
equipose 400mg/day weeks 1-10
then clomid weeks 12-15
But as I am always open to suggestions , can someone help me figure out a good cycle to get my BF down to about 8 % and gain some quality muscle. Thanks

What are you looking for help with exactly? Be specific so we can help you:)


Registered User
Aug 4, 2009
Nicosia, Cyprus
I'd drop the deca add test and Idex and maybe up the eq a small amount.

I don't know why you're telling him to up the eq when he's written that he's planning to use "equipose 400mg/day". I'm presuming it's a typo and you're not really intending doing 2,800mg of eq a week? I wish people would read this stuff back before they post it because it happens regularly.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I can't believe all the replies and no one has mentioned diet. If you want to be 8% it'sd all about diet. You could be on test, adrol, mast, deca, primo, tren, eq etc. Doesn't matter what your on to an extent. To get to 8% everything is diet and training. Test only is fine. Hey throw in some tbol or avar to help matters if you want.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yes, and I would suggest some HCG , because the deca will shut you down hard

The HCG will shut him down too.

But of course it's a great tool for helping future recovery during a cycle.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
5'8 180lbs and around 13% Body FatF
This will be my 3rd cycle and I was thinking to run this
600mg/week deca weeks 1-10
anavar 20mg/day weeks 1-10
winstrol 50mg eod weeks 5-10
equipose 400mg/day weeks 1-10
then clomid weeks 12-15
But as I am always open to suggestions , can someone help me figure out a good cycle to get my BF down to about 8 % and gain some quality muscle. Thanks

180 pounds and 13% and you want to take all that. You haven't got a clue.

Thats an awful cycle imo... far too much going on.

You don't want to take test? Even at a maintenance dose it would be good. Add in some eq or deca. I love deca due to my joints. There are 1001 cycles that would be good for you if your diet is spot on.

I would personally do test and mast. You could do 400mg each. Hey you could do 200mg test and 600mg mast. It's not rocket science... high hormones and good diet will get you in great condition. Consistency is the key.

Whats your diet like?


Registered User
Aug 4, 2009
Nicosia, Cyprus
I can't believe all the replies and no one has mentioned diet. If you want to be 8% it'sd all about diet. You could be on test, adrol, mast, deca, primo, tren, eq etc. Doesn't matter what your on to an extent. To get to 8% everything is diet and training. Test only is fine. Hey throw in some tbol or avar to help matters if you want.

To be fair, it's a reasonable assumption that if someone's coming on here asking about gear, that they've already sorted their diet and training. You read some of the posts though and clearly that's not the case, but it's a fair assumption. Equally, people could query why you didn't ask about his training? You've just assumed that his training's fine when maybe it's shite... I would say though that, like the people who haven't asked about diet, you've made a reasonable assumption in thinking his training's okay.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
To be fair, it's a reasonable assumption that if someone's coming on here asking about gear, that they've already sorted their diet and training. You read some of the posts though and clearly that's not the case, but it's a fair assumption. Equally, people could query why you didn't ask about his training? You've just assumed that his training's fine when maybe it's shite... I would say though that, like the people who haven't asked about diet, you've made a reasonable assumption in thinking his training's okay.

Not really. Put it this way if his training is great and his diet poor he won't look good. However if his training is ok and his diet is spot on he will look great. Obviously all parts of the equation are important.

Most of the people I see are training ok. Sure there are exceptions. I see guys training the arses off in the gym. The reason they look the same year from year is crap diet.

So yeah training is vital but if you want to get to 8% it's all about diet. So I have to disagree with what you wrote.

Sure we are assume things. His training might be crap. But I am telling you now it's his diet what needs the most work. I would say 90% on here are not consistent with their diets... me included but that has changed now.

One thing I will say about training is very often people are 'overtraining'. But with all the hormones he is planning on taking I don't really see thats a possibility.

People overcomplicate the hormone equatoin far too much. MicroDVD whats your diet looking like... please be honest

And whats your training looking like? :D


Registered User
Aug 4, 2009
Nicosia, Cyprus
Not really. Put it this way if his training is great and his diet poor he won't look good. However if his training is ok and his diet is spot on he will look great. Obviously all parts of the equation are important.

Most of the people I see are training ok. Sure there are exceptions. I see guys training the arses off in the gym. The reason they look the same year from year is crap diet.

So yeah training is vital but if you want to get to 8% it's all about diet. So I have to disagree with what you wrote.

Sure we are assume things. His training might be crap. But I am telling you now it's his diet what needs the most work. I would say 90% on here are not consistent with their diets... me included but that has changed now.

One thing I will say about training is very often people are 'overtraining'. But with all the hormones he is planning on taking I don't really see thats a possibility.

People overcomplicate the hormone equatoin far too much. MicroDVD whats your diet looking like... please be honest

And whats your training looking like? :D

Congratulations, you just won the prize for stating the bleeding obvious. Of course diet's vital if his goal is 8% body fat, but if he needs you to point that out then he really shouldn't be on a roid forum anyway.

If you were consistent with your advice, you'd also be pointing out that cardio and higher reps were vital in achieving his goal, but you've chosen to ignore that in the same way people chose to avoid questioning his diet. They assumed a certain level of knowledge from someone asking about roids - and probably thought it would be patronising to question one of the basics of bodybuilding. Luckily for the questionee, you're here with no such qualms...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Congratulations, you just won the prize for stating the bleeding obvious. Of course diet's vital if his goal is 8% body fat, but if he needs you to point that out then he really shouldn't be on a roid forum anyway.

If you were consistent with your advice, you'd also be pointing out that cardio and higher reps were vital in achieving his goal, but you've chosen to ignore that in the same way people chose to avoid questioning his diet. They assumed a certain level of knowledge from someone asking about roids - and probably thought it would be patronising to question one of the basics of bodybuilding. Luckily for the questionee, you're here with no such qualms...

Are you fucking joking me. No it's cos most on here don't have a fucking clue. Most of the good posters have disappeared. Hopefully they will be back. There are some great guys here so hopefully they can offer their advice too. To get to 8% it's about about diet... what part of that don't you understand. I am not saying you don't need gear or good training.. they are vital too.

Too many on here just want the drug info... taking this and that and thinking they will get huge and ripped. If I were on pro muscle I would expect them to have a great diet and training so wouldn't mention it. But the OP clearly hasn't got the best diet due to his stats. You haven't a fucking clue Lee39. You said you assumed he had a good diet but his stats suggest otherwise. By the way to the OP your stats are fine... but obviously they are not your height and weight at 8%.

What you need to do cardio and high reps to get ripped... again Lee39 you haven't a fucking clue. Obviously all different rep ranges are good and a combo is best. But generalizing a decent amount of weight at 10 reps are so is far better than high reps for cutting. That theory was written off years ago. High reps = more tone is basic talk and anyone on the boards for a few years should know it's not right. Sure when you have low bf it is wise to do higher reps with lighter weight. But heavy compound lifting will increase metabolic rate far greater than high reps. And I haven't even mentioned the ratio for different muscle fibers etc. This is why a combo of high and low reps is best imo. I can't even be bothered explaining myself with you.

One last thing sure cardio will increase your metabolism and burn fat. But in my eyes you look at it for heart health. Resistance training is far more effective in getting one ripped.

So high reps and cardio are not vital generally speaking. You could do no cardio... but obviously it all depends upon the individual situation etc etc. I rec everyone do cardio and high and low reps. But to say the 2 are vital is wrong.

To the OP sorry if I offended you. I am just trying to give you the best advice possible. If you want to get to 8% it's all about diet (ensuring eveything else is in place too). I offered you my drugs advice but like I said thats pretty simple. The main effort is making sure your consistent with your meals and training. Again high hormones, great diet and great training will get you to where you wanna be. If your training isn't that good you will still get there but it will take alot longer.


Nov 13, 2005
5'8 180lbs and around 13% Body FatF
This will be my 3rd cycle and I was thinking to run this
600mg/week deca weeks 1-10
anavar 20mg/day weeks 1-10
winstrol 50mg eod weeks 5-10
equipose 400mg/day weeks 1-10
then clomid weeks 12-15
But as I am always open to suggestions , can someone help me figure out a good cycle to get my BF down to about 8 % and gain some quality muscle. Thanks

WHERE IS YOUR TEST? and that "cycle" needs alot of work. and I love how people want to gain "lean muscle" or "quality muscle". Ever seen anyone post they are looking to gain "fat, bloated, loose muscle"?

(insert Lee and Elvia opsts here)

Are you fucking joking me. No it's cos most on here don't have a fucking clue. Most of the good posters have disappeared. Hopefully they will be back.

Im back bro...do I count? lol

There are some great guys here so hopefully they can offer their advice too. To get to 8% it's about about diet... what part of that don't you understand. I am not saying you don't need gear or good training.. they are vital too.

Too many on here just want the drug info... taking this and that and thinking they will get huge and ripped. If I were on pro muscle I would expect them to have a great diet and training so wouldn't mention it. But the OP clearly hasn't got the best diet due to his stats. You haven't a fucking clue Lee39. You said you assumed he had a good diet but his stats suggest otherwise. By the way to the OP your stats are fine... but obviously they are not your height and weight at 8%.

What you need to do cardio and high reps to get ripped... again Lee39 you haven't a fucking clue. Obviously all different rep ranges are good and a combo is best. But generalizing a decent amount of weight at 10 reps are so is far better than high reps for cutting. That theory was written off years ago. High reps = more tone is basic talk and anyone on the boards for a few years should know it's not right. Sure when you have low bf it is wise to do higher reps with lighter weight. But heavy compound lifting will increase metabolic rate far greater than high reps. And I haven't even mentioned the ratio for different muscle fibers etc. This is why a combo of high and low reps is best imo. I can't even be bothered explaining myself with you.

One last thing sure cardio will increase your metabolism and burn fat. But in my eyes you look at it for heart health. Resistance training is far more effective in getting one ripped.

So high reps and cardio are not vital generally speaking. You could do no cardio... but obviously it all depends upon the individual situation etc etc. I rec everyone do cardio and high and low reps. But to say the 2 are vital is wrong.

To the OP sorry if I offended you. I am just trying to give you the best advice possible. If you want to get to 8% it's all about diet (ensuring eveything else is in place too). I offered you my drugs advice but like I said thats pretty simple. The main effort is making sure your consistent with your meals and training. Again high hormones, great diet and great training will get you to where you wanna be. If your training isn't that good you will still get there but it will take alot longer.

You tell it like it is Elvia. Lee your wacked in the head.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Drob you definately count. I was hoping someone else would comment. It's good to have you back. How you been? Check out ugbodybuilding.com