Lycan's PharmaHGH Log

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I was generously given the oportunity to run the following:

Test Cyp 300 2 pins a week
Tren Ace 300 2 pins a week
EQ (Bold Und.) 300 2 pins a week
Adrol 25mg e.d. for 7 weeks
Dbol 25mg e.d. for 7 weeks

(5) Saizan HGH 20 iu kits to be added in the middle (weeks 10-20) of the 20 week cycle @ 4-6 IU ed

1st pins were on Monday and were as smooth as butter with no issues.

Looking forward to the increase strength and body re-composition.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I know some guys run twice up to quadruple of the dose I am or even run test lower with Tren 100mg higher. However I ran this combo for the past 10 years and it is my tried and true battle tested and approved stack. I may put on some bloat if I do not eat and drink appropriately and monitor the little conversion to estradiol and or progesterone levels as I am very prone to those sides. I run what most consider low doses because my receptors get saturated easily and I have noticed through the years more did not always mean better/more. With this stack and duration 20lbs is easily acheivable as long as I eat and train properly.

Now the HGH use will be my very first time. I am popping my cherry but it will give us all an idea of the efficacy. I assume if it is of the best quality it will show pronounced results due to syngergistic effects with AAS. I am sure I will burn more body fat and add more quality lean mass.

I really do not know if I am up for insulin. It just literally scares the shit out of me more than injecting syntherol. I actually maned up and ran a syntherol log, which I should re-do now too.

As always guys, I can always learn something. So, if you have some knowledge to share please do. Opinions I take with a large rock of salt but facts with evidence are undeniable.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Feeling pretty goood and have DOMs like a mofo. Recovery should be quick. Appetite is kicking in. No negative issue so far. I am sure I will be feeling like the hulk again soon.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
GH arrived sooner than expected! Here is a pic of the gear and GH! Excited!


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lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
So I can say for certain that the orals are of high quality. I have ridiculous heart burn and head ache. Only happens with potent shit. I expect to have quick results with this run of gear. Uncertain if I can hold off not using the GH before the mid way of the cycle.... any opinions?

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I went and had a blood panel done and need to go in to review it with my doctor. Once I do and get a copy, I'll post it as I will have another one done post cycle to see ehat the differences are.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Tren has me going nuts. Strength has come back to normal from all the gear so far. This shit is going to habe me fucking yolked oit for the summer.

Will start sharing workout routine and diet soon. Gettimg back into the groove of things.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
The adril and dbol are really kicking into gear. Just had an amazing workout with an excellent pump. Strength is higher than expected for not working out in a long time. I am very excited to get back into the weights and in shape. I was having a hard time mentally but after today I got that mental and physical boost.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Alright guys I am at 200lbs even. My stomach is flat and I have slight definition of abdominal muscles. I have good definition and mass still for being 5'11 200lbs. I personally feel scrawny and think I look like shit but I still have people say I'm big.

Calves are 16"
Waist/pant size is a 34/36
Back/chest is still in the 50's
Bi's are at 17.5"
Neck is 16"

Still working out the details of calories using the 45 meal plan I shared and what exact work out regimen I want to use.

Remember I am easing into this coming back from a health issue that really took a toll on me mentally and physically.

Had another good workout. Still have DOMs but I love it as I know I will grow.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I have had my days and nights mixed uolp along with insomnia. Finally getting back into a good circadian rhtym. I become more sore each day but i fucking love it. The pain makes me feel alive and excites me as i know im about to fucking explode in growth. I feel good. Having crazy ass vivid dreams almost like a total recall of artificial memories. Shit almost has me conflicted with reality ahahah.

Honestly can say I am feeling so much better mentally and physically with a few workouts in and using good quality gear. Im not noticing any bloat from the dbol or adrol at 25mg ed, so im happy but i still have more weeks to follow and to manipulate my diet.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
So I'm bloated. Feel like a fat fuck. Thiught Ibhad some anti-e but I dont. So i will be placing an order for some now. I need to control the conversion and bloat befire i get all super puffy face.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Felt beyond tired yesterday and bloated like I couldt digest my food for the padt 24hrs. Walked for 3mi's and had no sleep as I had a big sale to get ready for. Feeling like shit today now. Taking the time tonrest as my chest and back is pumped/swollen and stiff/sore. Will go to sleep esrly tonight and wake up early. Walk about 2-4mi and hit the spin bike for 20mins then do a chest routine. Will update tomorrow.

The tren is legit. Night sweats and vivid dreams but luckily I dont have a short temoer as usual. I am actually calm and relaxed and not on edge.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I am about 80% back to my strength pre sickness! This shit is legit! However.. i am having digestive issues. Like stuff is just sitting in my stomach and i habe horrible hesrt burn. Just got tums and nexium and it is helping with the heartburn, but still having issues with eating food.

Im loving the gear and making a come back. About to really dig into a chest routine and push myself... even with the nausea from the adrol.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Been sick with the flu and a sinus infection. However I have kept it light cardio (lots of sex from the massive erections from this gear) and body weight excercises. My strength is increadible! Knocking out pushups, dips and pullups like I weight 160lbs again and Im actually 205. This super dry soar throat and stuffed up nose makes it hard to breath though. I am very dehydrated and so I have been trying to drink a lot of water since my piss scares me with a dark yellow to brown color from the tren.

Hoping to get better in a few days so i can get back to killing it with the weights. My shoulders really enlarged and I am getting a better walking posture with the feeling of my back and chest being pumped up (wide open arm buff guy walk) ahahah.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Damn am I feeling fucking amazing! I took 4 days off to fight off the flu. Hit the dips and pull ups full bodyweight 3 sets of 30 like a knife through butter.. i am amazed! Im not bloated at all except a fat stomach from eating but it goes down over night. Man, I am in love with this gear! I need to get my hands on some anavar and masterone to use for cutting after this cycle. I am going to jumo the gun and ad the HGH around next sunday.