Lycan's Gorilla Farm sponsored log

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Alright gentleman the sponsored log is going to kick off!

I will be posting the exact products, dosages, diet plan and training regimen in a bit. The package just arrived and I am testing out he Cialis on the wife tonight, so i hope to be busy for a few hours!

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Alright well the cialis had me busy for a while and is legit. Ill get on to posting all the details tomorrow. I will also be donating blood to get some simple blood tests as a marker of comparison for pre and post cycle donations. I think I'll start an IG account for daily updating as I'll be doing D.I.Y. "cryo" therapy on my mid section and pecs to help stimulate fat burn off. Think the IG will help with accountability and show the progression.

This will be an awesome log and transformation for all the non competitive bodybuilders and athletes to follow along with.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Sorry guys I got caught up with kids stuck at home this whole week and up my ass. I'm currently writing everything out to copy and paste and start the logging.

This log is about me getting back into shape as quick as possible as I fell off the bandwagon with diet and exercise. All those out of shape dads wanting quick results to get summer beach ready will want to follow along.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Logging Begins Now!

Alright gentleman, it begins now! This log is going to be a come back to the world of lifting iron and dieting. I have been overly consumed with building a business and allowed myself to go to the point where I have no core muscles and a bloated pot belly and moobs! Okay, okay I may be a bit dramatic but that’s what I see in the mirror and feel haha.

The goal of this log is to get me back into shape in the shortest amount of time while using what most competitors will consider athletic "therapeutic" doses. This is more for the guys who lurk on this forum and are sketchy about ordering from our sponsors. This is for the out of shape "dad bods" that want to get ready for the summer time or are considering making a healthy choice of dieting, working out and want to use anabolics to help speed up the process. (Let’s not get side tracked and argue about how everyone uses anabolics differently and or misuse them).

So here is the stacked 10 week cycle:

Tren E 400 ew
Masteron E 400 ew
Test E 50mg ew
Aromasin 12.5 md eod
Cialis 5mg ed
GW 501516 20mg ed
Anavar 40mg ed
winstrol 25mg ed
CBD Cannabidiol 80mg ed

Why include Cialis?

Testosterone use has an increased risk of prostate enlargement. Cialis reduces these risks by relaxing the smooth muscles of the prostate upon regular administration. Cialis fights hypertension and can definitely benefit someone with high blood pressure using testosterone or any other steroid that can cause BP elevation. It has been proven through studies that our measure of inflammation (C-reactive protein measure) drastically improves when taking Cialis, and this is most largely due to Cialis preventing plaque buildup in our arteries. This process reduces risks of cardiovascular disease.

Why so many DHT compounds?

Winstrol has the ability to greatly increase strength and this can translate into both power and speed. Many studies have shown it can have a positive impact on strengthening tendons and it’s good for the bones. It reduces SHGB, increases free testosterone, enhance protein synthesis, increase nitrogen retention in the muscles, increases red blood cell count, and slightly inhibits glucocorticoid hormones. I use this for the strength and increase athletic potential for my cardio.

Anavar has shown in studies it has the ability to promote enhanced cardiovascular endurance. Anavar is one of the only true fat burning steroids as it has been shown to directly promote lipolysis. Many attribute this to its ability to firmly bind to the androgen receptor, as well as in its ability to reduce thyroid-binding globulin, as well as increase thyroxine-binding prealbumin. Anavar during the cutting phase will also burn fat at a more efficient rate. The rate of recovery is enhanced, as well as muscular endurance, it also increases strength, increases nitrogen retention in the muscles, decreases SHBG, and inhibits glucocorticoid hormones.

Masteron is well-known for being one of the only anabolic steroids with strong anti-estrogenic properties. It promotes a harder look for those under 10% body fat and can also enhance fat loss. It also promotes significant boosts in strength with a slight improvement in recovery and muscular endurance.


Aromasin is my second choice ancillary drug as the source did not have arimidex. However it will get the job done in helping to combat any estro issues.

GW 501516 is being added to aid in cardio as Tren really kills my breathing and endurance. The few times I used GW it really helped me to kick ass in cardio while on tren more so than Ephedrine ever did.

I am also supplementing with Ephedrine to help me wake up in the morning and keep me going through out the long days of caring for my kids all day, college classes and running my business. I’m working on a decent sleeping plan as it is necessary for growth but my special needs child keeps me up all night sometimes.

I am also supplementing with my personal brand of CBD Cannabidiol oil to aid in combating depression, Tren anger issues and insomnia. It also aids in bone repair among many other beneficial reasons. I will not speak more about it as I am not a sponsor yet and do not want to disrespect the board or violate rules.


This is just something to consider, but the reality is if you do your due diligence the BMI is a government plan that failed and does not calculate properly. It does not properly take into account my muscle mass vs body fat but it does help with an overall heart health plan. The issue is taking measurements for body fat, bmi and bmr does nothing for a weightlifter that has more muscle than body fat. I'll admit I have more body fat around my organs and on my mid-section and pecs that anywhere else. I provide this info just for shits and giggles because I have used multiple calculators and get drastic results still saying I am morbidly obese. Trying to calculate body fat is a joke without a hydrostatic testing.

This is the before logging picture:




Body Fat 14-28% ! (weight & waist measurement) iffy??? I Bloat from food allergies



BMR w/Activity Factor: moderate activity

BMR w/Activity Factor: high activity

Based on the Broca formula, your ideal weight is 154.37 lbs.
Based on the Devine formula, your ideal weight is 160.94 lbs.
Based on the Robinson formula, your ideal weight is 156.53 lbs.
Based on the Miller formula, your ideal weight is 154.98 lbs.
Based on the Hamwi formula, your ideal weight is 166 lbs.
Based on the Lemmens formula, your ideal weight is 153.33 lbs.
Based on the BMI range formula, your ideal weight is between 128.93 lbs and 174.24 lbs.


Now with the bullshit above in mind, I only want the best me. I want to be the best I can be physically. My goal is subjective only to myself as I am not competing in bodybuilding or sports. I want to be lean, strong and ready to fucking ***inate and decimate anything that stand in between me or my family’s protection if shit ever hit the fan. Besides tossing my 5yr old special son around that is as big as an 8 yr old with a mind of a 1yr old for fun or in an emergency, I want it to be a breeze and not die in exhaustion after a couple steps. I will be going off mirror image and how I feel physical feel and respond to work outs.

The goal is any change in diet will promote a physical change. Including anabolics only speeds up the process and increases muscularity. I plan to actually have a caloric deficit not counting macros or calories per se but be under by 500-1000 calories using my 40+ keto diet nutrition plan I posted in the diet section of the forum. I am cutting out all soda (yeah that’s all I drink... I’m allergic to water ;p). I am also watching what I eat as I cannot ingest any fruit and some main starch vegetables such as potatoes as I have a latex allergy that fucking ruined eating and growing plant based foods! So my diet will actually be pretty fucking restrictive and mainly consist of chicken, fish and some bison with rice, sweet potatoes if I can tolerate it and idk what else just yet. I am staying away from anything dairy sadly so no whey protein for me. I am supplementing with just BCAA and Creatine and possibly eggs for as long as I can tolerate the heart burn for the higher biological availability of protein. Low carb, moderate fat and high protein will be the ideal situation for me.


Workout regimen will consist of 6 days on 1 full day off. 1-1.5hr weight lifting with a 20-30min moderate cardio activity following. I will also conduct core cardio using a medicine ball and sand bag that consist of Tabata & North Carolina's basketball routines most likely daily or every other day to help build core strength and flatten up my mid-section. I like using a mixture of supersets between isolated and compound exercises and utilize what I think are the best:

traps: shrugs and upright rows
shoulders: military press, raises, jammer
chest: incline press, pushups, flys, dips

bi's: hammer curls, concentration, preacher
tri's: tricept extension, bench dip
forearm: wrist curls

quads: squat, lunge,
calves: barbell, weights, standing calf raise
hamstring: lying leg curls

lower back: weighted hyperextensions
middle back: t-bar row, bent over row, one arm long bar row, bent over two arm row, one arm bar bell row, inverted row
Lats: pull ups

Cardio will consist of walking a few mi up and down high grade hills, medicine ball and sand bag routine, stationary bike after workouts and sport plyometrics while working with my special son to lose weight and build his core as well.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2016
I'm stoked to see your results man.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Well I got the fucking flu. Im dying from body aches, the runs and a sinus infection. All the Kids are sick too. I wont be hittinf the weights for maybe 2 more days. Ruined my plans.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2016
Well I got the fucking flu. Im dying from body aches, the runs and a sinus infection. All the Kids are sick too. I wont be hittinf the weights for maybe 2 more days. Ruined my plans.
Damn all bad. Get better soon bro

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Im doped up on 3 bang drinks (900mg caffiene) and 40mg ephedrine right now. Might hit up urgent care and see if i can get some of that purple medicine syrup to help with the bloody nose and body aches. This shit sucks. At least im not really eating so... maybe itll help lmfao


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Hey LV!!! Hope you feel better soon because I’m really interested in seeing your results as the come! I really appreciate all the info you’ve given as well. That really sheds some light on exactly what your doing and why! Also I know this is easy for me to say but some of the best gains you will make are made during workouts when you under the weather. Push through it buddy!!!!Good Luck!!!AR....

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I finally feel better. I can breath and my tonsils are not swollen to where they impede my breathing. I am starting day zero now and will report tomorrow about any PIP or issues. Im hoping it is a smooth easy process. Considering hitting my delts instead of glutes as I think i built up a tremendous amount of scar tissue and callous skin. Only issue for me is i break out with backne if i start pinning my delts usually. Currently my skin is the clearest it has been for almost 5 years and i really do not want it to come back.

Anyways, here we go. I will start the cryo tomorrow. Im just using some ice packs for my pecs and the large ice chest ice cube (bubble wrapp) to place on my abs and obliques for 15-30mins daily.. i'll see if does help or if it was just b.s.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Been busy house shopping and with business. Since the diet change I have been a bit tired and more hangry with the calorie deficit. I am sore as fuck but having good work outs. No PIP or knots, everything was smooth as butter! Very excited to make a quick change and start feeling better mentally and physically.

The cialis has me busy a lot too lmfao

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I am starting to gain strength and feel more pumped up lately. My appetite has increased but have it in check using the ephedrine. I feel like death during cardio but the mental placebo effect of using GW helps me a lot. Horny 24/7 and trying to fuck my wife every chance I get. I need tondrink more water as I am getting muscle cramps in my palms and maybe stressed out as my fucking face feels like it is twitching. Kind of stressed out a out business, school, kids and moving but the work outs are like therapy now.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Jan 13, 2013
Good to see you are back in the saddle bud. Watch out with that stress it can really effect every part of you. I’ll be keeping up with your log as you are very detailed and I always learn something from you. Take care and god bless brother

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Good to see you are back in the saddle bud. Watch out with that stress it can really effect every part of you. I’ll be keeping up with your log as you are very detailed and I always learn something from you. Take care and god bless brother

Thank you for the kind words! It helps to motivate me to keep at it and work out harder.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I am starting to heal quicker from the ***S. I've really been pushing myself to the point of throwing up during workouts with just pure intensity. In about a week or two I will start training in Jiu Jitsu and boxing to supplement more cardio time. Im not sure if it is just my mental state or the gear but if i wasn't on gear, I dont think I would be surviving the physical torture of working out lol. I really want to be back on my A game and I feel that the orals are helping a lot. The injectables should be kicking in right about now, so I am expecting big changes soon.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Today I am feeling great. Like I can lift heavy and it wouldn't feel like shit. Mentally just clear and motivated. Not as sore and really just energized.