Lycan Venom's log

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013

19-nor 400mg weekly 10-12 weeks
DHT 650mg 6 weeks then 300mg 4-6 weeks
TEST 700-800mg weekly 10-12 weeks

Above counts do not factor in esters, so the actual values are lower. I may also fluctuate the amounts based on my body's reaction. If I feel I can make more gains by increasing the amounts of 19-nor I will as well, but I am progesterone prone. I may also lower test, but the 500-700mg is my golden area.

Anti-E nolvadex as needed. 20mg ed for 6 weeks with dbol & adrol to help reduce bloat.

Pct mixture of nolvadex, clomid and 5mg of Dbol 2-4 weeks after end of cycle. I taper down the cycle and let the half life slowly decrease to allow my body time to adjust and slowly increase my natural test production. (Just my personal theory and what works best for me personally) yeah 5mg dbol can help for pct, Ill try to find the medical journal if anyone asks.

Daily orals with grapefruit juice.

Morning Dbol 25mg & Adrol 25mg
Night Dbol 25mg & Adrol 25mg

Pre-workout pin 1hr prior to exercise 4 times a week of:

TNE @ 25mg

Tren A @ 25mg


Sust 350mg
NPP 150mg
EQ 300mg


Sust 350mg
NPP 150mg

This stack has put on a good amount of muscle the past 3 summer cycles. I try my best to listen to my body and apply comon sense, rather than follow a given protocol as every person's body is different. I have a low tolerance for 19-nor AAS as they work great at lower (theraputic) dosages for me.

Current stats:

30 years old
5'11" 220lbs some where between 15-20%BF Calipers say 18%, hand held electrical impedance says 13% but my wife's scale with electrical impedance says 28% lol. Im only concerned with my stomach/waist area, but half way through this cycle it will be where I want it with my diet plan.

Current suit/clothing size:
waist 36-38
Chest high 40's
Arms ?? Maybe 17-18

Not a big fan of taking measurements because Im chasing for the proportionate look. Not to concerned with body fat as long as I am happy with my looks, but i would like to get my 6-8 pack back one day. I dont plan on competing and trying not to injure my shoulder again.

Im coming back from about a 3-4 month hiatus due to a pec/bi/shoulder issue ive had for over 7 years. Did not watch my diet and over enduldged with my kids on junk food and soda. Fortunately I did not gain much body fat and did light cardio once a week.

The NPP, EQ, DBOL & ADROL are from Gear Pro. I can honestly say, there is no PIP. The orals and EQ is already working because im always hungry and eating more than usual.

1st week the pumps were unbearable but I loved and missed it. Have not had pumps this intense for a while. Strength was noticeably increased and it was not a placebo effect. There is already some water retention i suspect as my wife says my arms, chest and cheeks are thicker and pumped. However it is 100+° here is SoCal and Im outside working out and coaching my kids in softball.

I may keep a daily log with my diet and exercise routine but more than likely I will report randomly weekly with whatever info I can share.

Constructive criticism is welcomed as I am always open to learning.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I usually do a 3x5 with increasing weight each set or a pyramid 8,6,4,2,4,6,8 as it's something that worked very good for me during my highschool years and beyond.

This time I will give the old school 10x10 system a shot.

Following exercises include compound and isolation movements (all i can do with my home gym) so that I do not over build/focus on any given muscle group. The concept is to only work one muscle group once a week. Seeing I am using AAS my recuperation period should be quicker and may allow me to hit the groups twice a week.

Cardio will consist of 12lb medicne ball routine or 30lbs sand bag tabata cardio or punching bag work. If possible some sports plyometrics, muay thai & jujitsu.

Will be walking daily or riding a bmx bike up and down the street hills in my neighborhood. Really need to be able to run 3+ mi and will be working on that for the next 6 months.

Traps: shrugs and upright rows

Shoulders: military press, raises, jammer

Chest: Flat bench press, incline bench press, pushups, flys, dips (weighted dips and pushup, dumbell and barbell presses)

bi's: hammer curls, concentration, preacher

quads: squat, lunge, leg extension and leg curl

calves: barbell/weights, standing calf raise
hamstring: lying leg curls

lower back: weighted hyperextensions

middle back: t-bar row, bent over row, one arm long bar row or bent over two arm row, one arm bar bell row, inverted row

Lats: pull ups

tri's: tricept extension, bench dip

forearm: wrist curls

Input always welcomed.

Mon did my first injections and orals. No work out
Tues cardio
Wed chest
Thurs 2nd injections back and arms
Fri cardio
Sat leg
Sun light cardio

Next updates will include more info. As always, all input welcomed as it can only make me better.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Monday starts the 10x10 program. Been eating a lot lately and starting to feel like shit. Not sure if its heat sickness or over eating. Maybe the Adrol, because it usuallybgives me headaches and makes me nauseous.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Alright so the past 2-3 days been feeling like shit. Figured three things. To much test, adrol is working or I am just getting sick from the heat and my wife with the damn freezing AC 24/7. Other possible culprit is appetite because i feel better after eating but i just dont feel hunger anymore. Im a bottomless pit that doesnt feelbhungry or full, i feel numb. My stomach feels full 24/7, im getting heart burn from all the meat.

Did my injections, took my orals and drank my pre work out and actually felt better. Worked out chest today and amazingly my strength increase massively! I could barely do 6 dips and usually woukd fuck up my shoulder and chest. However today I did 3 sets of 10 and no issue with my shoulder. Did my 10x10 chest routine and got a great pump but my muscles are so tense and tight that the exercises actually stretched me out and loosend me up.

Overall of to a great 2nd week and already seeing a difference in muscle composition. Yeah it's most likely water bloat and blood pumps, but i can see my future gains amd I am excited.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Don't know if it will help or not but this whole cycle I've had to hit the cardio religiously or I felt like shit all the time. The extended cardio made all the difference

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Found it hard to come up with the energy to work out. Some how i did and gave it my all. Bicepts, triceps, forearms. Tried to get to shoulders as a bonus but just couldnt feel or use my arms anymore. The pump is fucking insane and i worked out to exhaustion. Took a 2.5mi fast paced walked with 30lb bulgarian sand bag on my shoulders. Finished in 15 mins and the shin and calf pumps hurt so damn bad but its a love hate feeling.

Noticed i started to feel somewhat better today but heartburn, gas and frequent dumps is irritating. Ingesting a lot of food and im sure the orals are fucking me up a little too. Should go away by the 3rd week as with the previous cycles.

I am bloated from carbs and water. Possible estrogen conversion but nothing to be alarmed about as this is normal for me. Once i hit the 7th and 8th week Ill get rid of the water weight and see more definition.

Might be sounding like a jack ass to the vets lol which is why I've never logged my cycles while being a member of the board but im just putting myself out there to share my experience and learn new concepts.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Don't know if it will help or not but this whole cycle I've had to hit the cardio religiously or I felt like shit all the time. The extended cardio made all the difference

I'll keep up the cardio and see how it works out.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Seeimg that i can not edit, ** correction ... it was 1.5 mi in 15 mims NOT 2.5mi lol. **

Taking measurements and post after. Also my diet plan is a mixture of Shelby Starns and John Meadows. Really into organic, grass feed and finished, hormone free, free ranged animal products. Have not been hunting lately but did go sea fishing and caught a lingcod cow 200lbs, and a few 50-80lb yellow fin tunas. Love Bison and want to try gator tail haha.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Alright so feeling like a small fat ass even though im really not a round tub of lard and people make positive comments about my size.

Chest under arm pits relaxed not including lats flexed 49"
Shoulder/chest circumference 54"
Bi/tri 17"
Forearm 12.5" need work
Neck 17"
Ham/quad a measly 26" need to improve a lot
Calves 16"
waist measured at 41" but a size 38 is a good fit with a belt when a 36 is snugg. Not blaming bloat but my own diet and lack of training.

Taking measurements makes me feel small but as long as im chasing the proportionate look and get close, I'll be happy.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Today inhad to take off and rest. Woke up with a lump on the underside where the tricep meets the elbow. Big ass lump and sore. Chest, arms and shoulders are aching with Doms.

Just ate a lot of carbs and protien. Drank a lot of water. No cardio as i want my body to utilize all the energy to healing. I work from home now and it has been slow lately, so i napped. Forgot to mention ive been napping throughout the padt week daily to possibly stimulate natural gh but just an excuse to be lazy.

Wife might be going into labor tonight. Baby was due on the 16th but measured last week and was told he is big enough to come out on the past 5th. Just a waiting game.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
The volume you have in training you will need naps.
If you ever feel out f it, insomnia and rapid heart rate it's a sign of CNS over stimulation. Thats the part before over training.

Log looks good! Just eat and rest.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Thanks psych, that makes a lot of sense now. Really appreciate you chiming in because ive been feeling out of it and random rapid heart beat. Just constantly tired spouts where I crash out.

Even with the tren at a low dose, I have been having very vivid and lucid dreams but no night sweats.

Going to hit legs today and will post again after.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Had to take yesterday off to prep the car and house for my newborn. Wife is about to pop anytime now. Woke up feeling amazing and upper body not as sore. Biceps started to get stiff and contract and have doms. Tricep that was swollen went down and no pain.

However last night i did my injections. Idk why, but both of my glutes are fucking killing me. Possibly to many injections, too much volume or my npp and tne crashed. Have lumps and it sucks trying to sleep or sit and once in a great while it feels like i put pressure on my sciatic nerve where my leg goes numb for a second.

Other than that, i bumped up my tren and npp by 200mg today in my delts. Hit my leg routine and murdered my legs. Wife thought i was busting a nut or smashed a nut from my grunts due to the intense pumps during my sets. I was making love to my weight set lol.

Oh, also after my injections of the extra npp, tren and tne, my orals and the nolvadex, I started to get nauseous and felt out of it. Hit the weights feeling like shit again but gave it my all still. Took a shower and ate and felt better.

When I get that sick feeling it almost feels like my body is telling me it needs carbohydrates. Protien does not cut it but if i eat high carbs i instantly feel better. Is it in my head or is there something to it?

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Psych, maybe i am not eating enough. I am tearing up bread, pasta, beans, rice and what ever else comes my way but i guess ill have to increase the amount. I was trying to keep it a lean clean bulk but i guess my body is not having it. Thank you for the input as it is always appreciated.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Been waiting for someone to say somethimg about fishimg and the 200lb lingcod... I've never seen one that big and wanted to pull a leg but no one bit. The one i got was only 20lbs.

Been eating so much everyone is noticing. Ordered myself two meals from red robin and was looked at like i had an eating disorder. Feeling much better simce increasing my food intake.

Strength has not really increased and thinking about switching up my orginal work out plan. Maybe double up on the dbol and adrol because by now 3rd week in I usually have bigger arms and calves. As of right now, i have not gained any weight and look the same, no bloat really, and no massive-ness look as with prior cycles. Guessing my workout, cardio, diet and compound amount be affecting this cycles results.

Saturday was leg day. Was sore until today.

Sunday I had off as i had no access to weights and the weekend was dedicated to my daughter's softball allstar tournament. She received MVP for every game but lost the tournament.

Yesterday was chest day but did not have the strength i had last week. Pretty sure it was due to lack of energy. I slept amazing last night and slept in until 10am. I work from home and set my own hours but work is slow.

Today is going to be back and bicep routine. Thinking of not following through with the 10x10 and possibly my tried and true 3x5 with increasing weight each set. I always seem to grow on that but the last time i did 10x10 i had a good build going.

Maybe im just to anxious and expect to see fast results when i need to be realistic and wait.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Been waiting for someone to say somethimg about fishimg and the 200lb lingcod... I've never seen one that big and wanted to pull a leg but no one bit. The one i got was only 20lbs.

Been eating so much everyone is noticing. Ordered myself two meals from red robin and was looked at like i had an eating disorder. Feeling much better simce increasing my food intake.

Strength has not really increased and thinking about switching up my orginal work out plan. Maybe double up on the dbol and adrol because by now 3rd week in I usually have bigger arms and calves. As of right now, i have not gained any weight and look the same, no bloat really, and no massive-ness look as with prior cycles. Guessing my workout, cardio, diet and compound amount be affecting this cycles results.

Saturday was leg day. Was sore until today.

Sunday I had off as i had no access to weights and the weekend was dedicated to my daughter's softball allstar tournament. She received MVP for every game but lost the tournament.

Yesterday was chest day but did not have the strength i had last week. Pretty sure it was due to lack of energy. I slept amazing last night and slept in until 10am. I work from home and set my own hours but work is slow.

Today is going to be back and bicep routine. Thinking of not following through with the 10x10 and possibly my tried and true 3x5 with increasing weight each set. I always seem to grow on that but the last time i did 10x10 i had a good build going.

Maybe im just to anxious and expect to see fast results when i need to be realistic and wait.
Lol, I thought it was either a typo or he got into your dbol