Looking decent is hard to come by now days?

Captain Canuck

Registered User
Oct 9, 2005
Up North
Call me a bastard. God damn it, call me an as s!

Might as well,

I remember being out with some people once, and one of the girls with us happened to be a fat girl. These hot girls walked by, and the guys and myself were drooling, absulte hotties. The words to describe it were like 'wow, look at that, nice!". Now as you expected, the fat girl gets upset, and says something along the lines of, "oh, they're a bunch of sluts, look at what they're wearing!".

The obvious fact was that the fat girl can't wear clothes like that, and if she did, it would be so disgusting, that terrorists would crash planes into her. Jealous fat girls have been ruining it for us men, as they have demanded to be able to wear hot girl clothes, revealing clothes, have a face of fat people in advertising, and modeling. This works out good for them, but not for anyone else.

It's unfortunate that I have to walk down the street and see a 300lb girl in a skirt, and tight tank-top. Looking like a cross dressing Santa Claus is not cool. i admit, there are things that I don't look good in, so I don't wear them, and I don't plan to wear them. I think it boils down to pride, if you have no pride in yourself and how you look, how do you think other people look at you like? You're not fat because you want to be, you are fat because you don't want to do anything about it. Not many people find it sexy, and dressing sexy is just adding insult to injury.

The obesity rate is very high in North America, and it is starting to look like we are going to be in some sort of fatty crisis soon. Hot girls are getting harder to come by, and even strip joints are starting to look like a pornographic Weight Watchers before ad. Ladies, no one is saying that you have to look ugly, or dress bad, we're just asking that you dress appropriately. If it looks like you are smuggling water buffalos under your shirt, maybe that shirt is too small. Just because it's made out of a material that streches, small, may just not be your size. Remember a push up, is an excercise, a push up out of the couch is how you begin your trip to the fridge.

I'm not saying that i'm Mr. Perfect, but at least I don't go out looking like a joke.

It's better to have people laughing with you, than at you.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2005
dressing appropriately is a matter of personal taste...when people tell me that I am not dressed appropriately I wanta slug them...who are you or they to tell me how to dress

as for the fat...hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm...not my cuppa, but ive struggled with weight most of my life, so I am not gonna throw stones...its just too easy...throwing stones at bigger targets that is....LOL



Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
100% agree Captain. I wish I had more time to respond right now! Maybe tonight.

Captain Canuck said:
Call me a bastard. God damn it, call me an as s!

Might as well,

I remember being out with some people once, and one of the girls with us happened to be a fat girl. These hot girls walked by, and the guys and myself were drooling, absulte hotties. The words to describe it were like 'wow, look at that, nice!". Now as you expected, the fat girl gets upset, and says something along the lines of, "oh, they're a bunch of sluts, look at what they're wearing!".

The obvious fact was that the fat girl can't wear clothes like that, and if she did, it would be so disgusting, that terrorists would crash planes into her. Jealous fat girls have been ruining it for us men, as they have demanded to be able to wear hot girl clothes, revealing clothes, have a face of fat people in advertising, and modeling. This works out good for them, but not for anyone else.

It's unfortunate that I have to walk down the street and see a 300lb girl in a skirt, and tight tank-top. Looking like a cross dressing Santa Claus is not cool. i admit, there are things that I don't look good in, so I don't wear them, and I don't plan to wear them. I think it boils down to pride, if you have no pride in yourself and how you look, how do you think other people look at you like? You're not fat because you want to be, you are fat because you don't want to do anything about it. Not many people find it sexy, and dressing sexy is just adding insult to injury.

The obesity rate is very high in North America, and it is starting to look like we are going to be in some sort of fatty crisis soon. Hot girls are getting harder to come by, and even strip joints are starting to look like a pornographic Weight Watchers before ad. Ladies, no one is saying that you have to look ugly, or dress bad, we're just asking that you dress appropriately. If it looks like you are smuggling water buffalos under your shirt, maybe that shirt is too small. Just because it's made out of a material that streches, small, may just not be your size. Remember a push up, is an excercise, a push up out of the couch is how you begin your trip to the fridge.

I'm not saying that i'm Mr. Perfect, but at least I don't go out looking like a joke.

It's better to have people laughing with you, than at you.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
You know what he meant!

healthfreak said:
I disagree obesity shouldnt be illegal. because most of us are considered obese. obese is when your bmi is over a certain amount. obesity has nothing to do with bf %.
I think obese and super high bf% combined should be illegal.


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
Dont get me wrong, unlike IMDAMAN, i do not enjoy seeing fat girls in tight or revealing shit. I even really dont like looking at people who dont take care of themselves. But its all about personal style and their confidence. The big girls hate on the hot girls saying they look slutty, while the hot girls make fun of their weight. When it comes to style, im either professional for work, pretty boy when i go out to those type of bars, but mainly country boy and i know people are like look at this hick. Too bad they dont say it, lol.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2005
I disagree obesity shouldnt be illegal. because most of us are considered obese. obese is when your bmi is over a certain amount. obesity has nothing to do with bf %.
I think obese and super high bf% combined should be illegal.

The BMI thing doesn't really work, especially for us, but obesity means having way too much fat.

I was being a bit extreme there but I was just trying to make a comparison between doing steroids and being overfat. Both can be bad for your health but steroid abuse isn't an epidemic like obesity.

Maybe a better idea is to handle obesity like alcoholism or drug abuse where there are rehab centers for people who are super fat.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
I know in my dietetics classes they always talk about the bmi like its a gift from god. shit my bmi is already 29.5 and am almost considered obese. yet my bf is always under 10%. they need some sort of bmi that takes in to account muscle mass and bf.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
I agree

healthfreak said:
I know in my dietetics classes they always talk about the bmi like its a gift from god. shit my bmi is already 29.5 and am almost considered obese. yet my bf is always under 10%. they need some sort of bmi that takes in to account muscle mass and bf.

BMI is a worthless piece of shit and everytime a health professional tells me what mine is I feel like I have to educate him or her about how my time is being wasted with the BMI info. If you're athletic BMI is pure bullshit.