Jeff Black...The Biggest Inspiration Ever!


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
Jeff Black is a real life superhero! Jeff is a member at PM and AnaSCI (JBlack). His story is incredible and at this time, he is truly one of a kind!

Jeff has a brittle bone disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI for short). He is a type 4 moderate to severe. To give you an idea of what this means, when he was 11 years old, walking through the store with his mom, his leg broke...Yes, just from walking. That's how brittle this disease makes your bones!! For Jeff to achieve what he has, is mind blowing. My fiance and I are members of the OI Foundation. Her brother had a very severe form and died at the age of 38 from respiratory issues. The foundation holds a conference every other year. We along with her mom attend...They've been going a lot longer than myself. The community is great and everyone is inspirational in there own way. I had just come back from the conference in 2010 when Jeff posted an article that RX Muscle did with him. I was blown away, seeing what he had achieved. We've been friends since then. At the end of this month, July, we'll finally get to meet for the first time at this years conference in Indianapolis. We're looking forward to hanging out and training together!

Jeff just competed this last weekend at the Flex Lewis show. Here's an interview that Flex did with Jeff.

Interview with Inspirational Bodybuilder, Jeff Black | FLEX Online

Here is a link to the article that RX Muscle did with him.

Jeff Black: He Breaks, But Comes Back!


Jun 10, 2013
That's what you call passion and love for the sport. Doing something that could either break your limbs just by walking or worse


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
What Jeff has accomplished by building up the muscle around the bone and strengthening the bone itself, is beyond remarkable. At this point, doctor's don't know of anyone else like him...He shouldn't have been able to do what he did. His determination, which is an understatement, has forged new ground in a severe disease!


Sep 17, 2003
Jblack is a good guy! Solid member here and at PM. Great story, thanks for sharing Bio!


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
Take a look at this thread that I just put up over at PM...Jeff Black - Be Your Own Hero! - Professional Muscle

Jeff and I were at the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation Conference this past weekend in Indianapolis, Indiana. In the thread, I posted pictures I took of Jeff when he spoke to the kids and teenagers with OI. I also posted a pic of Jeff and I. Enjoy and please leave a positive comment in that thread!


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
I just wanted to bump this thread for its incredible inspiration and be sure to check out the thread at PM as well!...Jeff Black - Be Your Own Hero! - Professional Muscle

Here is a link to Jeff's blog. He hasn't updated it since September but what's there is worth reading! I know Jeff is preparing for a show right now.

Be Unbreakable | Strength. Courage. Heart. Spirit.

I wanted to mention some facts that I left out...

Jeff has had 97 fractures in his lifetime.

At a very young age, he was told he would never walk again. The doctors told his mother to decorate his wheel chair...It would help him accept it.

Jeff has a son that does not have OI...BUT...Not long ago, an ex-girlfriend contacted him and let him know he had a three year old son who does have OI. The son without OI is the older of the two.
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Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
Jeff's accomplishments despite OI are a hurdle that no one else with the disease has ever accomplished. As profound as that is, I want to address other incredible hurdles that he overcame. I wouldn't address this in an open forum but in 2011 Jeff posted a thread making it known...The thread is call "A Reflection"...Here's the transcript of the thread...

"So I felt a need to share this openly...do not know why in all honesty, but here goes...

After Nationals in October I was truthful a little depressed with my placing, I guess I was more depressed with how I watched from weigh in's to the show the next day my condition get worse, but I am sure it was my nerves and just in all honesty to be there on that stage was a dream come true to me.

When I arrived back from Nationals I made some changes to some things and began talking with Shelby at length and training DC style in order to try and spark some growth in my legs. Also in this time I took part as a small owner of a gym and owning the training company inside of the gym. So I bit off a whole bunch and began to watch my passion for training subside a bit..I think it was me finding a new challenge of turning a gym around and making it profitable and just me doing 5 plus shows over 10months span.

SO anyway, my dad died two weeks ago...and I have not talked to him since 2004..so I got this phone call from his best friend who never agreed with the role my dad took in my life saying he had passed. Well with his death comes everything I ever shoved away...the breaking my arms when I was in a full body cast to teach me a lesson, the pushing me down the stairs when I was 4 because he thought I was a pussy, the molestation...etc. I purposely put things away because I never wanted to look back.

New Years Eve (Fitting day) I get a letter in the mail from him. Basically how I was a beautiful mind but tons of wasted potential and a disapointment and weak. In turn I pondered a lot..and I came to the conclusion of why I love this fucking sport so damn much. I get to ESCAPE reality and become someone else in this world. I realize we all have our challenges and our own demons that chase us..I wanted to share this because we can be whoever whenever and forever. Never forget that about what tie that binds us all.

Thanks for letting me share..it had no point I guess, but just a reflection of some things that make us tick and pursue the challenge that building ourselves brings.

Hope 2011 is great for all of you and I look forward to sharing our journeys in this year."

I want to keep this thread positive but since Jeff has been honest about what happened to him as a child, I wanted everyone to see the other hurdles that he has overcome in this life. What his father did to him is something that goes beyond words. This past weekend Jeff shared some of those stories with me. We were eating and he said, "There's something I'll share with you but you might want to put your cheeseburger down." He was right...I wasn't ready for what I heard...But, at that moment, it made his accomplishments even more profound. To see Jeff today...The kind of person he is along with all of his physical accomplishments, is a testament to man that is driven beyond any other that I have ever come across. Peoples live's have crashed and burned for much less than what he was faced with!

Do me a favor, don't make any comments about Jeff's dad...I don't want to ruin an amazing thread...Instead, take the time to say something positive to Jeff!


Apr 27, 2013

he is so strong mentally, i dunno if i will still weight train if my bones are so brittle :(
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New member
Aug 10, 2015
It's really inspired some people but for me it's a kind of risking my life for something that my family would regret after my death.


Oct 27, 2012
I've gonna back and forth with Jeff off the boards. He was texting me while I was in the hospital... Dude is a hella nice guy!

He is the definition of perseverance.

Those talking about risks, life is about taking calculated risks. Training versus high impact sports are two different things... Hell, I'll bet his training helps strengthen his bones as strength training been shown to benefit the elderly by helping prevent osteoporosis.

Jeff is the man!


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
I've gonna back and forth with Jeff off the boards. He was texting me while I was in the hospital... Dude is a hella nice guy!

He is the definition of perseverance.

Those talking about risks, life is about taking calculated risks. Training versus high impact sports are two different things... Hell, I'll bet his training helps strengthen his bones as strength training been shown to benefit the elderly by helping prevent osteoporosis.

Jeff is the man!

I'm glad you guys are in contact! You're both very inspirational!!